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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. 3.5/5Imma go play minecraft and listen to weird hiccuping sound on my roof...it's scaring the Magikarp outta me.
  2. So...you crashed every universe together.And made a singularity, dead center in the middle of the crash site, and created a comic series there...hoo boy.
  3. That hat.it should leave.Because christmas was 2 days ago.
  4. Eeyup.Heck, even if I was a moderator and I did this, I would at least not use moderator powers.But I'd much rather kill someone, take their items, go to the spawn point, and put them into a chest for them. Because that's the least you can do.And give them a diamond, iron ingot, or a slime ball.or gold for rails.and on Night 4 on my Survival game, I hear this slurping, hiccuping noise right above me.Is it a slime? because it's scaring all of my stuff right outta me.And no, that wasn't filtered.
  5. I got none.and I wanted Pokemon Rumble Blast, SM3Dland, and MK7 so much.but at least i got a tv.
  6. ponies....I'm not going to say any more.Because I'm not interested in shipping nonsense.because it's nonsense.
  7. 3.5/5...uh..dunno.ehehehehehehehI'm not familiar on games, unless I play them.or want to.
  8. 3.5/5o y hallo thar.I have been digging holes, punching trees, and being blown up all day.
  9. Wow, that's just...wrong.I hate griefing mods.Well, hopefully the first server I find will not be full of griefers.Eh.But a BZP server would be amazing if people can get the project off the ground, that is XD
  10. I got Minecraft today!Already finished Day 2 on Survival, and I already got iron gear.That saved me form a creeper that landed right in front of me.Does anyone have any good servers to play on? I seriously feel like playing on a server without griefers.
  11. I snapped the fourth wall over my knee.Hooray!And...poor tree.It died. Because it got cut in half, shot up, etc.Oh well.
  12. Octavia, staring into my soul.Which I may or may not have...time for some literal soul serching INSIDE THE CHIMNEY.
  13. wait.There's going to be Flipnote for the 3DS?YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!I am very happy, because I thought, like Pictochat, got left on the DSi.But now Swapnote and Flipnote Memo are rearing their heads.Now i'm overjoyed with this.
  14. And failing at the same time.You forgot to add that.Anyways, her shirt is glowy...why is it glowing? Does her shirt have LEDs in it?
  15. Eeyup.Still with that brown robe and possibly magical shirt, I see.
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