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About Twister92

  • Birthday 06/12/1992

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Starkville, Mississippi
  • Interests
    I believe in and love the Lord Jesus Christ; as an Apostolic-Pentecostal, I believe He is God. I also love my family, my friends, and my beloved country America.

    I am a second-year-senior in Professional Meteorology at Mississippi State University, and my big temporal passion in life is severe weather. I love storm chasing, as well as otherwise seeking and photographing all manner of weather, nature, and landscapes, and eventually I hope to photograph the stars. Volcanoes have been a rival passion to meteorology and severe weather as I grew up, and at one time I wanted to be a volcanologist; interestingly, I'm not the person in meteorology with this backstory. I'm also near-obsessively interested in carwashes, and - like weather and volcanoes - have been since I was a little kid. When I'm older, I hope to open a tunnel carwash company.

    It should go without saying that I enjoy Bionicle, at one time to the point of obsession. I first was introduced to it in the fall of 2001, when I was nine; and in my teen years, I spent many hours on the living room floor building MOCs. I highly look forward to resuming this vaguely-organized chaos with the return of Bionicle in 2015.

    I like to write, as well as draw by pencil and compose/arrange music via a MIDI editor known as KB Piano. Most of my creative endeavors involve a couple series of books I am writing: one is a coming-of-age novel series detailing a college student and his friends' adventures as they reach adulthood; and the other series is in a dystopian future United States (the themes akin to those of 1984, Star Wars, and Red Dawn, as well as the Hunger Games).

    For entertainment purposes, I mostly enjoy video games, mainly the core Nintendo franchises: Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, and Kirby. I've played and enjoyed Halo before, though I no longer play it as much as I used to. Out of these, however, Zelda and Pokémon are my favorites. I also consider myself a brony, that is to say, I enjoy the current My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series.

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  1. I hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day! God bless!


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