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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. Oh no.You cease to exist in this universe.Because of 42.My mask.
  2. 1/5I can beat that.Carbon Trioxide (If it exists... possibly? dunno).
  3. 3.5/5Oh, oh oh!I know this!Helium!
  4. I revela the name by going into your mind depths, and you rage so much you explode.The mask lands in front of me.My mask.
  5. Joe's still alive?And...wait.Maybe he got regenerated, or respawned!That's it.Ok then.Yep.Regeneration powers, I assume?
  6. 3/5herro.I know the misspelling, my keyboard is screwy.From always turns into form for some reason.
  7. 3.5/5No.It's energized.Wait, so I'm gonna die?aww.
  8. wait I thought i posted already.Anyways...I didn't know I was that greedy.Gold, gold, gold, DIAMONDS!DIAMONDS!hehehehe.It'd be so much easier to find them in Minecraft... Just diggy diggy hole until you find gold/ diamond.Get tons.???PROFIT!
  9. Yayy dead spider and insanely long name, which is the fear of long words normally and backwards.
  10. The car activates it's flip rockets, and flips over.But now the car is about to overheat from going too far and moving too much!
  11. 3.5/5Yes.]Because everyone gets munched on by...I'm not going to say.I'm glad I rarely have nightmares, though.
  12. I am still in the thingy.I burst out with my space lazer that travels through time, and puts things in their correct chronological position.I aim at where you are in the future, shoot, it kills you, and plops the mask down where it should be.My mask!
  13. 1/542?24?Sideways 8?YES SIDEWAYS 8!
  14. wait wait wait.0/5 means that the person dosn't exist...PARADOX!1/5
  15. I think that the AC unit was in there, but the controls were somewhere else.Good comic. but I have no idea how anyone could not like snow...Oh wait, I live in the south, so I don't get snow often. But in Canada, they just want sun.Yep. Just sun.
  16. 3.5/5Ok then.New topic...42!Yes?No?Ok then.
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