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Makuta Luroka

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Everything posted by Makuta Luroka

  1. i also live on the east coast. i was in VA for the storm and the table in the backyard was knocked over: it woke me up knocking on the door. in addition, we had a storm last night and the power went out.
  2. i agree with your choice of weaponry. That blasted penny every time!
  3. Granted, but you become a vegetable.i wish for secular humanism
  4. granted, but i don't follow through with the good suggestions.i wish for four
  5. granted, but i break it.i wish for wish suggestions
  6. it seemed to me like he didn't really care
  7. Sam: How did you know about his glasses? Optimus: eBay. Sam: eBay...
  8. You have the right to remain silent.Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law.You have the right to speak to an attorney.If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?
  9. @bulik: who needs earplugs?
  10. @panty anarchy: it's a mass of shadow energy.TRANSLATION:Name: MalignusMask: UnknownMask Power: EntropyElement:ShadowSpecies: MakutaGender: Male"Accept your doom."ON TOPIC: that's a nice bowtie.
  11. if you do, I intend to absorb the remains.
  12. I could perhaps perform as a bodyguard for leraku in that case
  13. U gonna take that from him? U won't jump him. U ain't trill. U ain't hood.
  14. granted, but i troll it like this:AUGHWAHUWAHAAA!i wish for seven
  15. wow! that is amazing! I'm getting the feeling that when I close gimp to perform a task on Paint.Net, Gimp is actually capable of that same task and I just don't know it.
  16. granted, you have no time for anything else and you are always boredi wish for unlimited political power
  17. looks more like a Fe-Matoran to me
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