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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

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IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room

"I daresay there's not a mercenary on the island that lists 'teamwork' as one of his or her specialties, despite widespread assumptions to the contrary." observed Rhea dryly. "But it's not a fatal flaw. You're in, provided of course you're sure you want to be. Imperfection can be tolerated, but you must understand, false loyalty can not. At all."

She paused a moment to let the Fe-Toa run that through his mind, then continued, "As for your previous question... I hesitate to divulge much statistical detail in an insecure location such as this... I believe I made it clear that this legion is a blade as of yet not fully forged; but the process is proceeding swiftly, and as planned... was there anything in par-tic-ular you were wondering about?"

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IC: Elysi


"I would say so," nodded Elysi in agreement.


IC: Zelvin (Tidepool Inn & Tavern)


"Very well" Zelvin muttered back with satisfaction, and directed her attention once more to the Su-Toa who she'd overheard referring to herself as 'Rhea Heartsflame'. The name sounded vaugely familiar, possibly a relative newcomer to the game.


was there anything in par-tic-ular you were wondering about?"


"I can think of several things" Zelvin said where she now was standing behind Kubrick, appearance obscured by her cloak.


"For starters," she continued, "how does the payment work?"

Edited by Gyro Gearloose

BZPRPG Profiles


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IC: Elysi


Elysi sighed. Such an unnecessarily dramatic entrance. Still, it would have an affect on the other hunters. If her companion wanted to be perceived as tall, dark and mysterious, then that would definitely be the way to go. Although, it wasn't as if she could really complain - she too possessed a fondness for the dramatic and flashy. It got attention at least. Hopefully positive attention, because the Toa of Lightning could see a few looks being thrown that way. Others were getting curious as well, it seemed.


She slid her chair back, the scraping of wood against stone garnering the attention of people in the room. Elysi slowly moved to her feet, arms stretching out as she let out a slight yawn. Every action felt natural - she was just another tired patron who wanted to stretch out her muscles. Nothing of real interest, and she knew that as she returned to her seat, her movement would have left the minds of anybody watching. And it would have distracted anyone who felt like continuing their observations of Zelvin and the others as well.


I wonder if there's any truth behind the saying: "curiosity killed the Muaka".

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IC: Kubrick - [Tidepool Tavern and Inn] - [Talking]
Kubrick shook his head.
"No. I just wanted to know if my long-term arrangement was secure and stable. As it were, it seems that you have a good handling of the logistics.

"So no, I wasn't really thinking of anything particular."

So now fortune had placed this on to Kubrick's lap, right after his reemergence. All the resources and manpower at his-and the guild's- collective disposable.

"Miss Heartsflame, I can guarantee you that loyalty will not be a concern. I fully understand the grave consequences of not honouring a contract."


"I can think of several things."


"For starters," a wiry stranger behind Kubrick continued, "how does the payment work?"


Kubrick turned his head and saw a tall figure, obscured by a cloak, asking the question.


"Friend of yours? I had the impression this conversation's details was private," Kubrick said, as he turned back to Rhea.

Edited by Just Norik
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IC: [ Rhea / Nero ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room

"A private conversation? I held that impression as well. She may be a friend of mine, but she's certainly one I do not yet know." remarked Rhea dryly, her gaze slashing past Kubrick's face and settling on that of the cloaked and hooded stranger.

At the bar, the rangy Le-Toa set down his half-empty mug of ale, his posture shifting subtly with the gesture. His eyes moved.

Recognition dawned like a slap in the face.

"Since... you asked... Zelvin... it relies on the spoils principal. The guild itself is entitled to a certain percentage of profits earned; the remainder is split among those who earned it."

She was suddenly looking a little pale, but her voice was level and controlled.

"Please sit down, and kindly dispense with the theatrics. I am not trying to interfere with your habits, but I, personally, would rather not attract undue attention at the present time."

A pause.

"Well-calculated maneuver on the part of your companion, by the way. Is there anyone else I should be aware of?"

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IC: Syvra


"I know Echelon could have killed me if he wished. I knew that from the instant I dared follow him in mangaia." He tapped the side of his mask "And need I remind you that I had the capability of exploring blackrock myself. I am not your average tryna user. Let's leave it at that. I had ways of going into that location unseen. However I have been useful. I had the knowledge of the rough location of their base. I had driven the roaches from their base in onu-wahi, with the help of the ussalry. Without my knowledge you would have not known where to search."


Hey I am here too!

I know you are Venixa, but right now we don't need to advertise that. Best to keep you as an ace up our sleeve.

Well.... just don't forget about me.

I won't and you know it.

However he motions to the fruit as well

"And I would advise against any use of your element on them. I have crafted these little devils to be especially suited to your element. Slightest jostling and we both get a rather hefty explosion. And they are merely here for insurance to insure you don't try anything. However I shall continue. I am the one with the knowledge, while you are just the secondary means of force. Only reason I did not do this myself, is because Echelon requested we work together. And I respect Echelon, not because he possesses power, but because he knows how to command."

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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC: Elysi


It was a shame that she couldn't clearly hear the conversation occuring several metres away. Elysi was actually rather interested in the proceedings, but for now, she would have to rely on Zelvin to deal with the situation at hand.


Her posture was quite relaxed, but her mind and body were anything but. If something happened, she needed to be ready to respond. Elysi didn't know exactly what exactly could occur - maybe somebody would start a fight or whatnot - but in any case, it was better to be prepared.


The Lightning Toa leaned over, gesturing for one of the waiters to come over. She wasa bit famished after the long walk from Ta-koro.


"Roast kikanalo," she ordered. "Well-done. Hate it when it's rare. Also a cappucino too."


As her orders were passed on to the cooks by the slightly intimidated waiter (was she scary when demanding food? Elysi didn't really know), the Toa of Lightning leaned back into her chair, hands fiddling with her knife and fork.

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IC: Zelvin (Tidepool Inn & Tavern)


"Well well, now I am definitely impressed" she said, to herself, mind you, as she complied with Rhea's demands and sat down, casually revealing her face as she did so. The fact that Rhea had recognized her, and used her actual name rather than that awfully silly nickname, was commendable, very much so in fact.


Zelvin had noticed the slight tinge of paleness that had befallen Rhea's face, and inwardly she felt relaxed, at ease, she was the one who were putting others at odds here.


"You're right about the Toa over there, she's with me, but neither of us come with intent to harm"

"Rather, we were looking for some chances of employment, and I dare say the ideas you espouse sound quite intriguing to me. If you'll have us I'm sure we can work something out"

BZPRPG Profiles


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IC: (J'Con)


At first, it seemed as though the Toa of gravity had again taken ethereal form. Then came the snoring. Syvra would find that J'Con had drifted off to sleep in the middle of his speech. He awoke somewhere between the Toa of decay's first ego trip and second unloading of verbal feces. He simply chuckled, laying back deeper in his bed. "You can tell yourself whatever keeps the tears from coming mon amie... Meanwhile I'll be delivering the information I found to Echelon. Don't worry, though, we can pretend you did more to help than tell me it was somewhere in the Po-Koroan desert. I'll even leave out the part where you put a deadly fruit over my head because of your crippling need to feel superior. Just wake me up when you're ready to leave."


With that, he fell back into his slumber, a smug smile still on his face.

Edited by Al the Chicken Man

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Syvra


Syvra narrowed his eyes as he listened to J'con. It was clear this toa lacked any form of respect. He felt he could just sleep, so be it. Syvra stood up, calmly walking out of the small bedroom alcove and out towards the entrance of this hidden cove. He looked back towards where J'Con slumbered and snapped his finger. Since the toa had not bothered to even move from the bed, or attempt to move any of the madu, not that it would have done good, he simply deserved what was coming. 


It would be a delayed reaction, of a few seconds course, but delayed none the less. It would start with one of the madu exploding, but that would create a chain reaction that would lead up to a massive clusterstorm of exploding fruit, turning bits of shell into shrapnel, releasing vertigo inducing spores into the air and of course the actual explosions themselves. 


Syvra of course was did not leave the scene, no he had instead ducked behind one of the stone walls after he snapped his finger, for affect of course, so as to avoid the explosion and to place a protective filter over his mask, which he has used in the past with similar plant-based gasses. He would make sure of the status his opponent is in, instead believing him to be dead for only a fool assumed his opponent dead without checking the corpse. And afterall J'con may be crafty enough to find a way to escape the blast, though being asleep and in such close proximity to the fruit, he doubted it. But miracles happen.


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room

The Su-Toa's eyes searched the older bounty hunter's face warily, sifting for any hint of fork-tongued deceit, or mocking arrogance, or implied threat, and finding none, she answered slowly, "I... I would be truly honored."

She meant it. Ye gods, she meant it. Zelvin herself... here...

Rhea took a breath. Smiled slightly, feeling the sudden half-panicked tension in her muscles ease up just a little, the blood trickle back down and across her cheekbones.

Not all the way. Her heart was a cold twisted knot in her chest, and the wracking jolt of emotion through her nerves wasn't steadying so easy. She was a tough girl, but when certain things hit you fast and hard like that, they get the blow landed.

Because just for a moment, when the Toa of Crystal had stepped easily from nowhere with that lithe, confident step, the noise and chatter of the crowd sliding off her like rain on a cougar's pelt, her eyes alight in the shadow of her hood--

A long-unsummoned specter of a childhood lost had stirred and wailed its unhealed sorrow to the night.

Because just for a moment, Zelven's cloaked silhouette had merged in Rhea's mind with that of her own mother, laid to rest long since in a rain-kissed warrior's grave, known now only to her orphaned daughter in the vague impressions of a rough-but-caring voice and a single piercing recollection, sharp and vivid as choking despair itself, of that luminescent gaze-- the glow was the same though the color was not-- ######, those eyes--

She had watched them fade, leave her lone and forsaken when all she wanted was someone to listen and to understand. That was all. That was the memory.

And ######, ######, ###### it hurt.

Edited by Shadowhawk
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IC: Elysi


Elsyi's eyebrow twitched at her companion, the slight movement the only form of communication she currently possessed. She may have been an uncouth being, but years of manners being drilled into her head had paid off. With her mouth occupied with eating a piece of her meal, there was no way she was going to talk.


Zelvin would have to wait another few seconds for her to finish the meal. Kikanalo tasted terrible when cold, no matter what the Ko-koronans believed.


A few moments later, Elysi gently placed her knife and fork down on her clean plate, before silently rising to her feet and rapidly crossing the room.


"No need to rush me," she stated blandly. "I already eat three times faster than the average person."

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IC: Kubrick

Kubrick sipped from his drink as he eyed all three at the table now. Rhea was acting slightly nervous and shaking, Zelvin was confident and relaxed, while Elysi took a seat.


Kubrick cleared his throat softly and asked softly to Rhea, "Well, any more questions? If not, I would like to sit and watch my potential co-workers," Kubrick gestured to the other two.

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IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room

"No. No, Kubrick, that would be all for now." murmured Rhea, a trifle distractedly.


Breathe in, breathe out. Focus. The heart is fickle, but the mind rules all.

Let it go.

Her green eyes slid to the newcomer, and again, recognition stirred. Not as promptly as in Zelvin's case, perhaps, but Rhea Heartsflame made it her business to be informed. She knew things. She was, after all, a professional.

"'Three times faster'... you'll be the Crimson Lightning, no doubt. I am most pleased to make your acquaintance."

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IC: Elysi


"Likewise," replied Elysi, the Toa of Lightning appearing to relax into her seat.


Not many people usually referred to her by her moniker (she still had no idea why people decided to assign her one in the her place), but if this prospective new ... "colleague" wished to do so, who was Elysi to argue? Besides, she was somewhat fond of the name, anyway.


"You can call me Elysi though," she added. "It might be easier on the tongue."

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"Well, how can I say no to an offer like that?" I said, ignoring the banter between the Captain and the First Mate, "Where do I sign?"






"Well, Song here'd charge you an arm and a leg, but I'm a businessman and a scholar. I'll settle for you buying my next burger."





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IC: Elysi


Elys nodded. "It sounds pretty interesting. And I've always gone for such fascinating opportunities."

IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room


And what, pray tell, could you say to that?


Rhea smiled, already feeling better, already feeling herself again.


"Yes. For you and Zelvin, no résumés necessary; reputation will suffice. But I must have your word of honor; even now, your absolute loyalty must needs be unquestionable. Not only to me, but to each other, and to the unit as a whole."

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IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room

Rhea actually laughed a little at that one, but her reply was dead serious. "Certainly. Could I stop you? Or do you think I would ask your loyalty, but deny you mine in return? Ask the Guard of Ta-Koro; I know indeed the meaning of honor, of duty, and of pride."

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IC: Her situation was just worsening. She could sense her existence was frail, that her life in these circumstances was miraculous. Like the disjointed reflection of her kanohi in the knife, she thought, life was starting to fragment.


But Dorian wasn't gone yet. And neither was Hau.


She still had time.


She boarded the ferry on that thought. Taking the knife out of her pocket as the ship set sail, she examined it once more.


The thing was lethal and, in a sense, ugly. There was nothing of glamor in the slitting of throats or stabbing of backs. Its blade was a cold assassin's tool with a gruesome bite, incapable of feeling or remorse. Yet its features were still beautifully crafted. Its metal still shone like a goddess; it was ugly, but it also had a lighter side.


<Maybe that's like right now.> She looked out into the sunset on the waves, cries of seagulls and of deckhands lost in her ears as the dark bulk of the ocean met the brilliant radiance of dying day. <Maybe that's like life. We'll see.>


One year to the day following the thought, Naara gave a blank stare into the same knife, supine on the deck of her yacht in solitary mooring, and wondered where her life had gone.


Xa-Koro had fallen hours after she left; with it went her link to Dorian. She kept the kid through the subsequent chaos and watched as the fanciful boy augmented his vision into the vigilante reality of a galvanized man. Then, it was time for her to leave the younger of the two hedonists behind. She flicked the blade, languidly swiping through the recollections in the cerulean sky.


Neither had died. Dorian was too enmeshed in trouble to be killed by it and Hau checked in every now and then. She severed her bonds with another swift cut of the air. Both of the two people she could bring herself to care about might as well have not existed in her new world. The time before the islets fell was a time when she'd taught and loved personalities she knew like the downy underside of her apparel. Now, she hunted and fished to collect sustenance for faceless masses she wouldn't sit down with, let alone bump into on the street.


The contrast was rather disconcerting.


Naara tossed the knife up, supplicating in her lethargy. If she lacked in relations, she had to admit a degree of the fault. She'd never been approachable. She tracked the dagger as it spun. She didn't regret pushing away that supercilious Kaccio or fawning Nikarra, but she wouldn't have minded talking to the Vortixx who left her with the glittering prize suspended meters above. She was only fishing now. Well, she'd fished for other things than Rahi before and she'd do so again. This time, she'd cast her net wide and sieve the results in a thin strainer.


She caught the knife and sheathed it, stuck it in her pack, and finally sprung up and off her boat, smoothly dropping onto the small dock outside the village. Her face slipped into its usual liquid smirk. Her limbs remembered their supple vigor and flowed from their torpid state into undulation through the Koro.


This time, she'd stay on the lighter side.


OOC: Naara is open for interaction.

Edited by Mordor Vehicle



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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[Northern Ga-Koro]

Talli was nearly bowled over by the muscular navy toa as she headed for home.

“Hey, watch it!”

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Nameless [Naho Bay]


The boat ride to Ga-Koro was rather uneventful but was, at least to his knowledge, the first time he had ever stepped foot on a seafaring vessel. The nameless Toa looked out of place amongst the other passengers with his tattered cloak and sand-coated clothing. He could feel the stares on him as he planted one foot on the solid wooden dock with hesitation and doubt. As soon as he exited, however, the Toa was swept in the current of the villagers. He looked around in awe as he stood out amongst a sea of Ga-Matoran.


OOC: Open for interaction.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: "I'm sorry," Naara said mildly, halting to turn and examine the disgruntled Matoran she had bumped into. The littler being's aesthetics made for a mixed picture, brachia and thighs light hues of blue while the rest of her was darker. The pair of brown eyes the Ga-Matoran sported weren't exactly common among their kind. Only the expression of slight indignation was familiar to Naara. It was the same as that of the Vortixx a hundred kio away with the angular visage and the matching dagger.


Naara's expression shifted into a neutral state and she dipped her head. "I did not intend to be so clumsy. How may I make it up to you?"

Edited by Mordor Vehicle



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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A cup of green tea in hand, Private Tyrus Archer watched the crowds move about the docks of Ga-Koro with a practiced eye. There were the usual sailors and fisherwomen, the shipwrights and dockhands, the merchants and bystanders casually walking their way through the labyrinth of crates and rigging and hastily-constructed market stands. It was from one of the latter that Tyrus had procured his drink, run by an old Ga-Matoran who seemed to fancy herself some kind of fortune teller; though the Marine was fairly certain that her "prophecies" unerringly matched those found in the Mata Nui Weekly's horoscope section.


Still, the tea was good, carrying the earthy tones usually found in the plantations along the Hura-Mafa. There hadn't been any trouble around the city since that incident with the Skakdi wannabe-street thug who couldn't even snap a neck properly, and with any luck that would continue until Tyrus' shift was over.


His eyes lingered for a moment on the grey Toa standing in the crowds, a disheveled cloak only barely obscuring the tell-tale bulge of a Parakuka before being turned to the sound of an altercation around the portion of the docks where he stood. There, Tyrus caught glimpse of a Ga-Matoran who appeared vaguely familiar in discussion with a muscular navy Toa. If her trajectory was any indication, the latter was coming from a small moored yacht. A fisherwoman, perhaps, or a sailor.


How many of them carry a falcata at their hip?


The Lesterin turned back to the grey Toa and raised his cup in acknowledgement, then walked over to the conversing duo.


"Is everything all right?"


OOC: Yo, Nebula, feel free to join!





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IC: Nameless [Northern Ga-Koro]


The nameless Toa's bright blue eyes scanned around as he remained followed the flow of Matoran. He inhaled deeply, savoring the salty breeze of the sea. However, it was the scent of crushed tea leaves that caught the host's attention. He turned, just catching sight of the Toa-like being passing by who had raised the cup.


He turned and began walking towards the old mentor, attracted by the alien aroma of his tea. The nameless Toa looked ahead and spotted the two beings engaged in a discussion. The gray Toa kept his distance as he approached and listened in on the conversation. The slug on his back observed as well and seemed to urge his host to move closer. Flashes of green and blue took over his vision as the nameless Toa hesitantly took a few steps forward.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: (J'Con)


A part of J'Con had expected such pathetic maneuvers as those that Syvra had extended. Killing an ally for petty reasons was the epitome of stupidity and the end-all of pointless arrogance. He had not truly been asleep, and his clever mind reacted quickly, one hand extended to the fruits and the other towards his ceiling. His entire concentration was focused on but three actions. Action one... self-preservation. He clutched thin air in his hand, sending an elemental signal to the area's gravitational field, throwing the fruit as far as he could just as they exploded, making them suddenly find themselves gravitated to the wall. As they hit, the wall imploded, and water gushed in at increasingly fast paces as it filled the cavern.


Action two... escape. The slights and shifts in the gravitational field sent him rising away from the incoming waves and towards the ceiling. The instability from Syvra's explosives had caused it to begin caving in, allowing him to slip through the cracks as it collapsed. Exhausted, he lobbed himself onto solid ground, landing on his shoulder and sliding across the bay, tumbling over rocks and ending up flat on his back. He lay there, considering what had just happened, and wanted to puke at the fact that Syvra had tried this hard to kill him for no reason.

Edited by Al the Chicken Man

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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[Northern Ga-Koro]


Talli frowned, glancing up at the mottled bronze and grey Lesterin.

"It's nothing, just reminding certain people they can't treat public streets like private jogging lanes."


Why does everyone decide to throw a rokking party everytime a matoran shows a little backbone?  Her eyes flickered briefly to the insignia on the Lesterin's shoulder.  She grinned.

"After all, as a member of the guard it's my duty to uphold public safety, won't you agree."


Someone else, was approaching them, a toa dressed in rags.  Talli's cheeky smile remained, but her brow knitted.  She'd hardly ever seen a toa in that state.  Not all of them were rich, of course, but they could usually find work in the sorts of professions that payed enough and were thought to be too dangerous for Matoran.

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Nameless [Northern Ga-Koro]


"Duty..." The nameless Toa mouthed out that one word. It hung in the air above him like a cloud. On the clean slate that was his mind it seemed to at least cause some sort of recognition. Although he couldn't put his finger on it the words were important enough to trigger something in him.


As Ta's host stood there frozen like a statue the small slug hidden underneath the worn cloak pondered the word itself. An obligation or responsibility. But to what was simply unknown to the young Parakuka. He probed the nameless Toa's empty mind for any information besides the definition of the word.


Seconds passed before the stranger grasped at his Iden. No memories resurfaced nor did the importance of that word. He looked around at the other beings assembled around the quarrelling party with slight curiosity as the discomfort faded from his temples. The vagabond traced the Ga-Matoran's gaze towards the Lesterin's shoulder but he couldn't make out the insignia.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: Naara raised an eyebrow. At once, the walls around her boredom dissipated and it flooded back in. Her mind, stagnant as her limbs had been, coursed into caustic mode in a matter of microseconds. Her expression remained ambiguous.


"Dear girl, then I must apologize again. I did not know you couldn't tell walking from jogging. Perhaps an illustration of the first is in order."


She promptly turned away and strode coolly into the village's throngs.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Zelvin (Tidepool Inn & Tavern)


Zelvin sent an expectant gaze in Rhea's direction. 


"So, where do we go from here?"



Sorry about the delay; I've been working an intensely physically grueling construction job over the last few days, so just didn't have any energy left over to spare for BZPRPG (although yeah, I know, punching keys on a laptop is sooo energy-consuming, isn't it? :P).


Will try to be a bit more active over the weekend, though. :)


IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room


"Tomorrow morning. Early." returned Rhea happily. "We'll-- that is, you three, the three others you three've not yet met, and myself-- will be heading out to Po-Wahi to close the deal on an expensive little custom-designed blockade runner that awaits us there. Steam powered; so far as I know, one of the absolute very first naval vessels to utilize the tech, as well as the absolute very first naval vessel to utilize the tech in any class and type combination lighter than 'hulking battleship'."


She smiled, a little bit shy but a whole lot proud. "An investment, paid for out of my own pocket, that I am quite certain will pay us back in full and surplus."

Edited by Shadowhawk
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Sorry about the delay; I've been working an intensely physically grueling construction job over the last few days, so just didn't have any energy left over to spare for BZPRPG (although yeah, I know, punching keys on a laptop is sooo energy-consuming, isn't it? :P).


Will try to be a bit more active over the weekend, though. :)


OOC: Perfectly understandable, my good Shadowhawk. :)


IC: Kubrick

The Toa of Iron listened as Rhea described the next day's itinerary.


"So when will we meet the other three in the team?"

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[Northern Ga-Koro]


Tally rolled her eyes.  Someone's a little touchy.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

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[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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