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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. He looks lke he saw a ghost, or something startled him.hm...
  2. 4/5And I am updating my 3DS, cause I'm bored.
  3. That santa hat is staying until Easter.I think it should stay until the day after Christmas.
  4. Hm...Maybe the programming loaded up incorrectly? Happens with GIMP on my laptop every so often if I try opening it up if I open it right after my laptop starts up...Or maybe you need a new com/laptop connected to the scanner. Because our desktop is old, and takes 1 hour or 1 and a half hours to start up.But that is awesome. Weird mark tohugh, reminds me of the Rahkshi (SP?) symbol, kinda.hm...
  5. I cannot wait for the SSB for 3DS.I am buying that as soon as it comes out.But that's better for the SSB topic (Is there one? unsure if there is....)
  6. No, I dun like oranges.TPBM does not have a cat that is staring at their reflection (The cats)
  7. 4/5Which is why I need ADHD meds.I think I have ADHD or something.Dunno.and now my cat is staring at her reflection in the window.
  8. 4/5I think he might be a potato.Or something.Dunno.Anyways, I'm going to find out how to light my hands on fire with two sticks so I can catch some lemons on fire, then burn down all the useless cardboard we have.yayy
  9. Oh.A suit.I like it. It kinda reminds me of Indiana Jones, simply because of the fedora.That's it.
  10. Title of my comic series that I'm making my huge GIMP-riddled comic for.That's taken almost a month, and I've gotten 3 panels done.Such teal.. such beauty...
  11. Yes, at times.TPBM didn't just get back form vacation.
  12. Yes. Season 2, 42nd try at it.Not really.She has those horns and like cats.I remember that.Her... guardian? was a cat with 2 mouths and 4 eyes.
  13. No, I'll use...porkchops?TPBM understands why porkchops were the only edible meat until 1.0.0.
  14. Ah yes.Gamzee the murderous clown troll.HEY LOOK I REMEMBERD A TROLL NAME =DBut it looks more like...I dunno. Some weird face?Eh.Space is vortexy.
  15. I used to do this when my friend still had his trampoline. Soak it in water, and jump to see the droplets hanging in mid air. Then go higher. Fun.
  16. Because it is an RZMIK MoL.That I gave a bandanna.And her shirt under the blanket is glowing teal.I wish teal was still in LEGO sets ;-;
  17. ...WAHT IS THIS MAN DIVA TALK.Anyways, he's straing off into space still...Staring at that odd phrase you use....
  18. Staring off to the right.Maybe...at a Krana that got cut off?And waht's with the man diva thing?I don't under stand that language.At all.
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