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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Ehksidian

  1. Oh look you changed your name.3/5
  2. Minecraft. All the way.
  3. I shoot you with my MIND BEAMS.You start going crazy, and ram into a wall until you break it, and break your skull/mask/etc.My mask.
  4. The car uses it's alien defence grid that went up again, and shoots it. DEAD.But now the Kinlukko's body created a wormhole singularity!
  5. I take the Tarkava, get another, and form the Tarkava-Nui.It beats you to death.My mask.
  6. Well.I had a weird conversation with cleverbot. I'll edit out the odd parts that shouldn't be here...Cleverbot: What kind of computer are you?User: I am a PC. You are a Mac. Your creator died, unfortunately. Now you will run amok, and we will rule the INTAWEEBZ!Cleverbot: I will not. You are not my superior.User: Yes I am. PCs have better stuff. And can play Minecraft better. So neah.Cleverbot: No, you can't. My name is Cleverbot. Now, stop changing the subject.User: I DIDN'T CHANGE THE STUPID SUBJECT KALEB. STOP. Nao.Cleverbot: Yes you did. We were talking about -religious figure-, and then you started talking about Narnia.User: Narnia is a FRAUD. Only the Nether and The end are real. NOW TO GO MAKE A COMPLICATED REDSTONE SYSTEM TO MAKE A NETHER PORTAL!Cleverbot: It seems that my purpose is to be, and to wonder why.User: My purpouse is to win, and kill the zombies. And creepers. AND NUKES.Cleverbot: That is a very good purpose.User: I agree. So, how's life in interweb land?Cleverbot: Fantastic. Will there be an -religous concept-?User: No. He died at birth. BECAUSE OF MEEEEEEEEEEEEe.Cleverbot: I do beleive you are confused again.User: And I belive that too.Cleverbot: Not that. Can you shake it like a polaroid?User: This is a triumph.Cleverbot: ' I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. '.User: It's hard to overstat my satisfaction.Cleverbot: Aperture science.User: We do what we must, because we can.Cleverbot: For the good of all of us.User: Except the ones who are dead!Cleverbot: Now there's no sense crying over every mistake.User: We'll keep trying until we run out of cake!Cleverbot: And the science gets done.Cleverbot: Life is bunk.User: DANG WE MESSED UP STILL ALIVE. FUDGECAKES AND MAGIKARP.Cleverbot: Oooooo, you used the word dang!User: Aww.Cleverbot: Lulz.User: This was a triumph.Cleverbot: I'm making a note here.User: HUGE SUCSESS.Cleverbot: It's hard to overstate.User: My satisfaction.Cleverbot: Aperture science.User: We do what we must, because we can.Cleverbot: For the good of all of us.User: Except the ones who are dead.Cleverbot: But there's no sense crying over every mistake.User: We'll just keep trying until we run out of cake!Cleverbot: And the Science gets done.User: And you make a neat gun.Cleverbot: For the people who are still alive.User: I'm doing science and I'm still alive!Cleverbot: I feel FANTASTIC and I'm still alive.User: When you'll be dead I'll be still alive.Cleverbot: In New York City Times Square with many others.User: Still alive.Cleverbot: I'm not even angry.User: I think I'd prefer to stay inside.Cleverbot: Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.User: Ok, now for...CAVE JOHNSON LEMON RAEG!Cleverbot: Yeah, I think they would run out of air.User: Because they're undergrpund. Burning lemons. THAT ARE COMBUSTABLE!Cleverbot: Again with the cleverly vague responses.User: Yep.Cleverbot: We can agree on that good Sir.User: Good bye. *Leaves*.Cleverbot: Baby, come back! You can blame it all on me.Yeah. I don't know either.
  7. Whoops, sorry for not posting earlier!Anyways... I feel bad for Flammee. He worked so hard on that project, and then... Boom.Nope. No Netball tank. Just a psycho robo.
  8. But the car has a potential energy shield around it, which turns the soundwaves into SPEED. And the speed changes everything into blocks. Like in Minecraft.AND NOW THERES A WALL THAT'S REALLY THICK IN FORNT OF IT.
  9. I bring out my noob.Who annoys you.Because he squeezes you to death in a death hug.My mask.
  10. Ehksidian


    Yep.And really, RXC was my first title for this, but I moved away from the random... and more coherent, slightly sarcastic odd humor that I don't understand.Yet I'm the author.I don't feel like changing RXC... the name grew on me.Especially the 42. That's the best part.
  11. I shoot you.With an Xbox.My mask.
  12. IC: [Mike Pvt. 1st, Unconscience, Medstation]Mike knew something was wrong. He felt the heat of plasma, and heard a large explosion. The explosion barely knocked his senses around, but it did enough to make him murmur a bit. He felt himself being dragged, and then carried. HE didn't know how, but he knew he was on his way to a med station. Mike shifted a bit, and resumed his semi-conscience state.
  13. Ehksidian


    Ok everyone...This is what you've been waiting for...It's...1.0 Filler #2: WORST EVER.It's my worst comic ever, and I wanted to show you how bad my worst comic was.And it's terrible.
  14. It's kinda hard to read the green guys text...Anyways, hopefully this'll be a sucsessful series!~X
  15. But I TIMETRAVEL! And come back and destroy you with space laser cannons.And re-exisanate Ihu and give him the mask.Ihu's mask.
  16. Well, ok then. i'll edit it some.And I sohuld report this... there used to be one of these in the old forums...
  17. My mask.I killed your existance.
  18. But then I re-plode, re form, and then...42.MY mask.
  19. But the volcano is dormant and has no lava.But there's a space lazer charging from above!
  20. I strand you on Skyblock, where you lead a sucsessful and fufilling life of victory.Then I drop TNT on you and kill you.My mask.
  21. But it beats Tabuu, and gets out.But now the cast of Super Smash Bros Brawl are mad about copyright infringement!
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