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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. And this is why 8th grade physics need to go more in depth.>,<Anyways, it would be a system of 2 batteries (Hybrid cars engine and battery, similar concept but all electric)One battery uses power, second is charged.But, of course, it owuld have to be charged when it is not moving.Water moves turbines, produces electricity. But not enough, so the object stops at a charging station, or somewhere where the water moves, and anchors down. It charges, and eventually gaines enough power to start up and run.Not exactly very pratical, but less pollutants flooding ocean/atmosphere.Or it'll be an underwater hybrid car idea: Burns little gas, but uses the movement of water to fuel its secondary battery.I'd better shut up now.
  2. Mass effect?IS it the fact that everyone on BZP is slowly being bronified?Or is it about SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE?
  3. Ehksidian


    don't worry, i'm working on TiD part 2...It's a nightmare. So much effects, so little time...I have the same effect in every panel, and it's hard to do over and over...See TiD part 1. Last two panels. Except the black fade is in fornt of everyone.Because the powers out.And we're in lockdown.Because there's zombies EVERYWHERE.wait i shouldn't have said that.%^&*%!
  4. I sic my incideary creeper on you.He blows up, you catch on fire, and die.My mask!
  5. 3.5/5Impulsssssssssssssssssssssse.
  6. Imploded penguin face.Yum.That firey pony is a ninja.THAT IS ON FIRE.
  7. What I'm saying is this:A car goes faster down a hill then up. The motion, which is affected by friction and sound of tires hitting the ground, will be affected by gravity, but eventually will stop. The same car is able to convert the energy of motion into more motion, BUT, like you said, the other conversions would occur, tooWhat I'm thinking of is a bike, essentially. Move your feet, the wheels move. Same with the car. You push it down the hill, or push it, it moves. It will be affected by all sorts of other energy, but some energy would be recycled.Moving underwater train would create power, but lose some to movement of the water around it, etc. But, there would still be energy gained.One trip fules the next. The first trip is the only one fuled on fuel.The battery is what's powered, and there's always 2 batteries aboard. One for use, the other for charging.I'm actually surprised I can concieve this, even if it's a screwy idea. Because I'm only in 8th grade.I'd draw it, but I'm no artist.Electromagnetism would work faster.Kinetic motion engines (Which do exist) would only work for non-moving objects (In Tokyo I think, they replaced the sidewalks with kinetic energy collectors. People walked on them, and it fueled the lights on the street) in very populated places.Geothermic and hydroelectric currently seem the most viable clean sorces until they develop solar panels that convert 70% or more of sunlight into energy, instead of 30-40%. Wind energy only works in wind zones.I'm learning about energy right now. So, that's why I'm focusing on this.I may update this with a quick illistration of that train engine...
  8. Party?Will there be nukes?Anyways...Why'd you ruin it? I can tell what's going on...There's edges of panels at the top, from one of... season 1's comics?Similar backgrounds.Or a blank template.That's it!
  9. but, with nanotube out of the question for space elevators, I can easily imagine a new thing:Underwater trains.The trains would use hydro electricity sotred in a battery, and have a turbine on the back to push it forward, and to charge the battery (Essentially creating endless motion, but when it stops, it would need to be recharged, not always haaving power. Similar to a car with the ability to convert movement to energy to move. It stops, it needs to be pushed to get it started. And, of course, more energy consumed then gained, so eventual drain).They would cut down on train pollution, transport goods far faster with little worry of the weather, and could be made into a passanger system if slowed down.Relativly expensive, however.
  10. Ah, the space elevator.A somewhat impossible project...but, of course, with carbon nanotubes it may be possible one day.but I doubt it will be used for people... more likely for cargo, large shipments, supplies, etc to colonies on other planets.
  11. 3/5Well, the first thing you said was because they were hackers (They jacked peoples accounts, and they got people banned), but the second one... i dunno.Kittens!AND YOU WILL BRONY.
  12. 3.5/5I know the answer to your conmundrum:42.
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