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Nuju Metru

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IC: Zelvin & Mar (Tidepool Inn & Tavern)


"It most certainly is" Zelvin added in a bout of thoughtfulness.


Zelvin felt for the first time a bit uneasy, which was mainly by virtue of the fact that she no longer felt like she was in familiar territory. The sea hadn't been a particularly lucrative job market for her.


I finished a drink I'd ordered, and finally made my decision to walk over and "acquiant" myself with the newest members!

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Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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The faintest hint of a smile passed over Tyrus' face as he watched the Toa stride away, quickly hidden behind another sip of tea. His eyes flicked over to the ragged Toa with them, inspecting his garb and posture with a dissecting gaze; surprise at his state of disrepair didn't show on the Marine's face, though it barely registered beneath it either. Years of travelling the island through its deepest and darkest avenues had given the Lesterin an education in how easy it was for beings as (supposedly) powerful as Toa to fall.


Teacher had been responsible for many of those disgraces.


He turned to face the Toa. "May we assist you with something, citizen?"





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IC: [ Rhea / Nero ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room

The gaze of the Axe swung and leveled, alert yet impassive, silently tracking Mar's progress across the room.


Rhea glanced up quickly, greeting the lean grey-armored warrior with a brief nod and half-smile.

"Kubrick, Zelvin, Elysi... meet Mar. Mercenary, ex-fisherman, and lone wolf extraordinaire. Mar, meet your three newest comrades-in-arms. I daresay you overheard our conversation?"

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IC: Nameless [Northern Ga-Koro]


At first the Toa looked around before he realized that the old Lesterin's gaze fell on him. The being could feel all the discerning glances from passerbys as well and pulled the cloak closer over his chest. The tell-tale bulge of the slug on his back was slightly more conspicous now. The host couldn't bring himself to look at the Teacher in the eye nor could he keep his own voice from trembling from the anxiety.


"O-Oh? I-I'm just looking around the village. I-I suppose I am lost though. It's my first time here..." The quivering voice seemed to fade away. He was used to being ignored in Po-Koro and dismissed as another desert wanderer.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room

Smirking slightly, Rhea waded back into her plate of fish, chips, and veggies. She was the Boss, after all; she could talk with her mouth full if it well pleased her.

"The big guy at the bar is one of mine, too. And there's a third and last, name of Avier, who's... somewhere around. Toa of Magnetism, black and white armor, wears a Great Pakari."

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OOC: Mobile. No formatting.


Back on a computer again!

IC: Taoki - Ga-Koro - The Great Takea

Taoki pretended not to hear her question. He instead stretched out his arms, "I'm so close!" He exclaimed, "Just look at it Rhow! It's incredible isn't it?"


On the other side of the submerged basement stood what would look like to anyone else just heaps of metal covered in burn marks and clear signs of damage. Likely intentional. It was a Rahkshi corpse, and it was hanging against the wall by crude hooks.


On second thought it might look less like metal scraps and more like some form of crucifixion.


Taoki's excited tone suddenly became filled with wonder, "Isn't it?"


IC (Rhow):


She glanced from Taoki to what remained of the Makuta's spawn on the wall. What she saw did neither look useful nor of artistic.


Meanwhile, Taoki grinned at her broadly, shining teeth against a blackened face. 


At least one thing's improved... she though jokingly to herself. Why her companion needed to blow up the basement for his work though, remained to be seen.


"Pray tell, what in Karzhani are you planning to do with that thing?" she asked, examining the corpse more closely.






Things Kehua had done within the span of the last day: He'd killed a shadow infected Matoran; displayed his remains with a warning to any other evildoers in the village, aided in the capture of a criminal while evading the Ga-Koro authorities as to be not associated with aforementioned dead Matoran.


Not bad for a day's work. Of course, with that kind of trouble in the village, he also knew that the Marines at the gates would probably keep a closer eye on everybody who entered and left. While he knew how to blend into a crowd, he could not turn invisible.Hahli had indeed been busy making her little haven safe. However, in order to leave the village, he could always swim to the outer perimeter and then use his mask of intangibility to pass right through the underwater fences. That was his plan at least, which he had not put into action yet. 


No. Today, the dark veteran Toa had decided to take some time out for introspection and meditation, in order to get a better feel for the island. Now that he had found one of his targets, he knew what to look for. And so, in order to better attune himself to the island, he'd done what anybody in Ga-Koro would do: Bought a fishing pole and found himself a quiet spot. At least, that's what he imagined the typical Ga-Koron pastime to be.


OOC: Kehua open for interaction. 




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IC: Taoki - Ga-Koro - The Great Takea


Taoki nodded excitedly, scrambling to his feet, "I'm hoping to unlock the secrets of its motor functions! We know the slugs make it move and think, but I think if I can create my own interface, I could maybe wear it or ride it. Sort of like exo-armor!" he frowned, "But I can't find anything that can connect the energy source to an external device without instantly exploding," Taoki shrugged, "But I have in the process come to realize something."

He quickly took on a much calmer more analytical moniker, "Finding an energy source powerful enough to activate the autonomic nervous system has sort of served as a stress tester... The armor is very good, and since these shells are not organically reproduced like you or I, it makes me wonder how exactly they are made. And in such large number too! You saw how many there were when Makuta gave the word." Taoki adjusted the goggles on his forehead thoughtfully, "The mass production of such powerful shells of armor must require great energy."

He shrugged, "Maybe Makuta created them himself from scratch - which I do not doubt - but if he didn't, maybe there's something down there he left behind..."

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IC: Nameless [Northern Ga-Koro]


The Toa resisted the urge to suddenly jerk away as the hand fell on his shoulder. He wasn't used to physical contact, let alone a conversation that lasted more than a few words. The young vagabond scratched the top of his scarred mask before answering.


"I... don't remember. N-No one recognizes me anyways and there's no records of me in any of the villages..." The Toa's tone was somber. Most of the conversations he did have never addressed his name.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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"Hmm." It wasn't particularly surprising; there had been a fair few amnesiacs washing up on the shores of the island since the fall of the Mata a century ago. Inconvenient, however, for the bureaucrats of the city by the sea. "That's unfortunate to hear. You may wish to think of one on our way. Can't keep calling you "sir"; my superiors might get jealous."


Tyrus smiled slightly at the attempted piece of humour before resuming his morose expression. "Well, in any case, if there's anything that you're looking for here, I'm certain that my comrade and myself would be more than happy to assist you."





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IC (Orderin, Streets of Ga-Koro):


Orderin walked down the street, surveying the area. It was calm. He could almost settle down in a place like this, but, deep within himself he knew he'd always keep wandering. He still needed to fight against the shadow, to stop it from consuming all the light that remained. For at least a while though, he could rest. He would travel onwards to Le-Koro, maybe look up an old friend. After that though, he would be back to his calling, the battle would not wait.


OOC: Orderin, tall Le-Toa, open for interaction.

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If you interact with me, and I haven't responded after a while, feel free to PM me.

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IC: Nameless [Northern Ga-Koro]


He scratched his chin as he tried to remember the reason he came to Ga-Koro in the first place. Shades of yellow flashed on the left side of his vision, courtesy of Ta. The Toa turned his head slightly and caught sight of a small fisher's stall. The rahi hung from their mouths and a table jut out slightly from the fisherwoman's stall. Several fish were arranged on plates in front.


"O-Oh, right. I read about the art of fishing and thought that the best place to start learning it was here. T-The text mentioned something about a fishing staff so I wanted to see how those worked."

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room

The bounty hunter's eyes cooled slightly, taking on a hard military edge.

"Wrong. This is a public crossroads, and not all those who frequent it are the deaf, the innocent, and the hollow-headed. Would you select it as a base of operations, even temporarily?"

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IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room

"Correction taken. I beg your pardon."

Her gaze relaxed.

"Your assumptions are accurate; the ship will be the closest thing to an established headquarters that we will hold claim to, for some time at least."

Edited by Shadowhawk
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[Northern Ga-Koro]


Tally frowned, looking up at the tattered toa.

"Line fishing might get you enough to feed yourself, but if you plan to earn any extra you'd have to join a crew.  I arn't sure if they need any new hands but I could ask."


Privately, she wondered why she was being so nice to him, especially with that slug on his back.  It was hard though, not to feel just a little twinge of pity for someone who looked so wrecked.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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"I'd have to concur," Tyrus said. "Decent fishing rods aren't the cheapest things you can find, and until I know more about your socioeconomic status it would be ill-advised to make assumptions about what you can afford." Of course, it would be straight-forward enough for Teacher to presume that this Toa was down-on-his-luck financially, if his garb and nervous mannerisms were any indication. However, such caustic observations probably wouldn't make him any allies in this situation.


"Employment on a fishing boat, however," he added, "should offer you a decent income and steady work. Not to mention experience and camaraderie."





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IC: Nameless [Northern Ga-Koro]


"I see. Hmm, I'll try looking for a ship then..." The Toa's voice was soft and the stutter was gone at least for the moment. However, this was only because he didn't make eye-contact with either marine. As the sea wind blew the host wrapped the cloak around himself.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: [ Rhea / Nero ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room

Time passed. The night, already falling, deepened further into the endless starlit indigo above the open sea.

Rhea was just finishing off the last stray fragments of deep-fried Ruki when the tavern door squeaked softly open, swinging wide on semi-oiled hinges, spilling a warm yellow glow into the darkness without. A small lone figure moved at the threshold, entered.

Instantly she was alert, on guard, her elemental energies already stirring in the air and seeking out the telltale heat signature of the new arrival. Her physical posture altered only slightly; her physical position did not shift.

Her eyes glowed, abnormally bright in the shadows.

Nero the Axe, standing idly at the bar only a few feet away from the wretched Po-Matoran, turned slightly in place. His gaze flickered over the villager's crunched and lacerated armor, over the knife at his belt, over the beat-up Kanohi Kakama.

He said nothing.


That'd be Ry. Your move, Megazordman. :)

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Ic- Ry  walks in slowly and tries to prop himself up on the bar but he is clearly close to passing out again, His arms shaking he falls to the ground cringing in pain he look in his pouch to find some tools. He then coughs .


A Any body got a wrench ? 


He says in a low tone from the pain .

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IC: (Vera Pozlin, Polzin Estate)


I had asked my assistants to keep me privy of the island current events. So just before I was about to tell Jin, Pae, and Nika about their objective, I was interrupted by the rapping of knuckles upon wood. Activating my mask I scanned the door, it was Myra one of the Ga-Matoran who had helped keep me organized. As much as I liked to believe I had everything planned down to a t. I still needed people to help with some of the specifics I happened to miss.


“Come in,” I said. The door pushed open and Myra realized I wasn’t alone.


“Oh I see you have company, ma’am. Should I tell you later?” She replied.


“No, something come up?”


“You asked us to let you know if there changes in events I thought I should let you know the lockdown in Ko has been lifted.”


“Thank you Myra, perhaps you could go ahead and get us a table at the usual place?” I asked, mulling over information. Coincidentally the previous situation with Ko had me quite interested, I had intended to send these hired mercenaries to see what it was about, to learn more, and maybe track down these ghosts, in the mean time there was an organization of interest, I had hear rumblings of a change in power, but I wanted to confirm it.


“Yes ma’am.” She waved goodbye as she left.

A small smirk appeared on my face. “Well it just so happened I was intending to all of you to Ko-Koro anyway, now you have more to go on and less restrictions to work within. Now wiith so many village still suffering from these old wounds we’re going to need people whose skills are uncommon, like you three. The fourth man who will be joining you will have his own unique talents. That’s why I need you all, if these people keep hiding in the shadows then it is there you will do battle. As before you mission is in Ko-Koro, I will be providing sufficient funding for your work, and at the end of your career with me, I intend to fulfill the promise I gave you all in your letters.” Reaching to the side of my chair, I hefted a bag of widgets, tossing one to each of them. More than enough to cover expenses. “Report back to me when you have information on why and who killed him.”

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Well, here we go. I gotta say, it felt good to get a bag of widgets in my sweaty little hands again. A new job. A new start. Doing what I do best.


I looked sidelong at Pae and Nika. Except this time I'll have tagalongs.




Eh, whatever. I figured that'd just be two extra mooks -and maybe three- to take the fall if things got hairy. Could be useful.


"You got it, Polzin," I said, standing to my feet. "Let's get moving, then... uh, what's that word again?  The one for a group of people? Who work together?"


Blank stares.


"Oh, team. That's it. Team. Let's get moving, team."

Edited by Yolanda Squarble Fried #1
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Lemonade finished, Nika stood up, slinging his pack over his shoulder, shifting his gaze between Jin, Polzin, Pae, back to Jin. His face betrayed no emotion, no anticipation at the coming mission. He had accomplished hundreds of thousands of similar ones before now; there was no reason to believe that the outcome of this job would be any different from the others. 


Not unless the others weigh me down.


Their credentials were remarkable; such an occurrence was unlikely. Success was the probable outcome, like always.


He nodded in affirmative to Jin's proposition, then turned his head to watch Pae's reaction.





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IC: Pae


The quiet Toa of iron hadn't sat down. He looked to Nika and then to Jin. He paused, as if deciding something.


Jin talked a lot for somebody who was supposed to work in the shadows. He always hated "professionals" that worked in such a way. Nika seemed a lot more tolerable, but his lack of speaking didn't give Pae much to go off of as far as motive or trustworthiness. Jin, although still difficult to read was leaps and bounds easier than Nika to understand in that respect.


He momentarily pondered if this is how others felt when interacting with him.


There was no way to tell if either of his companions (and potentially a third) would cause the team to fail their objective. If so, this would not be the first time. Pae knew how to work around failures of comrades. He wondered - considering their apparently "special skills" - if they thought the same thing about him. Probably. Whether it was of pride or objective thinking, it seemed likely. It was simply too early to tell. Pae decided not to make any reservations about Nika or Jin, and simply chose to gauge them later. He opened his mouth and spoke for the first time in a while.


Deeply and with strength, Pae cut through the quiet with a single word, "Fair."

He turned around and walked out of the room, expecting his partners to follow suite.

Edited by Palm

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IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room

The bounty hunter relaxed, mild interest replacing feral readiness in her emerald gaze.

Non-threat. Male Po-Matoran, grievously injured. Potentially exploitable.

Two quick bites, and her plate was empty and she carefully arranged her utensils upon it and spun it into the center of the table with a studiously careless flick of the wrist. Counting out the meal's cost and throwing in a hefty tip, she spoke quietly to her fellows. "Tomorrow morning, one hour before sunrise. The cliffs above Naho Bay. We'll meet there; be ready. In the meantime..."

Her chair grated softly on the scarred oaken floorboards; in an easy, flowing motion, she was on her feet and turning, white traveler's cloak swirling tightly about her.

She never finished the sentence. There was no need of it; here, as ever, she sought aid from few and approval from none. She moved with quiet assurance, and when she stepped from the tavern's shadows to the bar, knelt, and rested a supporting hand on the supine Po-Matoran's shoulder, her voice was for him, and for him alone.

"Now, then... guess who's the lucky one to-night? At least you had the sense to turn up here. I'm ex-military; this stuff is just cuts and bruises compared to some I've seen. We'll have you patched up in no time at all, lad... for a price, naturally."

Her smile flashed roguishly, and she added, in a slightly louder tone and tilting her face upwards:

"Bartender! Fetch me whiskey, hot water, and one of the cleanest, whitest towels you have! Also a wrench, as my patient appears to deem it necessary."

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IC: [ Rhea ] - Ga-Koro / Tidepool Inn & Tavern / common room

"Mm-hmm. Sure." murmured Rhea agreeably, only half-listening. "In case of injury, the organic components of one's body are of chief concern... they bleed out, and may contract infection. I'll handle them, let you tinker with your armor yourself, later... ah, here we are."

Accepting a pint glass of straight whiskey
from the male Ga-Matoran bartender, Rhea handed it to the Po-Matoran. Hopefully he was still capable of getting the stuff down his throat without making a mess.

"Drink up. This'll help with the pain."

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