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Status Updates posted by Millennium

  1. Well, it seems that I spend less time here on BZP than ever before. Still liking Bionicle, though.

  2. er, actually ctrl+A+enter opens just two folders, while it should open all of them on my desktop? :|

  3. I! LIKE! YOUR! SIGNATURE! *drools*

    Where'd you get it? (I assume you made it yourself, however)

  4. LOL, Nutella! It's italian! It's delicious!

  5. Hmm, weren't you that guy that was making a game with bohrok, visorak and vahki?

  6. I'll accept it with pleasure :)

  7. yay! another italian!

  8. I'm going back to school the 14th...I think :P

  9. hello! you're italian!

  10. Sorry I didn't answer before.

    Yes, it's Judge Slizer in a slizer comic

  11. I like your av.

    That clips of the MNGO 2 is my favorite.

    MNOG2 is sooooo underrated...

  12. hey, would you take a look at this? http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=322965&st=0&p=6838422&

    Just to have the opinion of the one I think it's one of the best MOcer :)

  13. Uh, sorry for bad grammar ^.^''

  14. will you ever make a topic about your self-MOC?

  15. actually, erebus changed my name to millennium, but yes, you can still call me ZKoTV :P

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