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Status Updates posted by SonicBOOM XS

  1. Why shouldn't I read the manga? Not that I ever would read manga. Too suggestive from what I know. And bad stuff, really bad stuff by my religious standards.

    Clannad sounds good. I'll see if I can see some videos of it or not.

  2. You were on the MS? Wow.

    But isn't it a random choice?

    Still, can I be you r friend?

  3. Sup.

    Sorry I couldn't come on. Let me try today.

  4. Scum. :P Just because I'm younger by a month (and not even a full month) doesn't mean I'm not a leader.

    Aside from that, what you doing in the break?

  5. I never thought you were THAT much of a fan of Shadow the Hedgehog.

    I like the game, but its dark theme doesn't fit on me. Sonic isn't meant to be dark, though Shadow pulls it off well.

  6. Oh, so now you're Daffy Duck, eh?

    Bugs will own you soon. :P

  7. Whoa. The highest rank on BZP. Nice, man. That's a real achievement right there! Congrats, and maybe soon you will get the Phantoka!

    And it's only been 2 years. :o

  8. Ehhh,no. I don't. I'll look it up if I can.


    Well, yes I am, but isn't everyone?

  9. Go beat up Daffy now!!

  10. Roomisode 1. PLAY IT.

    You got it, Hoss.

  11. Heh.

    Mind PMing me that last Profile Pic you had?

  12. OK. So basically it's like how Sonic X killed the series's hopes for a decent anime?

    Sucks. I may watch a walkthrough of the game. So was it ever released in the U.S or only in Japan? Assuming it was only in Japan, you are either Japanese or you ordered the visual novel internationally.

  13. You too!!

    But you'll be out? What does that mean?

  14. Err, I got to go.

    Never heard or saw you. :P

    You didn't see this.

  15. Wow, I change my name and more people start talking to me!!


  16. OK, I'm tired. I set it as a tie, with Classic One being called back and Cal escaping, OK?

  17. So you're Japanese or you're friend had gone to Japan.

    Thought your username was something special. Wikipedia'd, then I see it's Clannad. Confused as to what it was from the description of Kyou, I read about it. Sounds good.

    You copy-paster! You copy-pasted from Wikipedia and changed some pronuns to fit you! :P

  18. Yeah, I know. Been a long time.

    So, what have you been doing since you left BS01?

    And you made me the sigs, remember?

    Although I'm too lazy to use them now, so I just put tildes.

  19. Yep, I am.

    WAIT a minute, didn't I add you a long time ago? :P

  20. Also, whatever happened to your supposed crush on Tomoya?

  21. 2009 a disappointment, eh?

    Same here. Especially TLR. My only 2 2009 sets: Winter Skrall and MN Canister.

    Skrall lost his pieces.

    I'll reckon you I'll get more 2010 sets than 2009. :P

  22. Hmm...I remember having seen it...but no, never played it. Know about it, though.

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