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Status Updates posted by Millennium

  1. Hi! it's been a lot of time that I haven't heard from you ( nor did you from me)

  2. as for Bionicle pieces, there is only one that I showed o BZP, and it was Nektann helmet...and it didn't turn out so well

  3. OMG today I get my 1 year vahi :happydance:

  4. I can't believe someone with your age likes bionicle

  5. wow, new av! You surely have the record for the longest time without changing avatar :P

  6. Ah. Nice to know

  7. Wohoo! I read all of your interests! In a day! Now give me a donut u_u

  8. sei italiano? mitico! ehm ..you're italian? great! xD

  9. @Knuckles: nope

    @Red Toad:So do I! Look at my new avatar of doom!

  10. Tanto prima o poi lo bandiscono :P

  11. Heh, it's a bit late to ask, but yes. it was nothing tough at the end :)

  12. Scusa se non ho commentato, non sono più molto su BZP, ne nei Bionicle...

    anyway, I hope you had a nice Christmas...so far I didn't get any HF set...what about you?

  13. Why no comments till april?

  14. Why no comments since...omg..october 2009?!

  15. Sparkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Hi!

  16. Of course! you too?

  17. that's a nice cheat! I can win a lot of games with that!


  18. is that a potato chip in you personal pic? o.0

  19. Hi! I think you like Gresh. XD

  20. it has happened to me too, but with my profile. It's just a weird joke.

  21. Yay, it's like Fancy Pants man!

  22. Yes, you too. i didn't checked your profile.

  23. Nice banner and avatar change ;)

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