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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: Mirra and Wisp.


It took her several long moments to come up with a response. "I don't know what things are like where you're from, but here on Mata Nui, we help our friends, so this does concern me." Mirra growled. The arrogance of these newcomers! "And just for the record, they aren't literally brother and sister. It's a term we Toa use to refer to other members of our teams." she pointed to her boyfriend, "Wisp and I were new to this land only a few months ago, but we certainly didn't come here and start..." 


"Mirra, calm down," Wisp grabbed her and pulled her away from the Dasaka. "Do you want to start a fight with the entire delegation?" 


"I..." she bit back her next words. She didn't like being dismissed, treated as if she were insignificant, which was exactly what this "Sinshi" had done. But Wisp was right, she wasn't going to start a fight with these voyagers over one being's misunderstanding of how the people of this land thought and felt. "Forget it." 


Wisp seemed to understand. "For mind readers, this lot really don't seem to understand how we think."

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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[Ga-Koro, Center of Town]


T-There was a dead marine brought in earlier..."


I’m sorry--Talli--we found him earlier...


Tally new logically that she was standing in the middle of Ga-Koro in the early evening with a very awkward toa and a less-than-forthcoming lesterin.  But she felt like she was drowning, struggling to breath and suddenly her adrenaline kicked in like she was breaking the surface of the water, she was safe safe but--


The memory blurred and cleared again and she was standing in a room a room with table and a white sheet covering something on the table.


No no that’s not that’s not--


She could hear herself panting and no she didn’t want to look at it because it wasn’t--


OOC: Tallie's basically standing still and hyperventilating right now. Feel free to try and snap her out of it.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif xm2fs.gif hSjyr.gif GkD9m.gif 8Cf2c.gif 5ML0q.gif jA8tl.gif qXkDH.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Mirra and Wisp.


Mirra said nothing. How could it be that all of the different inhabitants of Mata Nui - all from different lands - had the same understanding of culture, but these Dasaka were so radically different? It would be near impossible to try to explain it all to them, and she didn't feel like wasting any more of her time with these haughty, arrogant diplomats.  


"We're heading to the Great Takea to pick up our things," Mirra said to the Toa Kalta, "after that, I don't know."


"If you want company, we could always go with you to Ko-Koro once you're done here," Wisp suggested. "Either way, I'm sure we'll see you around somewhere. This island isn't as big as it seems, sometimes." 

Edited by Roman Torchwick

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: I believe I saw what you were referring to earlier, when someone manifested a pair of swords. We Toa actually need tools, like my tuning spear, to focus our energies through most effectively, though some have grown beyond that.  The De-Toa looked at Kalyss. My sister there has honed her entire body as a weapon, channeling her powers through her armor itself. It's quite a sight, if you don't mind flashes of plasma burning into your vision.


Listening to the Menti's stilted referenced to siblings, Vakua understood. We Toa that are on teams often refer to each other as brother and sister. Sometimes we refer to toa that aren't on our team as our brothers; it is an honor to be considered a brother.


Kalyss turned to Wisp. "We'd be glad to have you on, seeing as we are... down a few members. I believe Vakua has a few things to finish off here before we leave, and..."


Casanuva turned. "I need to find Nunonu. And wrangle up the other people that came with me to get Ry. That's it, though. A stop at Ta-Koro to get my sword made, we go through the tunnels to Onu-Koro, then from there directly to Ko-Wahi."

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: 88


88 walked around the Mata Nuians to get face-to-face with the Dasaka to ask them his question.


"Um, hey, you might remember me from earlier, I'm the guy who knocked on the submarine. Sorry about that, but I have a question for you. I've learned that you have mind powers and stuff, and I got a bit confused. You see, here on Mata Nui we all have physical powers like Lightning," 88 made some sparks, "and others that you've seen by now, and we are able to stay regulated because we can all physically fight stop who cause trouble. How do you people keep a solid, stable government when you have powers like super-strong illusions and super-strong telepathy. If someone with very good illusions decided to take control or something, how would you even know what was real and what wasn't? And if they convinced the leaders of what they wanted with telepathy, how would you stop it? The mind powers seem like they can cause a lot of problems when used by evildoers."



~Pohatu Master of Stone, 2015

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IC: Wisp and Mirra.


"So you want us to wait around somewhere to meet up with you guys? Or help track down this missing buddy of yours in the meantime?" Wisp suggested. He looked around for Mirra, but she'd already gone on ahead. He didn't blame her; she'd had a rough time in this city. He puffed on his cigarette while he waited for a response. His time here hadn't been the best, either. 


* * *


Mirra entered her rook at the Great Takea and slammed the door behind her. All of the stress of the past few days was piling up on her, and it was making her feel physically ill. First Chavara, then Skorm, and now Sinshi. She knew she couldn't take much more of it; she had to get out of this karzdamned city. 

Edited by Roman Torchwick

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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They're not merely swords. Nor are they all swords. They're extensions of ourselves, as much a part of us as our hand or our foot. They're not displays of power, or tools we can summon at a whim. They represent who we our. Our very souls are our weapons. To render us powerless, one would have to break us. The Umbraline didn't add that the Piraka had, she had head, managed to do just that. Nor did she comment again as she processed the De-Toa's explanation.


... We have a similar concept. In our clans, every one of our fellows are our clansisters. It's a sort of loyalty, though most of those we would call such have nothing in the way of blood relation. Our Empress is of my clan, and thus technically my clansister, but her life and her compatriots are as far from mine as the moon is from the sun.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Vesun

Vesun thanked Vakua and made his way towards the one he had mentally highlighted.

"You are Asa? My friend Vakua there has told me you are a healer." He bowed his head. "If your healing power extends over the mind, then I am in need of your skills. That is, if you are willing to help a stranger." He looked back up. "I was not long ago a stranger here myself. I can offer nothing in return."

BZPRPG Profile: Vesun.


Subtlety is more powerful than strength.

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IC: Asa

They just kept on coming, did they?


She hadn't even finished her conversation with the steaming lady and had already talked to the crystal Skakdi and "Su"-Matoran; now this guy?


Asa felt that saying something like "Please, one at a time" might have been appropriate.


And she was still on her knees.


"Ah... like I just told the woman with steam coming out of her body, I'm more of an herbalist. I could try though."

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IC - Tarkah [Center of Town]:


The young marine took a step back as Talli seemed to freeze up. He paused and looked around briefy - perhaps there was some mysterious assailant who blended into the crowd. Tarkah looked back towards her and noted the heaving in her chest. Was it poison, or simply just a panic attack?


"M-Miss Talli, are you alright?" Tarkah asked softly as he leaned over to make eye contact with her.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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LoJak listened with interest to the conversation between Mata-Nuians and Dasaka. 


They were  a well-structured society with powers that boggled the mind of most Toa - though a Toa's power probably seemed just as strange to the Dasaka. Through their abilities they could control the mind and like they said, shape those energies so that they are never defenceless.  They came from an Archipelago without metal, where most of the citizens were women and men were revered, or shackled. 


What LoJak hadn't learned, though, was why they'd come to Mata-Nui.


They'd had some trouble with the Piraña, but to sail across half the world for revenge?  The Toa of Fire thought it unlikely. 


He decided to keep his suspicion to himself. He would continue to give the foreigners the benefit doubt, as any true Toa would.


"Over there is our destination" LoJak told the party, pointing to Hahli's hut just a few blocks away.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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IC: Vilda Mako (Ga-Koro)


"You have a good day now" I mumbled after the departing Toa as I looked in the direction the red-armored Toa was pointing. This 'Akiri Hahli' seemed to live like a wealthy Saihoko, by their own caste's measure obviously. Oh well, I wasn't planning on visiting the Rora's palace anytime soon either.


IC: Wherya (Southern Charm)


"It's almost more fun to just watch it happen"

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...

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IC: (Mura)


After hearing that they were going to Ko, the Su-Matoran was having serious doubts about this whole adventure. 

He could:

A) Go back to Ta, continue his previous work as an inventor and engineer.

B) Stay in Ga for a little while, then go back.

C) Stay in Ga for a little while, then go and meet the others in Ko

D) Go with the others to Ko

E) Go with Mirra and Wisp to Ko later


So many options...and none of them good. 

After some consideration, he decided he would finish what he had started. That left C), D) and E)...

C) would involve going to a war-torn city on his own, and hoping to find the others before he was killed...that was out of the question.

E) Would be the same, but with two toa, which was a lot better.

However, D) would be with three toa and a matoran...those were pretty good odds.

He would go with Kalyss and the others to Ko, and hopefully not be killed. It sounded like a plan.



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IC: Vesun

Vesun offered his hand to help Asa up. "I see. I'd prefer someone with more expertise, then - but thank you all the same." He then directed his thoughts towards Vakua. She's a biological healer, not a mental one. And you remarked yourself that their minds seem to differ from ours. If you don't mind, I'd rather have you try, at least.

BZPRPG Profile: Vesun.


Subtlety is more powerful than strength.

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[Ga-Koro, Center of Town]


IC: Tyrus / Center of Town


Tyrus moved swiftly.


"Try to calm her down," he said to Tarkah, barely giving the new recruit a glance before spinning on his heel and barging into a nearby shop. It was a small souvenir shop, by the looks of its merchandise, the counter being staffed by a young, fidgety Ga-Matoran, whose eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the soldier. She tried making some announcement about welcoming him to some family-owned collectibles shop, but Tyrus didn't stop to listen. If it was a collectibles shop, then it would most likely carry a stock of--


"Paper bags," the Marine barked as he approached the counter. "Do you have paper bags?"


"Y-yes," the shopkeeper sputtered, glancing around for help. "B-but I'm afraid you can only have them for purchases--"


She was cut off by the Lesterin vaulting the counter, grabbing a bag from the shelf behind it, and vaulting back over again. He thought he heard something about calling the Marines on him, but, like before, he paid it no heed.


Stepping back into the street, he held the paper bag out to Tarkah.


"Get her to breathe into this," he commanded.




IC: Wherya (Southern Charm)


"It's almost more fun to just watch it happen"


IC: The Angler / The Southern Charm


I shrugged non-commitally.




IC: 88


IC: Daijuno / Ga-Koro


I watched Smokes and Social Justice Crusader walk away, no doubt disgusted with our arrogant and hypocritical behaviour towards not-them, and tried hard not to shout something witty and condescending to their backs. Somehow, I had the unfortunate feeling that the Commodore probably wouldn't approve of that, and I had no intention of getting grounded on this trip.


Instead, I went back to answering another of the natives' questions about us.


"Well, matey," I said, "I'm not gonna say it's not a legitimate concern on our end, but when pretty much everyone on the islands have, as you say, 'super-strong telepathy' and such, it helps level the battlefield a bit. 'When everyone's special...', yaknow?"



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IC Girah:

Nodding, Girah made his analysis. "It is almost like everyone is a Mental-Toa, so fights are pointless. In the end, it all balances out. Almost like how the Koro here have different power dynamics, but stay pretty stable on a social level. Correct?" Girah smiled. These newcomers might not be so different after all.

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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IC Girah:


IC: Daijuno / Ga-Koro


"More or less, yeah," I said, twirling a cig, specifically the one I had been about to give to Smokey, around in my fingers. "I'm no sociologist or anything, so I wouldn't take my word as scientific gospel, but yeah, that seems like as good an explanation as any."





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IC Girah:

There was something odd-smelling in the air. A bit smokey, almost minty or fruity in a strange, relaxing way. Girah could not for the life place that smell. He sniffed the air a few times trying to place it. Budge found it first. The Burnak was looking at the cigar, rolled with the foliage of distant lands and emitting a new kind of aroma. These newcomers literally smoked different substances. Now this was a little thing the inner explorer of Girah could not ignore, specifically the botanist. He looked to Daijuno. "Alright, I must ask this, and I mean it in all academic seriousness: what in the name of Mata-Nui are you smoking? I know what a cigar is, but what sort of plant is used in making it?"

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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IC: Well, it was worth a try. If we could find someplace quiet, Kalyss and I would be glad to help you. Vakua also sent Kalyss this information, who confirmed.


"Looks like Vakua is going to help Vesun with his memories. Are you going to come?"


Casanuva shook his head. "I still have to gather together people. I'll meet you at sundown."


Vakua addressed Sinshi a final time. I again apologize for the commotion my team caused earlier, but I hope it has furthered both our culture's understandings of the other. I wish you and your companions best of luck with your expedition. Unless you declare war or something equally silly. I am leaving with Kalyss to attend to a Ba-Toa that assisted us recently, his memory is having problems, and is convinced a telepath can help him. Casanuva is staying, should you have any more questions about us. Two words of warning, though: while I have neither heard of nor encountered any other telepaths on this island, I cannot promise they are as willing to compromise as I. Second, if you have any female members of your expedition that... lack wisdom, forethought, and levelheadedness, watch them around Casanuva. I would hate to have been able to stop a diplomatic incident and have done nothing.

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC - Tarkah [Center of Town]:


"Yes sir." Tarkah said as he opened up the paper bag. The Toa took a few steps forward and held the bag out to the Ga-Matoran. Even with his limited knowledge of the situation, the private instinctively knew that forcing a paper bag over someone's nose and mouth could pose a risk.


"Breathe into it, it'll help calm you down."

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: Vesun

Vesun looked down at Kirgan. "Oh! There you are, Kirgan." He paused as he received Vakua's mental message. "It seems Vakua's going to try now. If you'd like to come along, let's find a quiet place so he can concentrate."

Vesun began looking around for a quiet place. How about here? Vesun thought to Vakua, pointing out the Koro's markets. The place was silent, almost every Matoran having gone to meet, or at least see, the newcomers.

BZPRPG Profile: Vesun.


Subtlety is more powerful than strength.

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IC: The Angler / The Southern Charm


"Floods are oddly beautiful that way, aren't they?" I mused, a wistful smile growing on my face. "I sometimes wish that I hadn't been running and screaming while Xa-Koro sank; I'm sure it would have been absolutely divine to watch."




IC: Daijuno / Ga-Koro


Uhhhhh ... good question.


"Oh, you know," I said, waving my hand airily. "This and that, all sorts of fine plants and herbs and vegetation and what not. Nothing special."






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IC Girah


The matoran gave a small guffaw. He was beginning to rather enjoy the company of these newcomers. "Well, whatever it is, it smells divine. I must make sure to trade for some pipe smoking variety." It had been awhile since Girah had a smoke. He was sure not to form a nasty habit out of the stuff, but it was a rare treat he allowed himself. It was more a romantic concept to Girah than a hobby: a fine explorer settling in for the evening, smoking a pipe and reading by the sun's last light. That did not make him a poser, mind you, just a smoker of occasion,

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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IC Girah


The matoran smiled and eyed the Dashi shrewdly. Letting out a contemplative hum, he let his opponent stew for a bit. "I'm not a cigarette smoker, actually, but I will pay you for the unmolested product. None of this tared-to-Karz-poisioned flotsam." Girah tweaked an eyebrow. "At the very least, I'll take a cigar. Have any of that on you?" He was enthusiastic, but also no fool. He knew trade, and could barter with the fastest-talking treespeakers.

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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IC: Daijuno / Ga-Koro


"Not much of cigar smoker, honestly," I replied, twirling another of my cigarettes in my fingers. "But I might have some of that, uh ... unmolested product you were talking about, over back in the Ryuu. That said, it would, ah, labourious for me to go back and find it."


I smiled.


"Not without the proper incentive."





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IC: Daijuno / Ga-Koro


"Not much of cigar smoker, honestly," I replied, twirling another of my cigarettes in my fingers. "But I might have some of that, uh ... unmolested product you were talking about, over back in the Ryuu. That said, it would, ah, labourious for me to go back and find it."


I smiled.


"Not without the proper incentive."



IC Girah


The matoran chuckled. He was liking this character already. "Name your price, and I'll talk you down from highway robbery to an actual buisness deal."

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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