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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. Yes.That facial expression was win.It'd be better if my head was burning even more.Or something.You can't have enough fire!
  2. 4/5Thanks.I got glued to my Xbox, so that's why I wasn't on...hehehe.EDIT:DANGIT IMPUSE.Y U NINJA MEH?
  3. 3.5/5HEY.I'm back.And it's my birthdays.=D
  4. Olook.Pony.Pony.Pony.That...what's wrong with it's colors o_0
  5. Finally got Reach.I'm playing a lot of Matchmaking, and Forge. I haven't beat the campaign, only because of Forge world calling to me...Anyways, I'm making an Infection map that's a giant skyscraper with an up elevator and down elevator. It's going to be awesome!I've only gotten to the second floor out of the 5 there's going to be... and I haven't even made the interior yet. Just the skeleton of the building, zombie spawning point, and the up elevator. Going to make the down elevator after I do all the floors.It's going to be so much fun to play on!
  6. Wow.A path of fire behind a completly insane sugarhyped kid.That catches me and the tree on fire.Pyro sugar raeg?This is both ingeneous and insanely stupid.Along with the 50 PGS spot idea.There's so many....so...many...empty...spaces...._.
  7. I...think we should take cover.Badly.Hide your children!
  8. Ehksidian


    Oh my.That's gotta hurt.I feel really sorry for them XD.
  9. either he's yawning or scratching his skin...He needs to stop scratching, because his skin is raw. It's red.Wait.Oh.Nevermind.
  10. 3.5/5Cause I'm awesome.And I steal it.Plus, I do know things about programming, but not much...Dunno.Kitten!YES THAT'S IT'S MASCOT.Or it's a cat with a Tohu head.
  11. Ah ok.I'll download it ASAP.
  12. I make hulk's head explode with an insanely hard math problem.My mask.
  13. You clicky the banner for comics.Like mine.But my sig has far more in it then yours.
  14. Update?What update?What, they're making a new Xbox or something?And I just bought a Slim.-__-
  15. 3.5/5Somehow?SOMEHOW?yayy.I call all the money!
  16. ...BAD PUIN.I kill you for the terrible pun.by punting you across the unevuse.My mask.
  17. 3/5Plutonium. An element so radioactive, it melts thorugh iron!=D
  18. I earn 50 points.By killing you.Center font thing didn't appeal to me.My mask.
  19. Ehksidian


    Ok everyone.Sorry about no TiD part 2, but here's a preview of TiD.I'm putting it in spoilers, because it is pretty revealing. Well, TiD part 2 is gonna be huge.30+ panels.More then I've ever done before.Plus, I still need to write the scrpit, and put in the preview into Part 2.Or part 3.All I know is that TiD will be one massive undertaking.Hoo boy...Ok then.I am sorry about no new comic, but...The new comic contest will have an entry submitted by me, and it'll be TiD part 3!Not part 2. That will be published afterwards.So, as I work on part 3, part 2's completed portion will be chilling out, wondering when it'll be finished.So, onwards to the comic contest... hopefully...
  20. I escape as well, and fire a lazer. My mask. And now I'll use center font every so often.
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