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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. But then I come into normalverse, slit your throat, and send you back in time.My mask
  2. Yes.It hurts.So... napalm bombs?Sounds like something I'd carry around.Because I like burning things.
  3. Dedhors3?And miru horse?That's not intelligent.That's awesome and intelligent.
  4. Hm.Tachyons?I knew about the Earth-like planet... it was supposed to be almost exactly like Earth, only twice as big.It possibly could have life.But we cannot move faster then light.The closer to the speed of light you get, the smaller and hotter you get.Which is why lightspeed travel is impossible, unless we utilize wormholes.Space is my thing (SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!)
  5. what happened to the pony?Did it decide to dive in the nuclear waste?
  6. I make the doubles cease to exist.Because they're form a universe that never existed.So I send everyone to the uNEVIRSE.Where everything is opposite, and your opposites slay you.But mine is my friend.My mask.
  7. olook.A pyro.with an axe.And shells for a gun.And a chef hat.Wha...
  8. I kick you so hard, the lower half of your body comes flying out of your eyeballs.My mask.
  9. I skipped steps 1 and two.And I did step 3.But not 4 or 5.Because I don't like it much... animation is +50 points. But the pony thing... no. Not for me.:DBut I still read these. Even though I'm no brony...Hm.Am I?*Deep thought*~X~
  10. YES.A NON BRONY.TOGETHER WE WILL...Do...nothing.And I will hail you.WITH HAIL >
  11. Minecraft refrence.You, sir, just won.And I hate how it's all 'christmas christmas christmas' before thanksgiving is even over.I mean... we had ads for Christmas before Halloween ended >,<
  12. ...I have no clue.I think that it has something to do with the lack of light in space, so thre is little to no light to reflect.Plus, if there's light or heat on a ship, which there would be unless it was a drone, then any heat sensor or light sensor would pick it up.That's what I think.
  13. I activate the GUN THAT SHOOTS EVERYTHING EXCEPT THE USER AND A MASK!It does SIDEWAYS 8 DAMAGE!everyone is killed and transported to a new universe, except me, and now I have the maskMy mask.
  14. I get a bunch of obsidian, make a portal, and send you to The Nether, where Zombie Pigmen promptly eat your flesh.My mask.
  15. A sonic person.Named Amy.With a big hammar.HAMMA TIME!EDIT: X RAEG!So.Some dude whose in your sig too is in your avvie.Cool.
  16. So that's who that red masked dude is.BUT HE SHOULD BE BLACK AND RED. NOT JUST RED D:<
  17. Well, I don't know much, but the simplest explination:Imiagine the universe is a trampoline, and everything is resting on the surface. The heavier things make a larger indent in the trampoline, and that means that if anything aproaches, it will fall, or bend into the indent, which is gravity.That's the easiest way to explain gravity.
  18. There's nothing if the universe ends.Except the unevurse.Which is the opposite of the universe.
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