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Status Updates posted by Twister92

  1. Hey - saw your pokemon team - I'm pretty impressed. I like how you have several of the major types covered.

  2. I doing fine. Yeah, it's been a while but I do definitely remember you.

  3. Hello. I take it you are a big fan of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Hmm.

    Best. Game. Ever.

  4. I will be after tomorrow. I'll be leaving on a plane and flying up to Missouri to go to a summer camp. I'm very excited!

  5. Hi Turakii #1, I tried to reply to your message...but it said your inbox was full. @_@

    -God bless.-

  6. Happy St.Valentine's Day, my dear sister in Christ.

  7. Jedi Gali-Glory to God in the Highest, and Peace to His People on Earth!

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Merry Christmas! Glory to God in the Highest, and Peace to his People on Earth!

  9. Nikira-Merry Christmas. Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on Earth.

  10. You're welcome.

  11. Wow...you're really cool. I simply love your art.

    The thing that really impresses me, though, is where you talk about apologizing to other people. You're correct. We certainly need to do our part to be reconciled with other people.

    Keep going on, and don't ever give up.

    God bless,


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