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Bara no Mitsukai

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Everything posted by Bara no Mitsukai

  1. odd?

    hmph.. can you draw me a sig/avi to go with it? ^O^ j/k...ish

  2. thanks...it's the best I could do...apparently, child pristitution is frowned upson, so that limited my possible names -.-

  3. can't I be on of the royal concubines?

  4. meanwhile, I have to write up a list of celebrities you must allow to live. Mind you, most of them are immortal...

  5. why do comment conversations ALWAYS take this turn with me...

  6. awww T.T but why not? it's fun...I'll let you feel my boobies too :P

  7. well, I am gay, but still, you assumed that really fast ^O^

    still...wanna french...as friends?

  8. ...I like you....wanna french?[/karenwalkermoment]

  9. you're interesting...not sure if that's a good thing....

  10. interesting...*strokes chin while nodding in a knowing fashion*

  11. why not NostrumXBara :P

  12. I WILL!!! :D and I'm doing...okish..

  13. READ my NEW TOPIC! ^O^ how're you?

  14. oh please don't....

  15. thumb up O.o;;

    I wasn't aware that survived the 60's

  16. Toa Eddie loves to corner me, doesn't he?

  17. woah O.o;; this is why I stick to stuff like Gravitation and Fruits Basket...

  18. I never actually got the chance to read that manga...

  19. also, when replying to a comment, click on the persons screen name and give them a comment. otherwise they won't know when you've replied

  20. just the mask...because everyone calls it a waffle mask for some reason...

  21. that reminds me...I need to make a moc with Gali Nuva Mistika's Kanohi Kaukau Nuva...

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