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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. The car is a robot, so it wakes up.And flies.Into the moon.
  2. I sic a Grunt on you.It suicide bombs you.My mask.
  3. I activate my KILLZONe.You get withing a planet's distance from me.You die.My mask!
  4. I slit your throat, becoming the homocidal X we all know and hate.My mask.
  5. 3/5no.Better:BZP:ASCEND TO BRONYISM.
  6. 3/5But that dosn;t mean nukes arn't.AND THEY'RE DA BESTAREST TO MEEE
  7. I get the mask.Then some random guy comes and kills us both.Randomguy's mask.
  8. welcome.I then take it from you, because it's my turn.But I do not kill you or harm you.My mask.
  9. I throw Tahu in the lava.He burns to a permanent death.I give the mask to you, because you were the person supposed to have it.Ihu's mask.
  10. yayy.wronging is my thing!But...I thought death ended you.DOES IT?*dun dun dun*
  11. lol he ninja'd youuuAnyways...DINE.IT MAY BE THE END...for normal beings.But, of course, being a matoran of time, you can screw with time, and create multiple back up copies.HAH FOUND OUT PLOT.
  12. I diggy diggy hole right under you, and you fall into lava.My mask.
  13. 3/5If he does not commit, he loses.EVERYTHING.Join the herd, or the ponies will meld to your skin, and force you to become one of us...hehehehe.
  14. wait what.oh.So...THE GATES ARE CLOSED NOW.good. Don't want mr.hornhead getting out, do we?
  15. 3/5===> Pirok:Ascend to Bronyism
  16. 4/5...NO.SKELEPONYS OR ZOMPONIES.but enderponies better =DUnless Raccon ponies were on FIRE.And shot LAZERS.
  17. 3.5/5no.Those are real.REAL I SAY!*digs hole*
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