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Bara no Mitsukai

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Everything posted by Bara no Mitsukai

  1. I know...and the re-runs are just ridiculous...

  2. *strikes a match*

    IT'S MAGIC!!!



    And I mean..we've created breeds of dogs in less than 100 years...who's to say someone couldn't create a human over a larger course of time :P



    maybe they're filming us now, and we're on some Nature program....or comedy show...

  3. yay! and here I was thinking I was the only one on a website dedicated to a building toyline...

  4. heh. Same...I'm in a weird place..I'm an athiest who believes the creation of our planet, or our species at any rate, was influenced by an outside source.

  5. Oh wait..I was mistaking Religion with Westboro Baptists....

  6. waitaminute...aren't the two synonymous?

  7. I just realised you plainly state you're a lesbian in your profile -.-

    I still say I get a creepy Bisexual vibe....and I like it (imagine that last line in Karen's voice...)

  8. speaking of holy shi-----....I need to do some gardening ^O^

  9. it's a St. Bernard and a Gerbil over here...

  10. tsk...this is the state of our economy...in my day, a hamster paid round trip busfare...now it's two Scottish fold Kittens, and a persian...

  11. then everyone would go into a CIC when they get their first paycheck....

  12. hmm...yeah...Porno money is under-rated...

  13. hmm, you should make all the dollar bills have the front genitals of some random ceature on the front...and an anus on the back....just for lulz...

  14. oh yeah, I got that while playing with an Olmak....

  15. you don't want to know where my cheques come out -.-

  16. are you sure? My coins always are buried in bellybutton fluff.

  17. ah...I did that once...I was robbing a bank and had a random urge for a green salad.

    I'm still pooping our 100,000 dollar bills...

  18. so it's conversation you want? That's $30

  19. for A $50 Surcharge I can be more twisted than a Churro being violated by a two-speed drill.

  20. funny. I usually call them and tell them to slap me >.>

  21. actually, I read it off your shirt...you know, the one that has writing right on top of the breasts so that when someone reads it, you can slap them and call them a pevert...

  22. AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yoou are so fuuuuuuuuny!!!




    Like a one legged rabbit trying to get away from a rabid Crocodile on a unicycle..

  23. it'd be hard to have not watched a show in over ten years, when it barely ended 5 years ago...:P

  24. da...darn it..I cannot think of a snappy Will&Grace style comeback to that...I'm getting rusty...

  25. you have a creepy bisexual vibe.....I like it...You're like a BZP version of Karen Walker...

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