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Bara no Mitsukai

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Everything posted by Bara no Mitsukai

  1. O.O???

    I would just upload them on MAJhost, or Mediafir...

  2. who said I was knowledgable?



    . I dunno...Script Format is easier to read and enjoyable for light-hearted moments...it's also VERY easy to record it as a radio drama, if the mood catches us....but Prose style is....so much....more elegant and pretty....

  3. well....why does it have to have a gender-based adjective at all?

  4. why do you have to keep calling it "Manly'? ^O^

  5. hehe, it was fun :P

    Alternating is always fun...but it makes the end so much more complex....

  6. kk...and I could imagine Omi being the bottom...gasping sweet nothings into Black's ear in a high voice... ^O^

  7. also, you do realise in all the time we've wasted doing this...you cold have read all the chapters of the story and posted a comment by now?

  8. *puts sword straight through your brain...and leaves it there*




    how you going to heal that?

  9. ehn...*rips off my arm and slings it at you, halfway there it turns into a massive blade, cutting your body in half*

    happy now?

  10. *Gackt vanishes from the chains and reappears in my closet, wrapped in a ribbon....and nothing else...* Opps...silly Olmak...always doing things like that :P NOW READ THE STORY!

  11. *uses an olmak to send them into a universe filled with hungry visorak*

  12. *turns all of them into cannibalistic Birds, and they kill each other*

    aww, how cute...

  13. *makes riders vanish into thin air*

    They don't exist....even if they did, the don't anymore ^.^ Mask of Faith=totalownedAGE

  14. *slaps you with 100 vials of reality*

    Henshin-ing doesn't exist....and either way, you're shorter than me, and I'm cuter, therefore I automatically win...because be honest, when has the non-cute person EVER won :P

  15. oh trust me, I'm not....I'll tell you things that will make you never want to eat whipped cream again....

  16. HEY! here's an idea...instead of Co-authoring and such on OVERKILL...why don't we LITERALLY make it overkill? Each of the main characters (You, me, Tara, etc.) makes there OWN version of the story, so it'd be "Overkill:BnM Version" and Overkill: "Tarakava" Version" and "OVERKILL: Nostrum XXX version" :P

  17. ...................you asked for it, brat......read it or else I'll.......FORCE YOU TO READ ABOUT THE NAUGHTY THING SNOWFLAKE AND I DO EVERY DAY!!!!!!

  18. maybe they would...who would be the top, though....

  19. ...............I'll give you all 50 lbs of Bionicle pieces I have....

  20. just read it! it's very hard to explain ^O^;;

  21. that's what it's about ^O^;;

  22. a whole lot of death, various people getting pulled into a living H3ll simply because they exist....and murders!

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