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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. When I sneeze on you, you get sick.SO I get better in one day (Yes, this happens. I gots a good immune system) and steal the mask.My mask!
  2. Alien defence grid. Nuff said.But now Discord is throwing Exploding choclate milks of glass at the car!Ono!
  3. I got my shots. So after one miniute, I'm ok so I SHOOP DA WOOP you to death. My mask.
  4. 3/5No.Minecraft brain.Plus ponies, equals Creeperponies.Who explode.Yes.
  5. Eh.RXC just has it in the name.Currently working on a far more serious comic arc.Wait...it's STILL in Alpha?Minecraft got out of Alpha in 1.2 >,<
  6. 3.5/5There needs to be a pyro pony.Or an explosives expert.OR A CREEPER PONY.THAT BLOWS UP.=D
  7. 3.5/5STOP MISSPELLING NUKE.It's best radioactivity.Wait, we're talking about ponies?Fat pony is best.Or whiceverone catches things on fire.
  8. 3.5/5No.She's worst.Fat pony is best pony.
  9. 3.5/5nope.very quiet voice that can't be read trolololololol
  10. Poor penguin.With it's face being shoved in its head.I feel sorry for it.
  11. Put me on the wiating list.Because I just became a brony.And these are quite good.
  12. : D50 ponits for meeeeeeeeBut yeah.That guy has way to big of a head, and such a tiny body, It's hilarious.
  13. 2/5Same.OH MY GOSH NEW REGULAR.yes.
  14. I killl you.WITH PONYITIS.So you turn into a pony, kill yourself, and I take the mask.My mask!and i'm immune. cuz i'm awesome.
  15. But the car drives through the free acsess tunnel on the Great Wall, and then it gets sealed in.But now the Chinese are mad at the car for bbeing futureish!
  16. 3/5Regulars.There are so many of us...trololol.
  17. 3.5/5NO.I SPEAK IN tiny voice of midgetness.
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