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About KataVoriki

  • Birthday 08/10/1992

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Finland, Haapajärvi
  • Interests
    HELLO!! I make now Takua comics! Takua is my HERO MATORAN because he is than me. He is shy, curious and happy!!!!!! YOU LOOK!!!!Here in Finland is 1.6. as there in America is 31.5.
    I have be correct? I am bad in English, because.... I am in Finland. Sorry!
    I like Toa Voriki and Tahu. Toa Vorikis power is lightning. .....
    Toa Vorikis web site is: Bionicle7
    My two email is kata.ylikoski@luukku.com
    Finland is loser country, Finland is curt country. You dodn´t go to Europe and Finland. ->->->I COMMEND!!!!!<-<-<-<-

    but I am nice girl and I love America, because you have there thus hospitable!!=)=)<3<3<3<3<3
    My best country is America, Boston.

    I LIKE MUSIC; TECHNO!<3 My best music is The Bionicle music. It is my!! And my two best music is Stronger-Kanye West and Hardes better faster stronger-Daft Punk. Robot music.... Yes but THATS IT?

    The Bionicle music says;
    Radio girl, radio girl....
    All the radio... we can yeall, we can yeall... s,s email, she is my radio girl.... she dont are this in world. And so more!
    MY MUSICS ARE: The Bionicle music, Kumo rock, Hura Mafa Flow, Stronger, Harder better faster stronger, Any Day Now-DanceNet8, Ukkosen Toa( My sing), Basic Element- I´ll Never Let You Know, Grazy Frog, Nightwish, Rihanna- Dont stop the music and Umbrella, Basshunter, Celine Dion-Let´s Talk About Love....
    My is two MP3, 1 CD-player, radio and plaa, plaa, plaa...ZZZZZZZZZZ=D From Kate<3<3<3<3<3 I LOVE YOU TOA TAHU, Bionicle, robots and BZPower forum!!!<3<3<3<3
    AND My lovely BZPower forum friendlist, I love....->

    SORRY EVERYBODY<---<---<---@)
    I dod`t look sends personal messages. This is error! But my comments I can look and my E-mail address: kata.ylikoski@windowslive.com
    Come Finland messenger, I like yourse!!<3<3<3
    From he: Toa Voriki, Toa of Energy; me Kate!=S/HE

    P.S. My Kata name is to Finland and my Kate name is to England!!=DHi!

    I want know all people!! I like(love) BZPower! Bionicle is my intimate talk here to Finland because all people pester grow me. So I tell everybody that Finland is bad country!=( I hate most familyhome Kotikartano!
    Okey, okey... Sorry,I say much but i not flatter!=D I am like this.<3<3<3<3<3
    For BZP and Toa Voriki: My singing, Stronger.

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