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Bara no Mitsukai

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Everything posted by Bara no Mitsukai

  1. like a 65 year old woman who's had both breasts lopped off, dyes her hair at home, and carries a salami in her underwear....ok, maybe 50-ish...

  2. Mick Jagger...looks...good.....um...the guy looks like a male version of Julia Roberts without the (word for a bag of water that begins with D and ends in Ouche) attitude of self-adoration....or the ability to be attractive in spite of it....

  3. one thing...if you're going to tell someone to PM you...don't have a full PM BOX ^O^




    I wouldn't call myself vain....Don't you have to actually like how you look to be vain?

    I just know things could be worse than they are and I need to prevent that, while trying to improve things with the limited funds I have ^O^

  4. ok, there I agree with you....I also love how HIGH her voice goes in it...it's like...She totally ownedt AYUMI ^O^

  5. not entirely...every Korean artist is releasing stuff in America ^O^

  6. doesn't count, then :P

  7. Yah...it's really annoying right now. We hav an appraiser coming tomorrow, so the past few days have been extremely busy and I haven't had any time...sorry.

  8. best choice....I don't even know what I say half the time...

  9. no...i was just trying to...GAH! It's too hard to explain myself! ^O^ I say things that don't really mean what they sound like they mean...particularly online, where you can't efficiently express emotions... I was basically saying that the term Alien is irksome, when a lot of our "native" life nessesities are "alien" themselves...

  10. ehn....anything not from our planet is an alien...including water and gold....

  11. an athiest who is open to the possibility that some form of intelligent creature could have "pursuaded" Evolution on our planet, but not nessesarily for worship, so much as "reason for livng", Entertainment, or Studying...



    .then again, I'm also open to the idea that our universe was created because a cow in a parallell universe farted into a wormhole

  12. true...it was just a poorly made example...

  13. ehn, most likely....Religion doesn't have anything to do with whether life is the result of Intelligence or chance :P Religion basically just says that those who "created" whatever we were, or us ourselves demands worship.

  14. not entirely.

    If humans figured out the basics for "Beginning" life, and began an evolutionary line from scratch...you'd have "created" life without being a deity :P

  15. maple syrup....on a nekkid snowflake....

  16. I'll wait till I see it....

  17. obviously...there's a topic about it in CoT, and it's being produced by Tim Burton.

  18. Is that a grey hair there, b6? :P

  19. MEGAMIX version) Where we all post our different versions, and you make seperate banners for each of us to begin our chapters with.

  20. font names, eh? can't think of anything....

    Yeah, good idea, innit...we could still do PoV if they want, OR, if not everyone wants to do it, You, I and a few others could make topics for different "versions" I.E. "Overkill: Nostrum Script Version" "____Prose Version" and "bara Radio Drama Version"

    or we could put them all into one topic (Overkill

  21. also, an idea....The story should start when we all "Join" None of us really know each other, but we all are entered into the same dorm (Like in Hanazakari no Kimitachi e) and thus relationships are made ^.^

  22. let's see...B.Z.P.C (B.Z.P.College) or perhaps "The Way We Would be if we Were the Way We Are presened in this stry" (spoof on "The Way We Were") or something like that...

  23. I laready know how to do that. Check Out Skullkids Radio versions of the serials...I made the third Chapter for DoD ^.^

  24. I think they'l host Wavs like Brickshelf does....

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