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Status Updates posted by xXTakaruXx

  1. I just read that. I didnt know turakkii #1 lava surfer was you daughter

  2. you have a daughter? she is very cute

  3. genius has struck and gave me a cracked skull!!! he should be called bunny

  4. I just call him bundalings

  5. I named my cat after you lol

  6. My spleen!!111!!!!

  7. your a new member...welcome

  8. 8goes kaboom by weight of the cake* that was...awesome

  9. oh I was just looking at your page and you commented on mine...

  10. if this is a chat room than check out my profile

  11. he is very cool with majoras mask and he decided not to use it because I showed him this *pulls out buster sword*

  12. woah,you are a secret agent member

  13. *pulls out buster sword*you should think twice before you do that

  14. donn use majoras mask!! *stares at you in a disturbing way*

  15. youre not going to use majoras mask on me are you? eek

  16. I cant even find my comment but whatever it was im 99.999.999.999%sure i was kidding :) no hard feelings

  17. awesome personal pic, zack is awesome you should do cloud next :)

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