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Bara no Mitsukai

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Everything posted by Bara no Mitsukai

  1. oh yeah...that's right.....hmph...well, I'll give you more anyway..

  2. want some music?

  3. >.> Dave...that sounds VERY suggestive....

  4. be sure to tell me how I did! if I did bad...I'll be your Birthday W.....um....erm....person of ill repute ^.^

  5. another Kamen Rider Fan O.o you guys are all over...out of curiousity, do you watch any other J-dramas?

  6. you didn't mention music in your information.....I wanted to get you a present!

  7. true....who are you, anyway?

  8. I have no clue....we just met, though, so technically everything is new, isn't it?

  9. awwwwwww wuggadawibblebabbeh! agyuakuewiddlebabeh? Agyuakuewiddlebabeh?

    hello ^.^

  10. teehee...one thing at a time :P

  11. >.> oh...you were refering to something...

  12. ^O^ Overkill Omi

  13. :P Unusual, but not to be discriminated towards in anyway possible! ^O^
  14. I love unusual talents!

  15. can you eat it in one bite?

  16. hehe *bites Tobi's nose*

  17. ^O^

    you're nuts..you know that, right?

  18. heh, it's ok now because I don't really want to socialise with people in this town...but if I ever did want to get friends...it'd be difficult, so...yeah...but it's not TOO bad now...ehn...

  19. nah..it's just a funny thought...innit?

  20. ^O^ strange...why do I attract people online? Seriously, people online who talk to me always seem to "fall" for me ^O^;;

  21. if you want >.> but I'm pulling a Britney Spears right now....

  22. Why not malevolent? :P

  23. BUAHAHAHA! it's undeniable!

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