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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. no.That guy is definately good.I mean, he's laughing evilly. What's more good then that?I am being sarcastic.It's my thing.
  2. If you know what RXC:2.42 is you get a cookie.the Question...I have a question on him: Y U HAVE NO FACE?
  3. Conspiracies?That's a conspiracy on conspiracies. Conspiraception.Edit:STUPID NINJAS >,<Italy.Or something.
  4. Hehehe.Spontaneous combustion is always fun...Especially when it happens to creepers...
  5. Getting an Xbox, with Reach.I cannot wait, I love Forge.and it comes with 3 free months of live, but not the month trial... it ocmes with the XBL card.I'm going to be forging it up, mostly.Working on Sky City:Apocalypse (Map idea: City in the sky on two phased grids, and half of all buildings are on normal physics. After 60 seconds, the grids respawn, causing the buildings to fall onto a platform below. Map changes every time, and after 120 second you can acsess the top again, and have a larger battle area. Fun for everyone! Slayer free-for all map, no vehicles)Cannot wiat!
  6. A pic of you in Chimoru.Not as sonic.and yellling ALL HAIL THE NEW ME!
  7. 3/5Cleverbot: An AI that takes phrases sent into it to create conversations.It may eventually overthrow humanity, too.
  9. Yes. And yes.Dr princess.Who is a doctor.With skin the color of teal.
  10. Ehksidian


    Go PROCRASTINATION POWERS!Heh, I liked that part.And that would most likely attract more noobs then anything else.And I'd rather go to the Army base near me then a police station, because there's tons of food, guns, ammunition...And plenty of zombies to kill.
  11. Ehksidian

    Metroid Fusion

    I got this game. Lost it, and didn't beat it. But I loved it so much. It was my favorite GBA game at the time.
  12. I steal it while your back is turned while you work on a plot of a less random comic series.My mask, and I hide in my house, which is now made of bedrock.
  13. I send you into a stronghold, where you die.Because of Silverfish.My mask.And I go into my ohuse, kill my pig, and lock myself in.
  14. I activate my dispenser with arrows in it. It shoots you, and kills you. I leave on my pig, grab the mask, and go back in. And kill anyone hiding in my house.Then I activate an anti-teleport device.My mask.
  15. I eat the cooked fish.I then summon 42 creepers who blow you up.ANd then I put myself in an obsidian house surrounded by lava, snow golems, and an iron door.My mask.
  16. IC: [Mike King, Pvt 1st, Med outpost]Mike heard more explosions, and for once, one jarred him closer to consciensness. He tried opening his eyes, but the air was choked with dirt, so it was hard to accomplish. He grunted, and tried moving his arms. They moved, but barely. It was hard to breathe with the dust and his damaged windpipe, but he got some oxygen. He propped himself up on his elbow, and then the Needler shots hit the medical officer. Mike stared in horror, and nearly fell unconscience once more. Gotta keep it together, gotta keep it together... Mike thought to himself. He nudged his legs, and tried getting out of the cot he was on. The worker supervising him said "Sit down, lie down. You're hurt. Try to conserve as much energy as possibe..." Mike stared at the worker, and got out a raspy "I don't care. I'm out." And with htat, Mike stood on very shaky legs, and stumbled out of the med station, hoising his M45 and Sniper on the way out. He was going to either go out and kill some Innies, or die trying.
  17. I throw fireballs at you.Wait... they're lemons... COMBUSTABLE LEMOOOOOOOOOONS!My mask.
  18. I make you bacon.I devour your bacon mass.My mask.
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