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Miriku Nuva

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Year 11

About Miriku Nuva

  • Birthday 07/06/1993

Profile Information

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  • Location
    In my own little world--but it's okay, they know me here. ^^
  • Interests
    - Reading<br />- Writing<br />- Drawing<br />- Role-playing<br />- Singing<br />- Listening to music (mostly rock, but I listen to other stuff too)<br />- Anime<br />- Talking to friends<br />- Video games (ANYTHING BY BIOWARE!)

Contact Methods

  • Website URL

Miriku Nuva's Achievements


Inhabitant (2/293)

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  1. Yup!

    Hey, if you git a chance, check out my topic "Project Bionicle Serial Podcast"

    Its in the Software Section.


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