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~Electric Demon~

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Status Updates posted by ~Electric Demon~

  1. Hey Aussie Tahu, I heard you got Metus, did you get him off the Internet or from the shops, I live in Australia too so I'd like to know, thanks.

  2. Guess what! New chapter up!

  3. Sorry for repeating the last comment. I didn't know it was there. =[

  4. I just gotta adappt to your attack and I'm fine. I'm writing the new chapie now.

  5. Confusin' huh? Well I just gotta adapt to your Chaotic Obliivion and I'm fine!

  6. I mean after I get used it.

  7. After I do it probably wont make any effect.

  8. Well. I just got to get used to the attack

  9. So diszzy that I fainted

  10. No. It just made me dizzy.

  11. Yep but won't make any effect. I CANT DIE!!!! WOO!!!!!

  12. Thanks! And no I don't think they are worth the ammount they are. $20 in Australia. The piraka were pretty good and they only cost half as much!

  13. Anyone own Glatorian in Australia?

  14. Hello there and welcome to Bzpower!

  15. Thanks for the welcome!

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