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Status Updates posted by Millennium

  1. nice username

  2. not that it changed a lot, but if it did I would be less known and maybe "Millennium" could end up being a BZPer that disappeared :P

  3. è da molto tempo che sagitter nn si connette...

  4. k, but be careful...lol

  5. Welcome to BZP! Wanna be friends? ;)

  6. No comment? No friends?

  7. sblarg! I hate you!

  8. I take that last post as an offence

  9. but I'll add you as a friend

  10. Precisely, the Toad Brigade owns everyone.

    Even if their captain gets locked in a chest, they'll always own.

  11. Hi there! It's been abit since we talked.

  12. Did you ever commented to someone's page?

  13. Congratulations on winning the Kyry contest


  14. I didn't make it. I found it when I was googling

  15. Hey, are you Alpha Prime of Brickshelf?

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