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~Electric Demon~

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Everything posted by ~Electric Demon~

  1. Thanks man. :)

    And good luck to all other BZPers and friends here!

  2. Hey Kara! New Ask Mata Nui chapter up! :)

  3. Thanks a heap for the Personal Photo! :D

  4. Hey, sorry if I'm a bit impatient but how goes the Personal Photo I requested from you in SAP?

  5. Hey guys if you can check out my comedie Ask Mata Nui! No replies yet though and I'd appreciate some.

    If your to busy thats OK.

  6. Hey guys... Sorry but I had to quit on Bionicle. My dad doesn't like them much and thinks I'm to old for it. And my interest in it faded away too... Sorry..

  7. Rated you five stars. And hi!

  8. Hey, you know that thing in your sig that says that you really hate this member? How come when I click the link it goes to my profile thingy?

  9. Oh! Thank you very much! Did't realise! =]

  10. Rated you 5 stars and welcome. =)

  11. Sorry, didn't realise my first comment went through, so I did a new one. Really sorry 'bout that. =(

  12. Hi, Greg. If your leaving BZP for a while thats fine. All that "Good or Bad" topic did was to make you feel bad. I would leave for a while to if someone did that to me.

    Even though I only read one of your books (they don't sell Bionicle books where I live bought this one off some Book Club thing), and it was great. It's a real honour having you on BZP.

  13. Hi, Greg, if you wan't to leave BZP for a while, thats fine. I understand. You are right. All that topic did (whatever it was called) was to make you feel bad. If that happened to me, I'd leave BZP for a while too. I admit I don't wan't you to leave, but a break would do you good. Your a Great writer, even though I only read one of your books (they don't sell Bionicle books in

  14. Wait, a minute, I thought you were staff?

  15. Aaaw. Used to be rated 5 stars,

    now 4. =[

    Ah well.

  16. Sorry I wasn't on guys. I had my computer taken away from me to be "upgraded". Sorry.

  17. Allright, thanks Aussie Tau!

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