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Bara no Mitsukai

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Everything posted by Bara no Mitsukai

  1. ...............................................Jaejooong is hot >.>

  2. no clue what you just said ^O^

  3. lol. Well, from your list...Family Guy is the only american show I truely love...

  4. no. it's Hero Jaejoong, the leader of the Korean group DBSK.

    my previous set was Yamashita Tomohisa :P

  5. ah..I see

    I do watch the Nanny >.> People still like that show, right?

  6. not surprised? why? O.o;;

  7. ......................you filthy Bag of water used to clean out naughty areas....

  8. ..........................to think....I was going to flirt with yo....

  9. Shh....don't say it out loud...People might say we're in love.

  10. Welcome to BZP. Sorry that topic got closed, but yeah..it's probably best to read the rules before posting Official Topics.

  11. buahaha!!!! It'll be goooood

  12. note to self...turn someone pink using author powers...

  13. as long as it's ok by you ^O^

    or I could just shamelessly flirt with every single male Guest star ^O^

  14. oh, and I accept btw, sne dmy your sprite sheets ^O^

  15. akatsuki? Isn't he the Shamisen player?

  16. as long as I can do the job at my own pace :P sometimes forgetting it entirely...

  17. kind of...I haven't seen any of the new ones, though...

  18. you arn allowed to say that when you know about my....quirks :P

  19. Cathy....that word makes me want to stab myself in the ear just reading it...don't EVER speak it to me!

  20. I felt like Parading YamaPi around the forums ^O^

  21. well, I'm going to have to cure you of that affliction!

  22. depends...what language do those bands sing in? ^O^ And I've uploaded so much music, you're more than welcome to ask for any artist that catches your interest...Judging by the group you mentioned....you might like Ayumi Hamasaki!

  23. Ever hear of Minako Honda? ^O^ I just downloaded three of her older albums, and i'm reveling in the awesomeness...and I just uploaded them onto a blog I work for, and am feeling so happy as the downloaded number goes up ^O^....waitaminute...weren't we talking abot something else?

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