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BZPRPG - Ga-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: Vesun

Vesun saw Angitu dash past him, from the general direction in which Skorm had gone. He frowned. "Something's going on over there," he said to the group that had gathered outside the Great Takea. "Excuse me. I'm going to investigate. I'll catch up with you in a moment."

He walked down the street from which Angitu had come, and came across Nunonu floating in an alleyway. He walked up to the Matoran cautiously. "Hello," he said. "What's going on?"

BZPRPG Profile: Vesun.


Subtlety is more powerful than strength.

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IC: Nunonu idly floated in the alleyway, trying to think of a way out of this predicament. 


He turned his head towards the newcomer in the alley and sighed again. 


"I..uh. lost a bet with gravity? No, that's dumb." He started, attempting to make a joke to cope with the stress.


Eventually he broke down and retold the story of how a hooded toa grabbed him off the street and left him here.


OOC: Last post until around 8:00-8:30 EST, be back then.

-Kongu Champion Gukko Rider


"Two, Four, One, Ten, Two, Four, One, Ten. Am I Transmitting, Is Anyone Listening..?"

LEGO Universe Fan - BIONICLE Fan from 2001 - Discovered BZP in 2007

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IC: Skorm leaped from building to building. His time was limited. Casanuva was nearby, and he would peg Vakua as not being far behind. Unfortunately, several potential witnesses knew he was looking for his brother, and knew approximately the right way to go. He was practically salivating at the thought of-


Wait. He needed to thing, to focus. The element of surprise was one of the only things going for him, and Vakua was there. He'd have to guard his thoughts carefully; Vakua would easily pick up Skorm's thoughts, he was so familiar with them from training. He reached one lilypad, a large intersection, and he slowed himself. He heard them before he saw them. Casanuva was shouting, at... Kalyss? She was here too? This certainly complicated things even more, but... half the team! Skorm wiped away the fluid from his mask as he cherished the thought of ripping apart that stuck-up she-toa with their brothers, then silently cursed as he remembered to maintain mental discipline.


Below, meanwhile, Casanuva and Kalyss's exchange had... escalated.


"You've got a knot in your armor just because I got higher marks than you in training!" Casanuva shouted.


"That is a load of kane-ra sh-"


Vakua felt a sharp pang, not unlike when his sensitive hearing was provoked. Something... someone? A malevolence was nearby. It wished active harm upon him, Casanuva, and Kalyss. Drawing his tuning spear, he scanned the area, and opened his mind to his two arguing teammates.


Stop. Something is nearby, hostile. Having trouble sensing it, must have experience with telepathy.


Casanuva leaned past Kalyss, giving Vakua a look of concern. "What?"


Assume it can hear us. Tactical mindset.


Got it. Kalta, delta formation. Unknown hostile elements.


Just what we needed tonight.


Vakua, Kalyss, and Casanuva backed towards each other, forming a triangle, each facing outwards. Kalyss entered a stance, ready to attack, and Casanuva magnetized the handle of his sword to his good hand, and flipped it around so he was holding it straight. Vakua tapped his spear to the ground, the fork at the end emitting a constant hum. Skorm snarled silently, and started to levitate downwards, not touching the ground. His sword remained sheathed, though he clenched his hand around the hilt.

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC Karna


The priest runs ahead of the group, use Akaku and sensitive hearing allowing him to pinpoint Skorm quicker than the others. He stays behind a building, his mask allowing him to observe the three toa. One is the toa Vakua, the other two appear to be his allies. Skorm is nearby, he can tell.


"This should be interesting."

...but close to it

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IC: Nunonu pointed the direction of the hut 


"If it's all the same to you, I'd rather not encounter..him..again"



IC: Angitu skidded to a halt near the hut. 


He saw three toa in a battle formation. 


"Now what's this about?"



-Kongu Champion Gukko Rider


"Two, Four, One, Ten, Two, Four, One, Ten. Am I Transmitting, Is Anyone Listening..?"

LEGO Universe Fan - BIONICLE Fan from 2001 - Discovered BZP in 2007

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IC: Mirra and Wisp.

"What's going..." Wisp started to move forward, but Mirra put out an arm to stop him.

"Wait... Something isn't right here. I don't see any enemies. We need to wait and see what's happening before we step out into the firing line."

Wisp nodded, but pulled out his crossbow, ready to shoot at the first sign of trouble.

Edited by NatoGreavesy

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: There's too many people, I can't pinpoint who it could be.


Kalyss glared at the gathering crowd. "Stay back! All of you-"


Skorm seized his chance. He amplified the gravity field under the three, and all of them buckled. In the flash of movement, he stepped forward. He joined his fists and slammed down on Vakua's head. Skorm barely jumped back in time to dodge a slash from Casanuva's sword. The gravity returned to normal as he fell back. Vakua still knelt on the floor, clutching his head.


You okay, Vakua?


My ears are ringing... now I know why I couldn't find him. He's invisible.


And has gravity powers. We know someone who has those.


Nunonu and I were attacked by a Ba-Toa in Le-Wahi. He could have learned a new trick. He liked ambushes, too. Non-visibility protocol?


Got it.


It seemed to be only a fraction of a second while the mind-linked team carried out their conversation. Kalyss's hand glowed brightly as she charged an orb of plasma. She hurled it into the air, where it exploded like a flare, shedding harsh, fluorescent light everywhere. Vakua winced as he pushed his visor back on. Casanuva squinted in the harsh light, opening his bag of ball bearings with his free, bandaged hand. He scanned the ground.


Nothing, nothing, debris, nothing... There we go. Shadow, moving. I'll tag him.


Casanuva grabbed a handful of ball bearings, then threw them in front of him. Magnetizing them in midair, he repelled them in a wide arc; most scattered into the ground of water, but about a half dozen swerved and pelted their invisible assailant.


Skorm grunted as he was pelted with the magnetic projectiles. He lost focus, and twisted to the ground, his mask deactivating. He channeled his elemental fury into the ground below him, reaching out, and remembered how these lilypads worked.


Kalyss squinted. It couldn't be...


"Skorm? What the karzhani are you doing? Have you lost your mind?"


Vakua probed outwards into his brother's mind, but was met with a wall of corruption and fury. I... I don't think that's Skorm. It may look like him, act like him, and know what he knows... but that can't be Skorm.


Skorm laughed. A deep, throaty chuckle, which then grew into an uncomfortable shouting. "You see, little brother... that's where you're wrong!"


Skorm finished channeling his raw elemental fury into the reinforced stem below them. Several metallic twangs echoed through the water as the stem, reinforced with metal, buckled and snapped under the intense pressure Skorm was causing. The entire platform fell several inches onto the water, and one side started to rise as the other sank into the now frothy water.


We need people out of here. Calmly, and minimizing panic-


Casanuva cupped his hands around his mouth. "Everybody RUN!"


OOC: Okay, now I'm assuming this should have caused enough ruckus... collapsing lily platform, neon flares, shouting... I think it's safe to assume there might be some outside attention on this.

Edited by Keeper of Kraata

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Angitu


"Whoa.." Angitu shielded his eyes at the bright flash of light before moving into action. He watched the gravity toa use his powers on the pad. 


"This guy..Is just a whole new definition of crazy." Drawing his knife he spun it around in his hand before expertly throwing it in the direction of the gravity toa and began to move in the toa's direction.


He heard a voice call to run, he ignored it.


"I got this." Angitu thought as he believed he was unstoppable.


"Hey, buddy." He called out to the gravity toa as the knife sailed closer.


Unseen by Angitu in the heat of the moment, the ground beneath him began to rise and he started sliding down the pad.

-Kongu Champion Gukko Rider


"Two, Four, One, Ten, Two, Four, One, Ten. Am I Transmitting, Is Anyone Listening..?"

LEGO Universe Fan - BIONICLE Fan from 2001 - Discovered BZP in 2007

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IC: Vesun

Vesun glanced up as an enormous flare shot into the sky. Barely a moment later, he felt the gravitational field shift as Skorm weighed down an entire lilypad. "Never mind," he called over his shoulder to Nunonu. "I think I've found him." He set off at a run for the origin of the flare.

BZPRPG Profile: Vesun.


Subtlety is more powerful than strength.

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OOC: Time to even the odds.

IC: Mirra & Wisp.

"Who do we attack?" Mirra asked, stopping short of charging into the battle.

"We don't," Wisp put away his crossbow; he didn't know who the karz to shoot at. "We don't know what's happening, and I don't want to pick the wrong side in a situation like this."

"But we can't stand by and do nothing!" Mirra protested.

"We won't," Wisp raised his hands and drew on his elemental power, creating a thick, whirling smokescreen to engulf the area.

Mirra, recognising the tactic, created lightstone dust and mixed it into the smoke, turning it into a glowing, ethereal cloud. "Good luck seeing through that," she smirked, sticking close to Wisp. They were in the cloud as well, just as vulnerable as everyone else.

The question was: who would still be standing when the smoke cleared?

Edited by NatoGreavesy

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC Kirgan



Kirgan leered at the brightness of the flare, his eyes hurting.


Why am I here? he thought in desperation. I'm not a warrior, I can't help them!


IC Khervos & Tuli

(Ga-Koro, The Great Takea):


The sounds of the commotion near the greenhouses were great enough to reach The Great Takea as well.


"What was that?" Khervos said. Tuli pointed out the window at the Ga-Koro marines racing towards the scene of battle, to defend their Koro.


"I'm willing to bet our allies are somehow involved in this", Tuli said. "We should go there and check it out."


"Yes, but cautiously", Khervos added.


The Ba- and Ta-Matoran left the bar and ran with the Ga-Koro marines towards the commotion. For far away, they could see that some kind of glittering smoke was covering a vast, damaged area.

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IC Karna


The Ba-Toa's display of power was quite the sight, as was the cloud of bright smoke obscuring the battlefield. His Akaku only provided perhaps a third of the clarity he had had previously. Still enough for him to see more than the others could. He wanted to see what else Skorm was capable of.

...but close to it

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IC: (Mura)


"Holy Mata- "

Mura was knocked out of the way as Skorm entered, sending him sprawling onto the lilypad.

Many other beings had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

He turned to Kalyss: "What the karz is happening?! Kalyss!" The Su-Matoran stumbled as he ran to keep up with the toa...

"Kalyss...who is that?" he said, running as fast as he could. He wasn't a fighter but...

Pulling out a contraption he aimed it at the Ba-Toa rushing at them. Pulling the trigger of the experimental blaster-

-the machine exploded outwards, flinging Mura into the water around the lily pad, and spraying cogs and pistons across it's width. He coughed as he swallowed the murky water, grabbing blindly at the slippery side of the lily pad.

Edited by Silo



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IC: He gave a disgruntled frown, turning his head in the direction of the commotion.

"Never a dull moment in this place, huh?" he muttered, watching various figures investigate and take action in the situation.

This was ridiculous. The day of crazy just wasn't ending. Better count his blessings that it didn't involve him, and was being handled, for a change.

In the meantime, just keep walking, thought the vagabond Toa of Plasma. Bound to find a restaurant eventually.

helo frens

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"I am quite certain," The Le-Toa began, adding a little cream to her second mug of coffee and taking a sip. Half her breakfast had, by this point, disappeared, and she seemed to be pausing before continuing her meal. "That that isn't quite how that calculation goes. Slight variance in the result."




"Take it how you wish."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Vesun

Soon blinded by the dust, Vesun slowed down his charge towards the scene of the battle. He cautiously made his way through the clouds, eventually glimpsing a silhouette in the distance. He moved towards it, and came upon a short figure. He approached with caution, only recognizing the Matoran at an arm's length. "Kirgan!"

BZPRPG Profile: Vesun.


Subtlety is more powerful than strength.

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IC: (Mura)


Smoke had rolled in, obscuring Kalyss and the other Toa Kalta from the Su-Matoran's view.

He gulped air as he tried to stay afloat in the murky water to the side of the lily pad, but to no avail: he couldn't really swim...

"Help!" he shouted to the world in general, as his head resurfaced for a few seconds, before plunging back into the water. He kept trying to grab onto the side, but the green surface of the lily pad was slippery and almost impossible to get a hand hold on.

Mura's world was full of  panic: his head kept going underwater, when he did come back up all he could see was smoke, he was getting tired, and he was slowly drifting away from the lily pad.

"Hel- " Mura's head went underwater again, reemerging a second later coughing and taking desperate gulps of air.



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IC Khervos & Tuli



From amidst the smoke, somewhere, came a cry for help. Tuli turned her attention to that direction and, although visibility was nearly zero, she could spot a Su-Matoran trying to stay afloat. It was obvious he didn't know how to swim. For Tuli, saving civilians was in her nature: she had, after all, been a member of the Ta-Koro guard before, where saving those who couldn't save themselves was a life's purpose.


Even as Khervos called after her, Tuli broke off at a run into the smoke, towards where the Matoran was. Due to years of living in Ta-Koro and later Onu-Koro, Tuli was used to smoke and poor visibility, so she had little trouble locating Mura. Once she was close, she dove gracefully into the water, her swim training as a guard returning to her memory. With no time to waste, Tuli wrapped one of her arms around Mura, keeping her afloat.


"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here", she said as she held onto Mura and treaded water.

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IC: (Mura)


As Mura was pulled onto the smoke covered lily pad, he thanked Tuli sheepishly; he felt slightly embarrassed that he had probably overacted, but now he could see that they had bigger problems on their hands. Shouts and cries came from across the floating structure, the sounds of weapons clashing and firing.

That reminded him: he was annoyed that the launcher hadn't worked, it needed to have some adjustments made, maybe a new rotor clasp (possibly the second variant (which he had, to be honest, always thought of as better) rather than the third variant of the Kazar Industries clockwork rotors) or perhaps a new- 

 -Mura's train of thought was violently derailed as a piece of ammunition flew out of the smoke and past his head.

...maybe now was not the time to adjust his invention...


"Have you seen Kalyss anywhere? the Su-toa that is." he looked around, but the smoke obscured everything. "Sorry about that by the way...I just had to come to Ga-Koro..."

He continued: "Or perhaps a blue Fa-Toa or a grey De-Toa? They're part of Kalyss' team...there are more of them, like one called Skorm and one called...Ally-Ed, I think...but they haven't found them yet..."

He wasn't really sure why he was giving a lecture on something this matoran could easily find out from Kalyss herself later, but he felt like he needed to outline why they were here etc...he just felt so out of place in Ga, to be honest, that he felt like he had to justify every action he performed, including why he was here in the first place...

"We should probably try to get to the other side of the lily pad. What's your name by the way? I'm Mura...thanks for saving me..."

Edited by Silo



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IC Tuli



"Woah there, slow down", Tuli said upon getting a load of questions from Mura in one go. The guy was apparently a nervous wreck, which bore a slight annoyance to her, but Tuli knew she could work with that if she had to. Pulling Mura away from the scene of the battle and out of the smoke, she said "I'm Tuli. I've met some of the guys you're talking about, and some of them I haven't. Can you tell me who started this conflict?"

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IC: (Mura)


"I dunno...a gravity toa jumped in, started attacking Kalyss and the others...and then there was this smoke and I tried firing my experimental blaster...it didn't go too well and I ended up in the water"

He sighed. "I'm just not a very good fighter..."



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"Way to keep the panic low Casa "



Kedamor says as he turns his attention to Skorm.


"Excuse me Mister slime face , But what seem to be the major malfunction with casa and the gang over there ? you seem to have unneeded animosity towards them . 


OOC-Of course the mentally insane toa seems as calm as the ocean with out wind  during all this chaos .

Edited by TheMegazordman1
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IC: The Ba-Toa spun so his cloak caught the dagger flying towards him. Skorm looked at the strange toa, so calm in the chaos surrounding him. "My motives are my own, Toa of Sonics. You can either be in my way, or not. By the way... jump."


Skorm jumped, amplifying the gravity under him as he landed; the lilypad lurched, Skorm's side plunging into the ocean. He altered his gravity so that he was straight on the platform. He couldn't see much with the smoke, and chaos echoed around him. Just as he liked it.


When the other side of the platform went up, only Casanuva managed to properly anchor himself. Kalyss slipped onto her back, only stopping herself from sliding by burning handholds into the platform. Vakua, though, was flipped straight off the platform, and splashed into the water. Not feeling the mental link, Kalyss shouted to Casanuva over the din.


"I think Vakua's unconscious! I'm not getting anything!"


"Me neither! I'll get him, you handle Skorm!"


Before Kalyss could argue, Casanuva's mask glowed, and he leaped off of the platform, into the water.


Kalyss looked through the glowing smoke, and coughed. Whatever this stuff was, it wasn't healthy to breath in


OOC: And.. cue theme.


IC: She became aware of heavy footsteps, and rolled over, barely dodging a saber that would have decapitated her. Kalyss slid down the platform, sliding past Skorm's legs. She leaned up, getting ready to push off the platform. Skorm stomped again, and the platform shifted as gravity was increased on the other side. Kalyss cursed as she was splashed with water, turning over.


The Su-Toa spat out saltwater. "What the karzhani is wrong with you? We're your team!"


Skorm lifted off the ground slightly. The platform was rapidly going underwater. "I've been... enlightened."


"And the best thing to do about that is killing us?"


Skorm smirked. "Yes, actually." He floated slightly above the water line and moved towards her, saber drawn.


Kalyss saw her chance. She actived her Kakama, and the world blurred. She channeled a burst of plasma to rocker herself upright, and dashed at Skorm. She tackled him, but didn't stop running; she knew that Skorm only floated by affecting himself with zero-G; this made him, essentially, weightless. She continued running, away from the smoke, away from civilians. She didn't make it very far out of the koro when Skorm started reacting and grabbed her throat.


"I... know... where your speed can't help you!"


The water around them pulsed outward, then started falling... up. Skorm reversed the gravity for the entire area, himself and Kalyss included. As they fell faster and faster into the night sky, Skorm punched Kalyss in the face with the hilt of his sword; she let go of him, but returned the blow by sending a plasma-propelled kick into his abdomen. He grunted in pain, but then smiled cruelly.


"See you on the way down."


As abruptly as it had turned, the gravity returned to normal. Skorm quickly lashed out with his sword. The blow was mostly deflected by her armor, but it achieved its purpose, and she spun off. Skorm spread his limbs out in an 'X', to slow his descent. Two down, one to go.


*      *     *


Casanuva dived into the bay; he felt out with his magnetism, trying to sense the nearest being. There was the su-matoran than tagged along with Kalyss... there. Vakua's unconscious body was drifting towards the bottom. Casanuva's bulk and armor made it so he didn't have to swim downward much to reach him. When he reached his brother, he turned, and magnetized Vakua to his back, and activated his Pakari, and dragged himself up by his armor. Through that combination, he was able to breach the surface, and swam to the nearest stable platform. Casanuva pushed Vakua onto the lilypad, and climbed up after him, gasping.


"Where are Skorm and Kalyss?"

The times, they are a-changing...



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Ry and Asa  backed away from the confrontation before it started knowing they wouldn't be of much help. Kedmor jumps back on to a stable pad and by the time Casanuva got back to the surface he was right in front of him and helped Casa and the other toa of sonics back on to the pad then point up-


The lady toa is falling at  oh terminal velocity  almost and will if my calculations are correct  hit the ground in roughly oh 20 seconds  but i may be wrong , Slime face on the other hand is falling at a considerably slower rate .

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IC - Tarkah [Marine Headquarters]: 


The Toa smiled and nodded. While he was curious, he still had enough sense about him to realize that prying into someone's private matters was simply too much. For him, simply having a conversation that had outlasted the previous conversations he had with the Private was simply astounding. 


"I-I understand. There are somethings that people don't wish to share, right?" The Toa said with a shy smile on his face. He turned his attention towards the front desk, now ready to sign up with the Marines.


[Ga-koro, Marine Headquarters]


“Thanks,” Talli said.  Then she punched Tarkah lightly in the arm.  “Good luck, I’ve a early watch tomorrow, so I gotta get home.”


The young Ga-matoran scowled comically before standing up and heading for the door.  She waved to the toa once, and then she was outside.

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

DGpmn.gif hSjyr.gif 0XaJh.gif SgiUv.gif 20lFP.gif Gb7My.gif jA8tl.gif ERGkj.gif NJbpp.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Vesun

Vesun turned as he heard the sound of a waterfall erupt from off to his right. He felt the gravitational shift, too. He grimaced. He wanted to see what was going on, but... this stupid dust. He spoke over his shoulder, to Kirgan. "Hold your breath."

He stepped forward, raising his arms into the sky. The dust was so thick he couldn't see his fingers. He breathed in, trying not to cough, then boomed out in the loudest voice he could summon. "ENOUGH!"

He reached out, drawing on all his power and skill as a Toa of Gravity, and wrapped his power around the particles of dust in the air. They became heavier and heavier, condensing and settling and finally raining out of the sky like snow into a thin, glowing sheen on the ground and covering everything. In the center stood Vesun, arms still outstretched, head bowed, trembling with exertion. He gasped, exhausted by the feat he had just performed. He looked up and saw Skorm and Kalyss flailing at each other in the sky. He now knew that Skorm was not who he seemed to be. Suddenly the gravity around the two reverted. Kalyss began to plummet downwards, though Skorm had kept himself lighter and was falling at a survivable pace. 

She'll die, he realized, if she hits the ground like this. But I'm so tired... No! He summoned up what little strength he had left and poured it towards her, lightening her mass until she floated down gently like a feather.

He smiled, and fell on his hands and knees. Here we go, he thought. I remember this feeling. "Kirgan," he called out. "Keep me safe." His eyes faded and he collapsed onto the lilypad, unconscious.

BZPRPG Profile: Vesun.


Subtlety is more powerful than strength.

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IC: Mirra and Wisp.

Managing to stay upright through the lurching and the gravity shifts, Mirra spotted Skorm beating a female plasma Toa in midair as the smokescreen she and Wisp had created was abruptly dissipated. Something about the way he moved made it very clear that he was the hostile party in this situation.

"Get him!" Wisp created a small cloud of smoke around Skorm, to blind and distract him as he fell, while Mirra created a cluster of jagged crystal spikes on the ground where he looked like he was about to land.

Edited by NatoGreavesy

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Angitu


"You did not just call me a toa of sonics." Angitu said, insulted. 


He tilted his head in mild confusion when Skorm said jump. Glancing down at the pad that was tilting towards the water, he got what the gravity toa was planning. 


Thinking quickly, Angitu poised himself to jump the moment Skorm landed.


"Three..Two...and..Impact!" Angitu launched himself into the air by using the momentum of the pad tilting and Skorm's heavy impact.


He expected to fall faster, but the repeated shifting of gravity had kept him going longer then anticipated, he was currently being propelled towards the outskirts of the koro


Angitu noticed that Skorm had somehow ended up in his line of sight again, seemingly with a female toa who looked like she slowed midair.


"I'd ask how, but..I've got a score to settle now." He attempted to aim his body towards Skorm, outstretching his arms to go for the mid-air tackle.



"Come here..you son of a kane-ra.."

-Kongu Champion Gukko Rider


"Two, Four, One, Ten, Two, Four, One, Ten. Am I Transmitting, Is Anyone Listening..?"

LEGO Universe Fan - BIONICLE Fan from 2001 - Discovered BZP in 2007

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IC - Tarkah [Marine Headquarters]: 


The Toa smiled and nodded. While he was curious, he still had enough sense about him to realize that prying into someone's private matters was simply too much. For him, simply having a conversation that had outlasted the previous conversations he had with the Private was simply astounding. 


"I-I understand. There are somethings that people don't wish to share, right?" The Toa said with a shy smile on his face. He turned his attention towards the front desk, now ready to sign up with the Marines.


[Ga-koro, Marine Headquarters]


“Thanks,” Talli said.  Then she punched Tarkah lightly in the arm.  “Good luck, I’ve a early watch tomorrow, so I gotta get home.”


The young Ga-matoran scowled comically before standing up and heading for the door.  She waved to the toa once, and then she was outside.





Tyrus tapped the stack of papers in his hands against the counter, straightening them, before slipping them into a manila folder, shutting it, and pulling it up beneath one armpit. He nodded curtly to the secretary, giving her a tight smile, before turning to walk back to where his nameless compatriot was waiting. His keen eyes caught Talli standing up next to him, evidently having been in conversation with the Toa, then walking out the door with a final wave. All of this information was noted and filed away in the Lesterin's mind with the precision of the papers in his folder.


"Hello again, my anonymous friend," he said as he approached, pulling a single sheet of paper out from beneath his arm with one hand and proffering it to the potential recruit. With his other hand, the one whose arm was pinning the folder against his side, he dug into a pocket and obtained a pen.


"I've dealt with all of the pointless legal padding for you," Tyrus said. "We'll simply need a few personal details, nothing serious. A name, as well. Hopefully you've found one by now."





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IC: "You again, huh?" Cipher said casually, drawing up beside the Seventh with long, easy strides. His path, meandering and aimless as it was, had converged with hers a couple of minutes ago. At least, as far as he'd noticed, anyway. Since he was trailing her in the initial setup, she didn't seem quite so privy to the fact, either that or she hadn't deigned to show it.

Whatever the case, best to make small talk with a familiar face when you can.

"Know any good spots for a bite around here?"

helo frens

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IC - Tarkah [Marine Headquarters]:


Tarkah smiled and waved back at her as the Ga-Matoran's figure disappeared outside. The host rubbed his own arm playfully with a small smile. He turned and came face to face with the Private. Even Ta seemed to squirm slightly as the Lesterin approached from the crowds. The Toa picked up the pen first and spun it in his fingers before taking hold of the document. 


"A-Ah, that other guard named me. My name is Tarkah." He spoke his new name with slightly more confidence but his voice still seemed to be almost drowned out by the ambiance of the lobby. Tarkah quickly filled out the name section and skimmed through the rest of the form.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC Kirgan, Tuli & Khervos



Khervos ran over to Tuli and Mura as they emerged from the smoke. "You're ok!" he said.


"This is my boyfriend, Khervos", Tuli said to Mura. "He's a detective..."


"Private Eye."


"...and as I told you already, I'm Tuli. Ex-guard", she finished her introduction. "You're Mura, and whatever you do for a living, I can tell it's not fighting. But what did you say about a blaster?"




"Vesun!" Kirgan cried out as Vesun slipped into unconsciousness. Kirgan was quiet for a moment, then promised "I'll keep you safe."


He began trying to lift the Toa, but the Toa o Gravity was heavy (pun totally intended) for a lone Matoran. Kirgan noticed Tuli and Khervos talking with a third Matoran enarby and shouted to them "Come and help me with Vesun!"




Tuli and Khervos turned around to see Vesun on the ground and Kirgan trying to move him.


"We need to help him", Tuli said, racing over to help carry Vesun to safety.

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IC: (Mura)


"Oh, uh, ok!" he ran hastily after the other matoran to whoever this "Vesun" person was...

The smoke obscured everything, but- 

"Hang on!" he shouted to the others...Near to where he had fallen in, Vakua and Casanuva were just visible. He needed to know what was happening...

He ran over to them, his eyes widening when he saw that the De-Toa was unconcious...

"What's happening?! Where's Kalyss?" he asked Casanuva nervously...



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IC Kirgan, Tuli & Khervos



"Over here!" a voice called out to Karna, Kirgan, Tuli and Khervos from a hut not too far from the scene of the battle, but far enough to be safe. A male Ga-Matoran wearing a Miru was waving at them. "He can stay at my hut until he regains consciousness!"


"Let's take Vesun there", Tuli said to Karna.

Edited by Toatapio Nuva
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IC Karna


Karna runs to the hut, years of training make carrying a light toa quite easy. The ga-matoran directs him to a rolled out mat on the floor, the priest sets him down.


The matoran have caught up. "Tuli and Khervos, you to should stay at a safe distance until Skorm can be subdued or forced to flee. I would not be forgiven to have matoran killed under my protection."

...but close to it

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