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Status Updates posted by SonicBOOM XS

  1. Nah, never played it. Probably never will. :/

    So spoilers are accepted. :P

    Anyways, why of all the characters did you choose Kyou?

    Plus, the anime art part of your comment got cut out.

  2. Very sorry, but I wasn't on BZP at the time of your birthday.

    Um, happy belated birthday?

  3. Well, I don't know if this counts or not, but I think it might.

    Think it over before you use it, though.

    Homework may sometimes cause stress, leading to increased anger and might increase the temperature. Also, you may need to go here and there, using some fuel and therefore damaging the ozone layer.

    I suggest you refine it.

  4. April was last month. ;)

    Hence why I asked about next year.

    I think it should end sometime this month.

  5. What the two female anthropomorphic animals (AKA my in-game friends XD) said.

    I believe he went...the opposite direction of where my friend bioboy12 pointed. Oh look, THERE HE IS NAOW!! GET HIM!!

    I hate his music.

  6. Is that a threat??


    I will start it, and you will lose Proto Energy and it will become mine!!

    Along with your Premier Membership!

  7. Pretty much. I've been with Sonic 9/10s of my life, thus the franchise is a big part of my life (literally a part of my life).

    Earthbound I just got into recently. Weird story, but out of curiosity I wanted to see what would happen in Sonic CD if you left the game standing still. After the death, it led to a "scary video game music" video, then to Giygas' music. I read t

  8. OK, so you fine with the 5:00 PM PST room?

    Because really, tomorrow's going to be busy.

  9. Sure, what the heck.

    BTW, Shadow Kurahks' joining in as well. YAYZ!!

  10. Uhh, could we have the room at 2:30 PM PST?

  11. Dude, want to continue the RPG battle?

  12. I see you know about Rouge the Bat taking your name.

    Yeah, did you let her? A few of us think it's pretty much stealing your idea and name, so we want to fix that as soon as we can.

    You going to help?

  13. Well, he isn't a man. :P

    Anyways, I've played them, never got the chance to actually beat them. I lost Sonic 2. :(

    As for Earthbound, Mother 2 seems to have a dark and deep story as opposed to the first, which was a bit magical and lighthearted. Mother 3, though, definitely has a dark, sad story. Unique to video games.

  14. Yeah, welcome to BZP. And your "small word"? Irnakk, right?

  15. Shoot, man. Sad. I never knew you, but any BZPer that leaves, I will consider him a lost friend.

    Good luck in life!

  16. Meh, Griina's weird.

    But where does their relationship come into? It's more Beriina than Griina.

  17. Heh. I guess BZP is a great place to meet new people who share the same interests, eh?

    Anyways, wanna be friends?

  18. OK, so you've gone to sleep, right?

    If so, then I hope you post the results tomorrow. :)

  19. Meh, I'm used to writing on it. It kind of sucks, though.

    Anyways, I first saw Sonic on one of his cartoons (not X, but an earlier one). I loved it and remembered him. Went to a Wal-Mart and saw a Sega Smash Pack 2 game. Now, I really didn't care for anything except the Sonic picture I saw. So, we got it. I learned how to play, but while I failed at it (I was 4-5, after all), it

  20. Did you get what you wanted?

    Also, glad to be talking with you again. :)

  21. Hi. :)

    I see you're restarting your Epic. Good luck!

  22. Nah, just a guess, since you didn't update the story so far.

    I'm just so darned impatient! BTW, how many responses did you get?

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