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Status Updates posted by SonicBOOM XS

  1. Yeah. Nice to see you're working hard, though. ;)

    Anyways, your sis got banned because of the stolen name, right?

  2. I'm finding out if I am required to keep it. EA has my PSN ID, so they would know.

    Oh, and I'm SonicBOOM_XS. My BZP name, but with an underscore.

  3. She's banned? Didn't see that. =/

    Anyways, glad to see your name is protected. Now...when will the fad end? :P

    And you're welcome. :)

  4. Is it OK if I be your friend?

  5. Hey, so how's my favorite BS01 friend doing? It's been a looooong time sice I've seen you!

  6. I just raised YOUR rating to 3 stars. You should thank me. :P

    Yeah, thanks. :)

  7. Uh, Fawful's not availale, so I posted his complete profile (the one he made) for you. ;)

  8. Black Mesa? You follow Half-Life? =D

    Otherwise, want a race on Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing?

  9. Thank Silver, he got the ban done.

  10. Or perhaps Mata Niina? :P

  11. That's not fair, though.

    What if you lost your life?

  12. Well, you're late. I already raced with Tifosi and Laka, but if you want we could still race.

    Perhaps in 5-10 minutes?

  13. OK, look.

    I'm not trying to be mean, and I see you're new. We're all noobies when we join, but seriously, this is a kid's site.

    There are a lot of people who can help with the rules.

    One is that talk respectfully and don't use bad comedy plots.

    Another is follow the rules after reading them.

    I'm not trying to be harsh,

  14. Darn. You're older than me by a few months. =/

    Anyways, I think you should change your blog's background to a Wii Wheel. Or at least something not as dull.

  15. So you make banners?

    You have some serious skill in making them. :D

  16. Seriously, I don't even think his "songs" actually count as songs/music.

  17. Eh, not that much. To me, if you haven't been around since 1993 and therefore haven't read all the comics, then you'll be nowhere in the comics.

    So, she's kicking him in a soft spot? But I thought they liked each other!!

  18. Eh, hate to copy off anyone, but you know where I can get some of my own Sonic banners and avvies?

    Also, you do comics and stuff like banners and avvies?

  19. You hate Mario, eh?

    Mario's by no means better than Sonic, though since he's been around longer people like him more. <_<

    Sonic seriously owns Mario. Fat plumber.

  20. Eh, no. I'm Pakistani. Not Indian.

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