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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. Her hair.It's so blond...And her robe is brown.Wait.Is it a robe?Or a blanket?
  2. Erm no.TPBM can tell me how to set fire to your hands using two wooden sticks.
  3. Well, I love my 3DS.Especially the new video feature.I just keep on making stop motion movies...Man I wish I got Ambassador.I miss my Metroid Fusion ;-;Unfortunately, got no games for it, so hopefullly I'll get MK7 or SM3D for christmas...And, of course I got my 3DS the day the price dropped.Sigh.
  4. Horay!Smack goes the hocky stick when breaking people's skulls...Good job. Now we have a dead/unconscience Metus for Christmas.Yay!
  5. Yep.I remember my obsession with penguins...hehehe.Now I like burning things instead.Yep.Wow, that's a big change XD
  6. Anyways.I see the house is all nice and fixed...But now we may drown, due to the hunt for water.Hoo boy...
  7. Wait.You got finals?So do I.Exept I'm in middle school.If I could exempt, I'd exempt everything.Cause I'm that smart.Seriously.I can go to college already (Took SAT, exceeded it. No joke.)
  8. 3/5Urgh, leaving tommorow for vacation...
  9. ...I thought I was crazy.Then comes King Joe, hunting for...A liquid.Next thing we know, I'll be hunting for air.Bring on the absurdities!
  10. I am not a cat.TPBM knows that this statement is false.try that.
  11. Christams mass murder?Well, if I can burn things, I'm in.Or whack people with the chrismas stick.ehehehehhe.
  12. 1/5Wait.Who.What.Urg.Name changes hurt my head. I normally can't remember people well enoguh anyways >,<
  13. 2/5Hello!I've been shooting holes...but not bullet holes. Portal holes.Yes.Portal holes.
  14. Well, finally fixed the roof panel.But now the landmine I'm going to use for my elevator button, set on phased physics, won't work.>,<One problem after another...And I shot it, and it exploded but the fusion coil supporting it didn't.Urrg.
  15. Hehehe.Wow.A christmas tree hockeystick.Horray! I can whack the spirit of Christmas into people XD.
  16. Oh look.I GOTS A GUN.Now then, to chase away those zombies that have been running around.Or whatever is going on now.hehehehehegun
  17. Ehksidian


    Oh look.I appear. With no words.Eh.I loved that little creeper in the window, just staring...It's unnerving.Slightly.
  18. Shadows of tommorow...OH OH OH.YOU ARE TALKING AOBUT TIME-TRAVELING SHADOWS!+10 points.
  19. Ah ok.I'm currently working on the 4th floor (Working my way down, diffrent theme for each floor), and it's supposed to be a bumperhead floor (Head stuck to celing thing) but one of the celing panels will not line up perfectly with the others, making navigation impossible.It's getting on my nerves.I'll PM you my GT, but it has leet in it, so...
  20. The next request that's done, I finally get of the reserve list.Yus!And I have to say, great job on all the previous ponies...And I have no idea how you finish a pony in a few hours. A good drawing from me, which is usually bad anyways, takes me a day or two....I have nothing left to say.
  21. Ehksidian


    I laughed at the companion pony.Because I have no soul.OR something.I prefer the radio in your cell in Portal 2. Brought it with me until it dissolved.Then I was sad.But the Joland vs Fluttershy pics were awesome. Good job.
  22. 3.5/5O hey.I be playin Hallo Retch.Foge is fun.Wait.Maybe I should fix the spelling mistakes...Nah.
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