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oops wrong topic NOBODY SAW THAT


Anyway, good luck to the remaining guys and may the Mysterious Figure be destroyed.


Anyway, if you have four by the next voting period, you could hypothetically double-vote the MF and the last hunter at the same time. It's hard, but possible.

Edited by Pulse

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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oops wrong topic NOBODY SAW THAT


Anyway, good luck to the remaining guys and may the Mysterious Figure be destroyed.


Anyway, if you have four by the next voting period, you could hypothetically double-vote the MF and the last hunter at the same time. It's hard, but possible.

Pretty sure it is indeed the wrong topic, Pulse (parallelism is sweet).

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Extremely Obvious Figure Named Lhik works.

-Rahkshi Guurahk
GENERATION 3: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
If I actually tried putting all the stuff I like on here, the sig would burst.



(This banner is created by http://www.bzpower.com/board/user/59020-onaku/ )

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The sentinels and villagers must live. OR THE HUNTERS DIE :P

-Rahkshi Guurahk
GENERATION 3: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
If I actually tried putting all the stuff I like on here, the sig would burst.



(This banner is created by http://www.bzpower.com/board/user/59020-onaku/ )

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Chapter 10 – Endgame, Part II


The world ended when Burnmad found Zakaro with a gun to his head. Or, to be more specific, another of the Coder’s wonderful inventions.


Speaking of which, Portalfig was there – or at least, he was there just long enough to give Burnmad a small smile before vanishing again. Burnmad, confused, glanced over to Zakaro.


“What’s going on?” he asked. “I didn’t think you were the suicide type... plus, we both know I’m protected.”


“I’m not the suicide type, you’re right,” Zakaro said, tossing him another device.


“What is this?”


“It’s for you to broadcast your death to the world while the poison I’m about to fire right into my brain kills us both,” said Zakaro.


“You can’t do that!”


“I can, actually – Portal never died, y’know, and his inventions are... well... powerful, to say the least. Plus, Lhikevikk has taken control of this entire thing – Voltex is powerless to stop him now.”


“We’ll see about that,” Burnmad said, starting forward.


Zakaro fired and immediately collapsed. Burnmad cried out as the device in his palm shocked him, activating as he fell to the ground as well.


“Help me,” Burnmad whispered. “Someone, anyone... my sibling....”


“Oh heeeeeey Burnie!”


It was Lhikevikk. “Zakaro told me I’d be getting a call from you!”


“You’re... not my sibling....”


“Of course I am, though!” the Figure’s voice said, sounding hurt. “I’m your long lost sibling! Zakaro was never related to you at all!”


“But... poison... dying....”


“Oh, yes, that is a bit of a snag, isn’t it? Unfortunately, I’ve got an appointment with Zakaro and Voltex elsewhere right now. If you’d like to join us, I suggest jumping.”


Lhikevikk cut out, leaving Burnmad all alone on the sand – Zakaro was gone. As Burnmad lay there, the ground before him fell away, revealing a chasm that probably stretched farther than the Detective even wanted to know.


If you’d like to join us, I suggest jumping.


But he couldn’t jump – in fact, he could barely breathe. But Voltex was the only one who could stop this, and if Zakaro and Lhikevikk had him trapped... Burnmad desperately began to claw his way towards the edge of the cliff, his limbs burning as if acid ran through them. Now in too much pain to move, he collapsed just before the edge as his vision began to fade.


“How unfortunate,” said the Coder from behind him. “The Detective is unable to kill himself. Do not worry – that is where I come in.”


The Coder nudged Burnmad just over the edge – and then he was falling... and falling... and falling.




He woke up in a large chamber, with a white floor, white walls, and a ceiling too high to see but was probably white as well.


It was a rather stark contrast to the eternal night that Bara-Magna now suffered.


There was a squelch – Burnmad turned to see a shrivelled, ugly creature that slimed and gooped, with bubbles upon its skin that popped every so often, splattering the surrounding area with a sickening green acid that ate through the floor within seconds. He started to walk towards it when a voice stopped him: “you would not wish to touch that, I am afraid.”


Burnmad turned. “Voltex? Is that you?”


Voltex nodded, appearing as though a gentle candle. “For now, yes.”


“What happened?”


“My powers are very nearly depleted – I have enough in me to return back to Bara-Magna, but such an option would be the epitome of foolishness at this point in time.”


“Where am I?”


Voltex glanced around. “You know, I was rather hoping you could tell me.”


Burnmad stared at his surroundings suspiciously. “A train station, maybe? Why do I think that?”


“Who knows,” Voltex said with a shrug. “Perhaps it is the stunning similarities between this and that one scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.”


“That’s it!” Burnmad said. “Yes, that is it. What the heck are we doing here? And don’t say ‘I was hoping you could tell me’.”


Voltex stared at him for several seconds before Burnmad asked, “what?”


“Well, I was hoping that you could tell me, but you said not to say that I was hoping you could tell me, so I refrained from saying that I was hoping you could tell me. Until just now, when I said I was hoping that you could tell me.”


“Well, that’s useless. Am I dead?”


“I would assume so,” Voltex said, nonchalantly shrugging. “That seems to be the only method of arrival, unless you’re Lhikevikk.”


“But then how did you get here?”


“Really, Burnmad? Really?”


“That sounded smarter in my head before I said it,” Burnmad said. “Hold on... if this is Harry Potter, then one of us has to be Harry, right?”


Voltex shrugged.


“I dibs Harry,” Burnmad said.


“No way!” Voltex cried. “I’m Harry! I was here first!”


“Exactly! You’re the perfect Dumbledore!”


“I still have enough power to vaporize you on the spot and wipe you from existence.”


“...fine, you can be Harry. Selfish piece of-”


“Don’t finish that sentence.”


Burnmad (Detective) MIA.




At the oasis where a Matoran had drowned several days prior, the Sentinels and Medic were awaiting the arrival of their missing companion.


“So who isn’t being protected this round?” asked Malice.


“Uh....” Xaeraz trailed off, sharing an awkward glance with The X. “Um, Burnmad?”


“I’m protecting Burnmad.”




“I’m protecting you,” The X said.


“...The X?”


“I thought you were protecting X,” said Malice.


“Oh, that’s right.”


“Wait,” Malice said, suspicion creeping into his voice. “Are you trying to tell me that I’m not being protected this round?!


“Well, it’s not like it matters, right?” X asked. “I mean, they haven’t been smart enough to realize you were the third Sentinel this entire time anyway.”




The three Matoran scrambled backwards away from the water as Lhikevikk shimmered into view, laughing.


“Oh man, you shoulda seen the looks on your faces!” Lhikevikk cried, tears running down his face. “That was so brilliant! I really do need to do that more often.”


“Great, now I’m dead,” Malice muttered, as a shape arose out of the water.


“Wait, who is this?” Lhikevikk asked.


The shape turned, revealing itself to be what looked like an undead Matoran in an astronaut suit.


“I am Zakaro,” the shape said, “and you have all fallen right into my trap – I killed myself in order to become a vampire, so that I could live forever!”


“That scheme doesn’t make any sense at all,” Xaeraz pointed out.


“The similarity to Doctor Who is uncanny,” X muttered.


“Shut it, you!” Zakaro spat, pointing a finger ominously towards the Matoran. “Your time has come! I will vanquish you and emerge victorious!”


“Not if I have anything to say about it!” Lhikevikk sang into the air. “By the powers invested in my wonderfully powerful body and the Staff of Unlimited Power, I proclaim myself to be allied with the Matoran!”


“What?” Zakaro asked, confused and turning to face the Not-So-Mysterious-Figure. “You can’t mean-no, that’s impossible!”


“Is it?” Lhikevikk asked, pointing the Staff at him. “I have been developing a special attack. Watch!”


Lhikevikk pointed the Staff towards an empty spot on the ground and fired; a metal cage just the right size to hold Zakaro appeared.


“That’s your attack?” Zakaro asked.


“No! This is!” Lhikevikk announced, firing at Zakaro.


The beam hit the Hunter dead-on and he vanished instantly. Lhikevikk, Malice, X and Xaeraz all turned to the cage and stared at it expectantly, but nothing happened.


Zakaro (The Hunter) MIA.


“Hmm... that is curious,” Lhikevikk noted.


“What is curious?” Xaeraz asked. “The fact that you killed him? How and why is that curious?”


“No, see, the attack was meant to teleport him into the cage,” said Lhikevikk. “How odd. I shall have to try and figure out what went wrong. In the meantime, I have a fun game for us to play!”


“You do?” Malice asked.


“Yes!” Lhikevikk said, beaming. “It is called the ‘let us lynch somebody game!’ and is very awesome.”


X, Xaeraz, and Malice glanced at each other.


“Where’s Burnmad?”


“Oh, he’s in the great beyond with Voltex,” Lhikevikk said, waving the matter away. “He won’t be visiting again before this is all over.”


“Wait,” Xaeraz asked, turning to X. “If this is like Doctor Who, who was the Doctor?”


“I don’t really know,” said X. “I mean, nobody died in Doctor Who, but... Zakaro seems pretty gone, so... maybe it isn’t like Doctor Who?”


“I suppose that works,” Xaeraz conceded.


The three Matoran bumped fists and prepared to vote – there was, after all, only one logical outcome.

To Be Continued.


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