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About Lamboman2882

  • Birthday 05/28/1995

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    Lego, Bionicle. I like the color navy blue, black, and purple. My favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees. I like Lamborghinis and Bugattis. I like baseball and basketball and football and fencing. I like James Bond movies. I love cheese and pizza.

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Inhabitant (2/293)

  1. Are we still friends? Comeon, it's just 2 Manas, and you got over it and let me be about it, remember?

  2. Yankees. R. Da bomb. :D

  3. that no-hitter the other day.

  4. Dude I LOVE Nick Swisher he's really good!! No I didn't see him pitch but I heard about it. Its too bad they lost today! I really wanted them to win the first game in their new stadium. Do you like Brett Gardner?? He's SO fast LoL. Are you one of those people who hate A-rod? Or are you sad like me that he isn't playing until May? AJ Burnett is SO beastly. He almost got

  5. Nice, another Yankees fan on BZP. Nick Swisher is playing great lately! Did you see him PITCH against the Rays?

  6. did u ever get SF's stuff? btw did he put ur real name or display name on the package? cuz i told him to put Vakiti and im hoping i'll still get it

  7. PHEW! Thank you! Oh, and sorry about that. :( Like I said, things are crazy in here.

  8. Sorry. I'm over it now, my life is being crazy on me. No harm done?

  9. Please just drop it... I don't want to get into an argument.

  10. I am not giving up for the manas, no matter WHAT I say...

  11. Now I jsut lost my train of thought. But it's OK though. I honestly can't pay for it yet, anyways, so you can have the Manas.

  12. Shouldn't have done... what?

  13. It was because I didn't have internet for a while. I shouldn't have done this. It would've saved me trouble.

  14. Yeah I know but you left and didn't reply. It sounded like you couldn't buy them anyway. Sorry...

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