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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC (Akimoto)


Aki exited the sub with the rest of the Dasaka, the first footstep onto the ground (well, lily pad) of a new island sending a thrill through her, like she'd been charged with lightning. Everything was fresh and exciting, from the varied garish colours of the natives to the village itself, which was a miracle of biological engineering. The most interesting thing of all, however, was the metal.


It was everywhere. Not only did the natives boast metal weapons worth thousands of dragons, but many wore metal armour as well. Most of the huts they passed were constructed of plants and bamboo, but there was the odd bit of metal thrown in here and there as well. The precious material seemed commonplace here, almost worthless even, and this bizarre speculation was backed by the memory of that one native creating metal beneath his feet like it was nothing.


Though the natives stared openly, Aki did her best to stare inconspicuously. It was her duty to present an elegant, controlled image of the Dasaka people to the Mata Nuians, and that was exactly what she was going to do. Truly, this was a wondrous place.

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Soraph bobbed her head out of the submarine, taking a quick look at the new island and breathing in the fresh air. With a satisfactory nod the rest of her body appeared and she began walking off the vessel onto the lily pad landing, following the Menti ahead of her.


The Vilda princess smiled.


All around her was life. Organic, natural life! Fish and birds and insects and crabs and beasts of burden! It was greater than she'd ever dreamed. There was more biodiversity in one square bio of land on Mata-Nui than all of Oki! The specimens she brought back to her would astound the scientists back home, revolutionize medicine and the entire Empire! Then Seraph noticed the metal; everywhere, treated like trash and waste by these people - Matoran, she corrected herself. This place is a goldmine, Soraph thought to herself, and for more reasons than one.


She searched around the mental plane for Mako - the task of finding the Datsue had become much quicker and easier during their weeks aboard the Ryuu - and gently Willhammered a thought to him privately.


:You'd better hurry old man: she thought playfully, :we've got a whole world to discover and so little time.:

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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Ic girah:


Girah stood up, brushed himself off, and proceeded down the gangplank with the... Dashi, was it? "underwater would be interesting, but a second swim today sounds like perhaps a bit too much for me." In any case, he was quickly greeted by budge, his faithful burnak companion, who bolted to him carrying the dropped pack from earlier in his jaws. It was as if they were separated for years.


In it's haste, the rahi nearly knocked over one of the arrivals (soraph) and furthermore almost knocked over his owner. Girah laughed and took the bag, praising his pet with a "good boy, budge! Good boy!" soon, the rahi's attention was turned elsewhere. Coming up to the three dashi girah had conversed with in turn, and giving their feet, legs, and belongings a thorough sniffing. Girah quickly apologized, laughing all the while. "oh budge, you mutt! I am sorry for the frisking, my friends. My overly-friendly companion is not at all dangerous, and as you can see, he takes after his owner."


Budge did not seem to know what to make of them. He gave a small, but loud "RWALP!" to see how they would react, tilting his head and eying the newcomers with ambivalent curiosity, blinking and staring with a more than expected level of intelligence.


Ooc: blasted phone. My posts look like they crawled out of some unsavory orifice of makuta because it is old and struggles greatly.

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


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:You'd better hurry old man: she thought playfully, :we've got a whole world to discover and so little time.:


IC: Vilda Mako (Ga-Koro, Docks)


:Do you take me for an old man more content with sleeping the day away in an armchair? I'm shocked: I responded (publicly) as I shuffled down the railing in the back of the group.


:By the way,: I added as a private account to Soraph via Willhammer :tone down on the willhammering, that wasn't a private bit of sensitive information that only I needed to hear:.


I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't much for manners these days, but getting willhammered involuntarily is uncomfortable, besides I have a feeling Soraph might reel over from shock should she ever discover what's lurking in the bottom of this noggin.


Back with the outside world, I couldn't help but make wide eyes. Not five seconds after we'd made landfall, a large beast came sauntering up to us, apparently owned by the Matoran we'd let on board.


One part of me was prepared to let loose the tirade I usually used on Dashi that got a little to uppity for my comfort ("how dare you insult and elder's honor" etc.), while the other was interested by this new animal we'd just been introduced to, if you could call it an introduction.


Soraph didn't fall over, thanks to my Mindarm, as I walked up nearby.


:I may not be a very good Vilda, but that's an impressive specimen, I gotta say:

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Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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IC: Soraya [Ga-Koro]


And - that was it.  They were here, on Mata Nui, a world completely separate from the Archipelago.  Easy as stepping off a gangplank.


Something stirred within her as she looked around - something that pushed her heart up into her throat when she felt lilypad beneath her feet, something that prickled at her eyes when she saw this village out in front of her so incredibly new, something that made her lightheaded at the sound of the waves and the voices of villagers and the footsteps of a Rahi charging right at them oh what the-


Soraph nearly went into the surf as the thing bounded up to them and let out an excited   "RWALP!"     


"My overly-friendly companion is not at all dangerous, and as you can see, he takes after his owner."


"Yeah," Soraya managed, "Yeah, I can see that."  I didn't know how good I had it with the Tajaar.

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42

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IC: 88


After several hours of searching, 88 was disheartened. He didn't find his house. He found his house's charred remains. He moved some of the burnt rubble aside, looking for some of the metal things. The only metal left was a small value of widgets. He placed the widgets in his satchel and slowly sauntered off, seemingly towards the seaside city of Ga-Koro.


OOC: Aliteration for the win!

OOC: It's about 5-10 USD worth of widgets. 



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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IC: Eleen (Ga-koro Marines HQ)


Eleen was very disturbed by Vakua's telepathy, so she asked "Um.. could you speak normally instead of.. intruding my mind?" No, I'm mute, came the answer. Eleen looked at Vakua, blinking a few times, before continuing. "Very well, then. So, you probably heard the conversation I had with Casanuva. Was everything he spoke true? Do you have any details to add?"


IC: I may be able to do one better. Would you be willing to allow me to project memories wholesale into your mind?


The commotion at the Marine's HQ did not pass unnoticed by the two Toa Kalta waiting there. "I wonder what's going on?" Kalyss whispered to Casanuva.


"I think I heard something about a submarine, and some visitors."

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Mirra & Wisp.

"A submarine?" Mirra asked.

"That isn't exactly something you see everyday." Wisp added.

"Or see at all, where we are now." Mirra reminded him. Everything about this felt wrong. Here they were stuck in the guardhouse, waiting to be interrogated. She was a Toa; not a criminal. Skorm was the criminal.

Wisp recognised her frustrated expression. "Calm down," he told her,"everything'll be fine."

Edited by Roman Torchwick

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Girah:

The Matoran laughed. How could he not? The one Dashi almost jumped out of his skin in fright, and at Budge no less! Budge! The lazy mutt wouldn't hurt a fly, much less a thing of Girah's size. "Oh he's a tame sort. Perhaps a bit too tame, actually." Budge turned to look at Girah, and gave a snort in his general direction. The rahi then turned back to the guests, examining them. "And a bit too smart for his own good, if you ask me."


Then something odd happened, which made Girah roll his eyes. Budge looked over at the old Dashi that had just stepped off the boat, its head turned to face, and ears perked up at the elderly one. Its stare seemed to bore into the Dashi, wide-eyed and focused. After a brief pause, the rahi sat down, straightened up its posture, and looked off to the side in some sort of vain regality. Girah chuckled and put his face in his hand. "Oh, don't pose, you prima-donna!"

Edited by Funkydude527

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


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IC: Eleen (Ga-Koro Marines HQ)


"..You can do that? Well, go ahead." Eleen wasn't sure what to expect, but what she experienced was similar to dreaming while being awake. It was weird. She spent some time with her eyes glaring at nothing, focusing on the vision. When it was over, she blinked and rubbed her eyes. "So.. thank you. I now understand better what had happened." Skorm had not been part of the group, Toa Kalta, for some time. When he had attacked, he did so by surprise, damaging a platform with his powers. He was only identified because of Vakua's telepathy. What Vakua sensed was anger, so it was sensible that Skorm had mental issues or under the effect of some drug. Kalyss, on the other hand, seemed like a normal, stable person, despite her argument with Casanuva.


She already knew, that Skorm was the murderer, but she needed proof. After Gahla's body is investigated, Eleen will make her final decision and present her report to Kotu. Then, Skorm will be a wanted criminal for killing a Marine and causing substantial property damage. Dead or alive, maybe 5,000 widgets as a reward for the capturer/killer. However, these thoughts were interrupted when the bright rays of the sun passed through the window, hitting her eyes. It was dawn, and Eleen still hadn't slept. She yawned, and said "Very well Vakua, you can go. Thank you for your cooperation. Ask Kalyss to come in next."

still alive somehow

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Suddenly, Tyrus was back in the waiting room, walking from the front desk over to Tarkah, one hand in his pocket.


"How goes it?"






"It's praise and let's leave it at that," I said quickly to Wherya, before turning to our other crew mate and adding, "Sudo, I feel as though you're upset."






I let my cig fall out of my mouth as I brought a clenched fist up to my face, trying to hide my snort after Girah's prima-donna line.





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"Look, Liara," Til finally said, mouth full of toast. "I'll stop beating around the Vuata Maca tree if you do and give it to you straight - I know you have that marriagebusting swimsuit hanging around somewhere. I haven't surfed for a while and I wanna hang out with my best friend. No more annoying you. No more BS. Just some good vibes and good times. Cross my heart."




"I'd throw you overboard right now if the crew wasn't watching," Raknar said, finally hitting the deck and dropping Song onto her feet in front of the crew. "Welcome, gang. Glad you found the ship alright and in one piece...that goes for you and the ship, I s'pose."





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IC: "No." he denied rather transparently, before dropping from the crow's nest onto a cushion of air to meet the captain face-to-face, as was proper of a respectful crewman.

"Yep! All good, cap'n! Even used some southern charm of my own to net us a few more members, as it were." he reported, making a concerted effort not to pridefully beam.

Bless his heart, he nearly managed it, too.

helo frens

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IC: Wherya (Southern Charm)


Upon hearing the captain's voice, I engaged in a competition of stiffness with the mast I'd been leaning on, turning around to face the Skakdi and his stunning First Mate.


An odd pair, the two of 'em, now that I actually got a good look. Not that I really felt weirded out by it, I'd passed that threshold on my own long ago.


"Yep! All good, cap'n! Even used some southern charm of my own to net us a few more members, as it were."


"That'd be me and Ekko, here, Cap'n" I took the bother of introducing us.

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Akiri Nuparu Posts:

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IC (Dakte)


Dakte was one of the last to walk down the gangplank and onto the lilypads of Ga-Koro.


Like his fellows, his gaze roved around the alien settlement, taking in every tantalising detail. But unlike his fellows, his fascination with the foreign land and its people was mixed with foreboding, thanks in no small part to his personal disillusionment with the political class of the Archipelago. The obvious abundance of metal, particularly, he could picture all-too-clearly arousing the greed of the nobility. It was, he suspected, very fortunate that it was not the Rora but her handmaiden that was leading this expedition.


And that was to say nothing of the unprecedented abilities displayed by the locals, and the apparent difficulty that the Mata Nuian authorities had keeping their own citizens in check. They'd been there scarcely ten minutes and a local had already attempted to attack them.


All the same, the freedom the people of this village seemed to enjoy...and the virtues this Girah had described, so very different to the Dasaka's own...these were things he would have to think very carefully about, because they too seemed to stir up that long-forgotten emotion he had felt earlier but still could not name.





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IC - Tarkah [Marine Headquarters]:


The Toa looked up to Tyrus before glancing around the lobby. He had heard the chatter from the returned Marines about how some strange foreigners in crystalline armor suddenly arrived in what seemed to be a submersible. It was a rather confusing series of events that he had trouble following to say the least.


"W-Well, it looks some outsiders have arrived. From what I've heard though, the marine that died over there wasn't killed by them. I believe that the marine who brought over a large group of Toa is still questioning them over there..." Tarkah said softly as he raised a hand over in the general direction of the room where Eleen had been questioning the Casanuva and co.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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The Le-Toa seemed to mull over his response for a moment, stirring her coffee without any real purpose to it. Pausing long enough to take a long sip, her face broke into a smile. "I think that'd be fun."




"I told you they multiply."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Kalyss said we were sent here for a reason. Maybe these outsiders are the dangerous?


Casanuva shrugged. "We're outsiders too. We should check them out though. We need to round up everyone else, anyway. Nunono, the inventor, the De-Toa... I've been convinced to stay, but I still want my sword. I mean, it's just stupid to not let me have this! I'm a weapons designer, I know my stuff!"


Yeah, like how you burned your hand?


"Hey, my hand is feeling a lot better, thank you very much."


Vakua shook his head while he silently chuckled. He put his headphones back on; they had been hanging around his neck.


"Those dry out finally?"


Yes. You people make way too much noise.

The times, they are a-changing...



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"Outsiders?" Tyrus asked, though his expression didn't change. "What do you mean by outsiders?"






"I wasn't aware that you were from the south as well, Sudo," I said, turning to face the rest of the crew, my hands still clasped behind my back.






I lit myself another smoke as I sidled up next to Dakte, joining him in looking this Ga-Koro place over.


"Impressive, isn't it?"





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IC - Tarkah [Marine Headquarters]: 


Tarkah scratched his chin in thought as he recalled how the foreigners were described by the subtle whispers of the marines.


"W-Well, apparently they're an envoy... I think that was the word. Most if not all of them looked to be female as well, oddly enough. I-If anything, these newcomers seem to come in peace. I-I think there should still be a few Marines at the landing point."

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC Theresia


The arrivals are disembarking their ship. Marines swarmed over the area, watching alleyways, building tops and other areas more idiots might come from.


I was curious about the foreigners, but I don't think I'll be able to approach them now, with the military setting the pace. I suppose I'll merely follow the crowd. Still as close as the Marines will let them get.

...but close to it

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IC Girah:

"Impressive, isn't it?"


Girah, off hand, remarked on the comment. "Oh you haven't seen anything yet. First chance we get, and if you are willing to subjugate yourself to my presence more, we should head off to the south glacier in Ko-Wahi, or the forum in Onu-Koro, or, if you are more of a naturalist type, the Fau Swamp mangroves. Karz, if there are not many mountains in your land, Mount Ihu alone might be enough to make you stand, mouth agape, in awe."

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


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Soraph gracefully recovered from the Rahi's shove, allowing Mako's Mindarm to gently keep her upright. 


She moved forward, past the others to kneel beside Budge. She reached out and pet the rambunctious thing, and also felt for it's presence on the mental field. She could sense Budge' friendliness, his pent-up energy and pride. It was a happy Rahi.


"Are there more like him in all those places?" Soraph asked.



LoJak surveyed the proceedings in his position in the sky, unwatched and unnoticed. 


No one could stop a spirit.


He'd began the practice after the leader of the Sarsi had disappeared, followed soon after by the rest of the team. Using his Iden he could keep a careful eye on the people of Ga-Koro, and cover much more ground more quickly in his search for his teammates. He'd been unsuccessful on that front, but every so often he saw something interesting - such as the emergence of an alien vessel from beneath the waters.  A crowd had quickly gathered. His curiosity piqued, he flew back to his resting body, seemingly asleep in an apartment not far from the docks.




LoJak neared the Docks, saw a number of Marines already scrambling to secure the situation. It didn't look like the newcomers mean't any trouble, but the Koros couldn't be too sure these days. Come to think about it, 'these days' have lasted an awfully long time the Fire Toa thought, chuckling to himself. 


Leah, Maru protector of the village was already present and gave a formal welcoming to the crystal-clad beings. 


He approached the group "Anything I can help you folks with?" LoJak asked with a friendly smile. "I take it you all aren't from around here."

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Arisaka


Arisaka did find the village on lilypads quite fascinating, however she was more concerned with making sure Lady Hanako was safe at all times and was too busy making sure no more crazies without god-like powers attacked. 


"Anything I can help you folks with?" LoJak asked with a friendly smile. "I take it you all aren't from around here."


"No." Arisaka immediately answered, quite frankly they already had enough help from the Marines, and Arisaka was quickly learning to distrust the civilian population of this Ga-koro with all the chaos she'd seen so far. They just needed to get to the leaders of this village and speak with them. 

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Eutuchia, who until recently had been looking at various papers to decide what would be needed for Hahli to look at whenever she showed up again while he would just take care of the rest, was now jogging to get to the docks and see the grouping of non-natives that had all shown up together. Leah had already shown up, apparently, but Hahli wasn't present and therefore Eutuchia was somewhat required to be there if only to keep track of the requests the foreigners made and what-not.


However, upon arriving, he saw one random Toa of Fire going up to the group and quickly getting rebuffed by one of the beings in the group, and decided to just hold back for a bit to see what might end up happening. The one girl who had responded to the Ta-Toa was positively glaring at him, and it was sure to prove entertaining if he kept up his act.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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LoJak nodded.


"I understand. You lot are in a strange land surrounded by people you don't know; why trust more people than you need to? Back in the day I would have thought the same thing. But as a Toa it is my Duty, set by Mata-Nui, to lend my hand where it can be used. You must have some questions I can answer? I'm certain the opposite is true. And if you plan on staying a while, I could offer some advice as to the better places to spend a night and some places to avoid.

"As for the Marines, they're a nice enough bunch, but a bore when it comes to conversation."

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Darien


"Yes Captain." Darien approached LoJack and the newcomers. Hopefully this will go smoothly...


"Sir I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to step away from our guests, they don't like being crowded." He said to LoJak in a polite and calm manner, cause the foreigner currently trying to tell him off looked like she wanted to wring his neck. 

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC Girah:

"Are there more like him in all those places?" Soraph asked.


Budge was loving the attention. His head immediately started to bow into the affectionate hand, and he let out a small, synthetic-sounding purr. On the mental plane, the Dashi could pick up a very, very atypical level of intelligence about the burnak. It was not obvious, but once Budge's presence was examined, it almost seemed like that of a sentient creature. Girah, meanwhile, began to rummage through his satchel, checking his belongings, and continued idly. "Well, Burnak are a bit of a rarity in the wild. They are mostly kept as pets by snobbish breeders that wouldn't like my mutt. But if you mean rahi in general, the island is bursting with them."


Girah waved his hand and stared up into his forehead, thinking up some species off-hand. "Gukko Birds, Nui-Jaga, Muaka, Crystal Climbers, Hikaki, and discovering a new species on the island it is not unheard of. In fact, they can be a bit of a nuisance."

Edited by Funkydude527

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


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