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Status Updates posted by Millennium

  1. Hi there! I liked your PM. I'm hoping it'll become the first of a long series of PMs.

  2. I don't "lament" (sp?)

    Things could go better, but I'm pkay with them

  3. hey, that was a joke

  4. You're not alone man XD.

  5. Ci farò un pensiero, grazie per esserti interessato ;)

  6. Another thing I'd like to do was to save the clips from MNOG2 in video format...maybe with a camera...

  7. Happy easter to you, too ^.^

  8. Yep. Not much into BS01 or BZP anyway (still into Bionicle however!)

  9. So...do you..uh...like Disturbed?

  10. stop asking questions about when bs01 will be up!

  11. alternative LoMN cover?

  12. I want to hear Kopaka saying "what do you mean I get only one mask in 2008?" !

  13. And how are you going with it?

  14. ehi! I know you!and you knoe me! I'm teridaxovermillennia!

  15. you're born in april 2008?! XD

  16. I suggest dark orange, or gukko brown, as it is known Bionicle-wise

  17. what is that on your sig? It intrigues me O.o

  18. kiina looks way more femminine without the armor!

  19. Yeah, lol. My favorite album is Indestrcutible. Its songs sound very...different from each other, more than thos in other albums. For me, at least.

  20. why do you keep the merry christmas personal pic O.o ?

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