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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. Out of those 8...I personally vote downtime, Disaster, War, character death, and Anonymous themes.
  2. Wow.Cereal ment to be enjoyed?I prefer bacon.But better wish: Omnipotence. You can make your own wishes.aw yea.
  3. I can agree with Eljay.I may be able to make handdrawn comics, but I am simply terrible at it.Despite the fact I have a scannar.Eh.Still think that a story-themed comic'll be good.WAIT.Comic theme about downtime.Because it did happen.
  4. Ehksidian


    my eyes.they buuurn.Anyways, I kinda remember the old comic MASes, (Klinkerpoop) back when I had no way to make an account.Good times.And the ridiculosness in this topic.It makes happy.I may only be here for 3 years now, but I've been on BZP since 2003.[/failrhyme]but jpg hurts my eyes >,<
  5. noooportal guns rip through reality.swords rip through...stuff.unless it's a PORTAL SWORD.That'd win.
  6. Yet here Iam.Glasses and braces, and nerdyish.Eh.Still awesome pony.But where's the portal gun? Hiding in a portal behind him?That was opened with the sword.
  7. No.No sports.I hasidea.It'd actually be 2 contests, one with best graphics in a comic, and one with the best "joke"Or make a overall theme of a disaster, like King Joe said.okbye.
  8. +50 points for that hilarious comic.+50 points for hand drawn.All around win.If 3.0 is all like that, that'll be amazing.
  9. Loving the spawn eggs.And yesterday, I was looking for a Fortress with my Eyes of Ender, and I found one.Or, found an unrendered area where one should be.And what scared me was a sound happened as soon as I opened it.
  10. ...That's no fridge.It's a noob IN a fridge.But...what's with the tent. Why are you tenting while trying to hunt a fridge.Oh wait.Just chillin *shot*
  11. Wait.How did automatic weapons, a chainsaw gun, etc, not get through the lock.Yet two Glocks do.hm...
  12. Sarcastic wonderful or sincere wonderful?Sarcastic.Usually, if I do stuff like that I do it sarcastically.Anyways, I found a few servers...first one I joined got griefed so bad, someone installed a moderator that you can't break any blocks.Right after they ruined everything by placing bedrock and stone everywhere, ruined some beautiful buildings, and screwed the house I was working on>,<But I found a new server. So yeah.Oh, and does anyone else here prefer building down, instead of building up?I like making huge underground complexes under my house(s)
  13. Finally finished my map, but just changed the elevator to go to floor 4 to floor 2.Not regretting it.Anyone wants to test it out, shoot me a freind request, and ASAP I'll accept, start up the map, and test it out.And on the subject of Halo 4, just by the preview it most likely will take place on a new Sheild world, or maybe some new Forerunner instillation that has never been encountered by anything but the forerunners.Wild speculation here.eh. I can wait until december again.
  14. gah it won't let me make an account >,<I put the right code thing, but it's saying it's wrong.Well, just keep on trying...
  15. Ah, I was in fact in a ravine near the top, in the wall of it (Found coal there, so I dug there. also found tons of iron veins at the bottom of the ravine... which I fall to every morning right in front of a creeper.)So, my first Endermen encounter ish.Wonderful.
  16. I'mma gonna shoot you up.With my handguns.That was funny, and the "Fourth Wall BROKEN!" "Again!" thing was my favorite part.Everyone gets a proper intro.Except me.eh. i'll deal with it.
  17. You epic that came out.And a quote from it, I'd assume, about immortality and how I cannot get it.
  18. I'm no good at backgrounds.And plus, my background are made for 2x RZMIK.Ah well.I'd help if possible.
  19. So...you diggy diggy hole to make comics?I build my underground fortress when I think.
  20. Gotta change it.So...it has more to do with gibberish words then anything else?And The Doctor who is trying to intimidate his captor.
  21. 4/5No joke.I think the new 1.0.0 sounds make the slime sound terrifying.Dunno what it is... heard it on the Yogscast on the Wintertide videos, though.
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