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Makuta Luroka

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Everything posted by Makuta Luroka

  1. Dimensioneer logs back on and sees this, doesn't see the [/sarc] at the end of the post.
  2. I think Krekka wants to go. Gavram should take care of that.
  3. Like that reference to Soran's comics there.
  4. Remember that when a matoran becomes a toa, *usually* they look like they believe a toa looks like. Maybe the matoran saw Krekka and decided a toa should look like that to be able to match him?
  5. I like how you gave him the "hulk out" build without killing the proportions or making it look like just giving him thick armor. Lego has been notorious for this, and Gavram has avoided this. I also really like the color scheme. It and his physique both fit my idea of a toa of iron.
  6. Yeah, I think using a mahiki to shapeshift just doesn't work in a platform fighter, considering it's not actual shapeshifting. Your suggestion for a rahkshi of shapeshifting seems like it would work, though.
  7. At the moment? Nothing except fuel your lust for mindless murder with no repercussions (except being mindlessly murdered in return, then doing it all over again). The game versions are called "alpha" simple because this is actually still not a fully functional game. I'm slow, I know.If you go to the right side of Ta-Koro you can find a trigger that spawns the Toa Mata for you to fight... though the current programming means that they will often hit each other as much as they will hit you. Friendly fire is bad for this. The toa keep stealing my kills.
  8. Thankfully ABS action figures aren't as fragile as Bayformers, and hey, they don't suffer from GPS either!
  9. Yeah, same as what I just mentioned. It's so hard for me to make good mocs now. I used to have so many sets. Meanwhile, back at the topic, I like how smooth all of the designs are. So much more awesome than the sets. And I think the "prime" Likus can be called prime for more than one reason.
  10. Done that, have been killed by friendly fire though.
  11. I have seen many mocs with T-bar knuckles, Never touched one. However, I believe that, in my case, the way you used those little "squid clip/exo force hands" to clip on the knuckles might be feasible, though I would probably need more exo force arms.
  12. My question is this: How does everyone have exo force arm fingers? I have so many exo force arms, but no means of connecting them.
  13. I do agree that there are a few gaps, and that his biceps are looking a bit wimpy... Oh well, at least I added half a thornax launcher as armor on the forearm. I can honestly say that I am proud of its size. I have a vintage 15 inch Darth Vader figure that could give a G.I.Joe a run for his money, and to build a moc that looks down on him and still looks good is an accomplishment for me.
  14. Haha! I laughed so hard when I transformed into the pyro exo in Ta-koro.
  15. Great mocs. I absolutely loved the one with the corrupted black arm. And I caught that homestuck reference. The last one was also really cool. I also love the swift looking design of the one before that.
  16. It seems I now have 404 posts

    1. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Humorously enough, While I was posting this on my phone, I recieved a 404 error.

    2. Lemony Lepid
    3. Hexann
  17. It seems I now have 404 posts

  18. Well now I've gotten around to taking some photos. This is my makuta self-MOC, Malignus. Shot of his head Comparison with 18 inch ruler Dark outline Another headshot "selfie" Challenging Kopaka Edit: a few more miscellaneous detail shots: NOTE: These are somewhat old. I haven't changed anything major, and I simply haven't gotten around to retaking all those pictures. Changes I've made since taking those pictures are as follows: Those joints connecting the back of the thighs to his back have been flipped inwards. * The black metru legs on his forearms have been flipped around. ** There is a little dark grey piece on the upper torso between the silver tube piece that has been moved further down the axle it is connected to. *** Back of left thigh * Lower back * Left hip (with left "sting" in background) * Lower left wing (prototype antroz wing) Upper left wing Right knee Sword in right hand ** Sword on back Right side of upper torso Right hip * Right leg (again?) Left shoulder Left of upper torso Thorax *** Lower torso Upper and lower torso
  19. Is it permissible for me to start a BBC topic and link to an album on Imgur?
  20. An update: Just now I was playing as Vorahk and was inside the Codrex, while a Turahk was outside, and Turahk was firing fear beams.
  21. I've been noticing a bug in Turahk's AI in versions 9.5 to 12.0 and possibly more(I haven't played before 9.5 and haven't seen it in 12.5) in which I have observed (as a rahkshi of chameleon, with no other bots in sight) Turahk standing still, as one would expect, but repeatedly firing fear beams in the direction he is facing, as if he sees something. This is odd because, first, there is nothing visible that his AI would define as a foe, and, second, if the AI is "seeing" me, it doesn't seem to be handling me correctly. I haven't noticed this glitch in any other bots. Something else I've noticed is when I spawn next to a rama hive (or an exo-toa before they stopped acknowledging my invisibility entirely in 12.5) as a rahkshi of chameleon, they see me in the short time before I turn invisible, and they don't realize that I've become invisible until quite a few seconds after the fact. I haven't seen this in any other bots, and I think maybe "they" haven't been told that a higher DEX makes me turn invisible faster. I don't know if that is what's been causing it, but that is my hunch. I haven't tested either of these bugs as a toa with a volitak or a huna, but I think at least maybe the turahk glitch may be present, and others above have confirmed exo-toa targeting invisible players. As for the "invisibility delay", I don't know if they act the same for a huna or a volitak.
  22. This version of Gavla is unkillable so as to prevent AVID from happening again. Basically, when the universe reset itself to when Cahli/Shila attempted to kill Gavla, it rewrote him to be incapable of dying. I advise you read up on AVID to better understand a lot of the current events.
  23. As in, they target you even when invisible?exactly that.
  24. I personally like the grapple attack idea very much. For some reason though, the exo-toa now seem to see me as a rahkshi of chameleon.
  25. That was detective Gumshoe's body. I wonder if Mr. Mask has sold Gumshoe's mask yet. Also, whatever happened to the rest of the head?
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