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Tifosi 92

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About Tifosi 92

  • Birthday 10/07/1992

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    United States
  • Interests
    Formula One Racing: I don't think there's anything I enjoy more on a weekend than getting the chance to watch a Formula One Grand Prix. I've been to see two races live before, and neither of them are experiences I'll soon forget. My favorite team is Ferrari, and my favorite driver is Michael Schumacher. My display name, "Tifosi" (Tih-foe-see), comes from an Italian Formula One term meaning "loyal Ferrari supporter". Can't wait for the season to restart in March!<br /><br />Ferrari: By far, I think they are the most legendary car manufacturers in the entire world. They consider car making to be an art rather than an industry, and they fill each individual car they build with soul through an unrivaled dedication to quality and performance. They're also the builders of what I would choose as my favorite car, the 599 GTB Fiorano. There are few cars in the world like an Italian sportscar, but there is nothing else like a Ferrari.<br /> <br />Bionicle: I was abducted into Bionicle fandom in '06, after deciding to read the first Ignition comic because I was bored. I liked the concept that the Matoran resistance team was alone on the island, trying to survive against the much more powerful Piraka. I think the main reason I didn't like the story before '06 was that it was a little too complex for me to grasp completely. I've been a fan ever since that first comic.<br /><br />Gaming: I've been playing video games since when the SNES was the newest console. I've played the N64, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, and DS and GBA. Currently, I'm playing Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Galaxy, and occasionally CoD4 and CoD: WaW. Mario has been and always will be my favorite gaming icon, because he's been with me in gaming since the very beginning, in a manner of speaking. =P If you want to play with me on Xbox Live, PM me and let me know. My gamertag is identical to my display name.<br /><br />Reading: It's not often I'll read new books unless a friend recommends them to me. However, if I find something I'm interested in, I'll take the time to finish it. My favorite book series is "Ranger's Apprentice". It isn't advertised much at all, and very few people seem to have heard of it, but it is probably the best book series I've ever read. BZP also contains one of my favorite stories, "Glitch in the System". In my opinion, it's the best epic on the entire site.<br /><br />Writing: Every once in a while, I'll get inspired from something totally random, and decide to write. Right now, I've got quite a few pieces of Bionicle fan-fiction on BZP. Most of the links are in my sig, and reviews on any of my work would be very much appreciated. I'd recommend either "Burning Bridges" or "The Sniper" if you were to read only one of them. Most of my friends on BZP are writers, ironically enough. =P<br /><br />Thanks to anyone who's taken the time to read this. It took me a while to write!

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  1. you love Ferrari, Ferrari is italian. I'm pleased when someone like italian things :3

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