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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. No.It's a face.OLOOK IT'S PIKAROBO!Run! It'll zap you... maybe...seems like it's asleep now... hm...
  2. 3/5The day the world explodes. The world explodes because...
  3. Actually, not that random.It's the name and the newest filler (Which was form 1.0, which was weird)Wow, I love the Sand Bat's name. So long! And AWESOME!
  4. hehehehehheheh sorta.TPBM knows what the X in my avvie stands for (Yes, it stands for something).
  5. I know.Because DINE.So, the red guy is like... an evil version of yourself?No?Ok.
  6. Quicksand is quite slow.So, when'll the storm come?28/11/11?IT'S A NONEXISTN-wait you're irish.nevermind.
  7. All the way across the world, I shoot him.With spacelazerbeams.The mask is destroyed, and respawns next to me SOMEHOW.Then it gets indestructable.My mask.
  8. 2/5Hey.I made the topic on Cleverbot.>=(
  9. Herbert?Oh my...Does he like being tentacled and eating his mail? Because that's why he has none.poor, poor herbert...
  10. I gots no ego.I am stupid.;-;Anyways, I think that forboding head is going to kill the guy with the orange mask.Yep.Definately.
  11. LOOK OUT.THAT HEAD MAY EAT YOU GUYS.A lot. nom nom nom.
  12. I didn't even realize what was wrong until it was completly zoomed in on dessert.But what if the island was made of donuts? Or candy?Wait then you'd use your hands.Anyways great comic. I should go over the previous comic to see if I can pick it out anyways.
  13. 3.5/5And Impulse is a brony.Like mee.Except I think I might be BZP's newest borny possibly...?Dunno.owell.
  14. 2/5Wait....whowwhenhowi seen you aorund.
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