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Artemis Centauri Fowl II

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About Artemis Centauri Fowl II

  • Birthday 08/03/1997

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    Christmas Eve!!!
  • Interests
    Hello! This is a short announcement before the real thing!
    I will hopefully working on a RPG. Anyone who visits my page is allowed to join. Anyone who doesn't visit my page can join. An otter can join for all I care! I had originally planned it to be ancient greek.... but now.........JURASSIC PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is free to dah public........ of BZP. Well, now that it over, enjoy!

    Since Old Sun never copyrighted this....

    Real Name: Corey
    Species: Human
    Status: Evil
    Location: One of my 12 bases
    Height: Oh, a little above 5 feet, perhaps?
    Weight: ... Who wants to know, eh?
    Siblings: 2 (22 year old sister, annoying 18 year old brother)
    Occupation: Supreme Ruler, Admiral, Assistant Commander
    Religion: None.
    Intelligence; IQ: 900 (I wish)
    Geekieness: 4.2 on a scale of 1-10.
    Coolness: 6.6 on a scale of 1-10.
    Evil: 100% on a scale of 1-10%
    Cuteness when needed: 100% on a scale of 1-10%

    About me:

    My Interests are singing Cascada songs (thank you LOS), Watching Hogans Hero's on TV land (it rocks), reading LOS's comedies, playing on my N64, taking over the world and making my servants get me Cascada music. Lol jk. I do though enjoy Cascada, Rick Astley or whatever his name is, and my mom gets ABBA ( dancing queen, mama mia, Fernando, etc.) stuck in my head.

    :(... oh well.

    As you could probably tell (When I was TAKODOX=#1) , my favorite character is Takadox (~Credit to Ka-Chan for personal picture~). I also like Vamprah, Thok, and Krika.

    My Favorite song is (by ABBA) is 'Gimme, gimme, gimme (A man after midnight) I will post lyrics. Everyone's doing it, an I'm no minority. Here they are! MAKE SURE TO READ AFTER THE SONGS. I REPEAT, IMPORTANT STUFF AFTER THREE SONGS!

    Half past twelve
    And I'm watching the late show in my flat all alone
    How I hate to spend the evening on my own
    Autumn winds
    Blowing outside my window as I look around the room
    And it makes me so depressed to see the gloom
    There's not a soul out there
    No one to hear my prayer

    Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
    Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away
    Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
    Take me through the darkness to the break of the day

    Movie stars
    Find the end of the rainbow, with a fortune to win
    It's so different from the world I'm living in
    Tired of T.V.
    I open the window and I gaze into the night
    But there's nothing there to see, no one in sight
    There's not a soul out there
    No one to hear my prayer

    Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
    Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away
    Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
    Take me through the darkness to the break of the day

    Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight...
    Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight...

    There's not a soul out there
    No one to hear my prayer

    Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
    Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away
    Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
    Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
    Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
    Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away
    Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight
    Take me through the darkness to the break of the day
    Of course I don't mind Never Gonna Give You Up.
    Were no strangers to love
    You know the rules and so do i
    A full commitments what I'm thinking of
    You wouldn't get this from any other guy

    I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
    Gotta make you understand

    * never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

    We've know each other for so long
    Your hearts been aching
    But you're too shy to say it
    Inside we both know whats been going on
    We know the game and were gonna play it

    And if you ask me how I'm feeling
    Don't tell me you're too blind to see

    (* repeat)

    Give you up. give you up
    Give you up, give you up
    Never gonna give
    Never gonna give, give you up
    Never gonna give
    Never gonna give, five you up

    I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
    Gotta make you understand

    I really need to learn this one....


    I'm singing in the rain
    Just singing in the rain
    What a glorious feelin'
    I'm happy again
    I'm laughing at clouds
    So dark up above
    The sun's in my heart
    And I'm ready for love
    Let the stormy clouds chase
    Everyone from the place
    Come on with the rain
    I've a smile on my face
    I walk down the lane
    With a happy refrain
    Just singin',
    Singin' in the rain

    Dancin' in the rain
    Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah
    Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah
    I'm happy again!
    I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain!

    I'm dancin' and singin' in the rain...

    Why am I smiling
    And why do I sing?
    Why does September
    Seem sunny as spring?
    Why do I get up
    Each morning and start?
    Happy and head up
    With joy in my heart
    Why is each new task
    A trifle to do?
    Because I am living
    A life full of you.

    Now for an endless array of Cascada....

    I'm waiting for the night,
    Drifting away,
    On the waves of my dreams,
    To another day.

    I'm standing on a hill,
    And beyond the clouds,
    The wind is blowing still and catching my doubts.

    I'm hunting all the night,
    A slave to my dream,
    An illustrated scene descends in the steam.

    We're playing for the vine,
    Emotional games.
    I'm turning off my eyes and hiding my shame.

    A never ending dream, a dream of you,
    I believe I received a sign of you.
    Tonight I wanna hide my feelings too,
    As you do when I wanna be with you.

    A never ending dream, a dream of you,
    I believe I received a sign of you,
    Tonight I wanna hide my feelings too,
    As you do when I wanna be with you.


    I'm waiting for the night,
    Drifting away,
    On the waves of my dreams to another day.

    I'm standing on a hill,
    And beyond the clouds,
    The wind's blowing still,
    And catching my doubts.

    I'm watching all the flowers dying away,
    In heated breath of life at the dawning day.
    I'm waking up in spring and kissing your face,
    A sweet and breathing thing, I feel your embrace.

    A never ending dream(echo-echo)

    A never ending dream, a dream of you,
    I believe I received a sign of you.
    Tonight I wanna hide my feelings too,
    As you do when I wanna be with you.

    A never ending dream, a dream of you,
    I believe I received a sign of you.
    Tonight I wanna hide my feelings too,
    As you do when I wanna be with you.


    A never ending dream, a dream of you,
    I believe I received a sign of you.
    Tonight I wanna hide my feelings too,
    As you do when I wanna be with you.

    Now for a parade of quotes that I pester my mom with. ^-^

    "In soviet Russia, ......"
    "IMA FIRIN M.AH LAZER!!!!!!"
    "Aww, c***"
    "It sucks." *still have no clue where it came from*
    "How big can it be? *gets pulled back into huge room by an enormous tentacle*"
    "How YOU doin?"
    "I got a bad feeling about this.."
    "Get off my plane"
    "Let me show you what I am used to."
    "Shoot the monkey?"
    *In response to the one above* "It's a- never mind. If I can't have it, no one can."
    "Fly little fairy. Tell your friends Artemis Fowl II says hello."
    "This... is not a lemur."
    "Pixies rock hard, PIXIE EXTREME ROCK!"
    "I'm sure he'll be disconfiddled."
    "Three little toa, soaring through the blue-one choked on shadows, and then there were two."

    "Listen, just because we hate each other, and would do anything to see each other banned, doesn't mean we can beat each other sensless!"-- Me

    And my motto is.....
    "You live you learn. You die... you don't."

    Now for books. I absolutely adore them. I encourage everyone out there, young, old. Short, tall. Smart, dumb. Strong, weak. Guy, girl. Anyone. Read them. They enhance your creativity, and open your mind to new things. My favorites happen to be Artemis Fowl (series) the Alex Rider series, and not to mention House of the Scorpion. As you can see, I enjoy 300-something page books. I recommend all of the above, plus the Pendragon series (even though I've read only the first book).

    If you need to email me about something that you cannot discuss on BZPower, you can catch me at : takadox@optonline.net : I'm always there, and feel free to say anything and everything. 24/7.

    I am a fanatic of drawing. I mainly create a whole array of characters, maybe a couple buildings, and then move on to something else. As a friend said, "Art makes the world go round. Wheeee...." XD
    10/14/08; UPDATE: I have started Manga Artemis Fowl just yesterday, as I was awestruck and inspired by the videos on a site which name I cannot mention. I will post logs here, so be on the look out!

    Manga AF: 10/13/08-Day 1: Body, limbs, head, face, suit, suit detail, hair, pants
    10/14/08-Day 1: Belt, beginning pants detail, both feet, both hands, and his cell-phone in one, sock detail.
    10/30/08-Day 3: I am taking a picture of uncolored Arty.

    If anyone lives in Connecticut, please tell me! We might even go to the same school! *cough*MMS*cough*

    I have a brickshelf file under the name of Takadox1. If you want to check it out sometime in the future, that would be nice.

    I am currently in an epic battle between Jean Havoc who is sided with BSMS!. I have just p'owned them by kicking them off a cliff into lava, shooting Jean in the fibula and tarsals, plunging a sword down Brutaka Stole My Ship!'s throat, and blowing up the cliff I kicked them into lava off of, while sending the nuclear bomb back to them, or rather.. what's left of them. Thank you.

    Must.... see....... Alien series...... *twitch* Jurrasic Park is a favorite of mine. If you like it too, feel free to PM me about it.

    Mixtar, if you are reading this, I suspect that you are goofing off instead of replying to the next part of the Epic Battle.... Chapter 8, right? Yeah..... Chapter 8: How to Kill a Great Spirit.... *cough* Well, hurry up!!!!!!!!

    Artemis Fowl! "Fly little fairy. Tell your friends Artemis Fowl II says hello."

    I think I'm really desperate if I'm posting so much on my profile..... Well, we're getting to the end....

    Now for the mushy *cough-kinda-cough* stuff. I'd would like to thank the following, and appreciate everything the do. (or at least the first one :p ) Special thanks to Lord of Shadows, commonly known as LOS, who has introduced me to Cascada, My dad, who somewhat introduced me to Hogans Hero's, and you, weak minded being, who is going to test out my incinerator, which as you read is silently starting up to rip apart your molecules and reduce you to a smoldering pile of ash and debree... *Hint: I would be running*... "Ciao!" *snaps fingers and several explosions occur, blowing up the room, most likely destroying the lazer and you*

    Over 1,660 words!

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  1. oh I was just looking at your page and you commented on mine...

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