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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. Ok then, I tried flatworld on peaceful to find a village.Found it in 3 miniutes, and it was a double village. I took over the largest house, kicked out the testificate couple living there (Accidently killing one in the process), and raided the blacksmith shops.Got 1 iron helmet, 1 pair of iron boots, 1 iron sword, 10 bread, 5 apples, and 7 saplings.Made a small moat protecting my house and the farms, and covered any entry ways for slimes in dirt.Switched to easy, slime rave party outside my window. Laughed at it for a bit, and then slept the night off so no creepers would blow up anything.This'll be a great start for this flatland map. Hopefully there will be villages nearby with diamond or iron ingots in them... I need an iron door for 1.2, if I ever switch the map mode to hard.
  2. I gets sord?Imma gonna cut people up.But floating glowy wraith thing is strange...and floating mass of red boils and such that makes everything is... odd.
  3. Wow.You're really good at managing yourself.I am stuck in the side of a ravine on my normal world.With only iron stuff.man I at least need to get some redstone... but I at least got myself an iron door.
  4. The zombies on hard though is frightning...But at least they can't break iron doors.
  5. Argh.I tried doing a superflat survival...No villages. Anywhere.I searched, night fell, so I decided it was dirt shack time.Then I forgot I was on peaceful. So, a whole night lost.But on the new weekly snapshot... the zombies breaking doors down, and villagers mating is...disturbing.
  6. I like that set.I do wish they released a full-sized creeper and steve fig, but oh well.Maybe they'll develop it into a full line somehow...definately buying, though.If there's diamonds.
  7. Wait, wait, what.Rare item drops?Huh. I doubt you'll ever get any kind of diamond tools/weapons.But, of course, if you did it would come from Endermen or Creepers.
  8. WHAT.No Sword base?Well, that just sucks.Unless they're removing Spooky base, or something.But The Cage thnig... isn't Uncaged and The Cage the same thing? But Uncaged has a gravlift or something?But man, frendly fire off is such a huge boon. Especially on the cage, that little camping spot everyone goes to, I get there first, get betrayed, and spawn with zombies very, very close. But even there I die quick.Meh. Sword base is my most favorite (No vents for me!)
  9. Not hair.Diamond helmet.That Bastion dude is basically standing in a blizzard with a gun.lolwut.
  10. It reminds me of a hunter...hrm...But it's name is... Magros?lolwut.
  11. Good thing that person is'nt staring off into that lightsource!
  12. Red rage.That just made me laugh.Fear...how can anyone be scared of something cute?But yeah.And on part 6...Flashback timetravel dimentional travel things are about to go down, huh?
  13. lolnope.So.. he can fly with his eyes?And brethe with a tin, tiny hole?And suck paradoxes through that hole?huh.The hand that is getting nommed on ninja'd me.always me getting ninja'd....
  14. Well, she seems to be crying...diffrerent...colored...tears?
  15. Another person stairing off into...air?Maybe...The sky?idunnolol.
  16. Wait. Did the eggs work?But anyways, I'm working on a werid survival house thing using creative, sticking it up with everything I need to survive...But, of course, I'm putting the supplies where I can't automatically get to them (There will be a stone wall, behind is a chest with 8 stacks of cobble, 2 stacks of smooth stone) automatically, and there is challange.But no caves.No caves at all, because 1.2 is going to scare the carp outta me with intellegent creepers.But they're scared of cats. So I'll be sure if there's any caves there will be cats in them protected by glass.Horray for weird enginnering projects!
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