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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

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IC - Raehn - Ta-Koro: "Send two of us," Raehn chimed in again. "The other two can look around while we talk to him."It seemed practical in her mind. With everything that had been going on recently, Vakama was more likely to point them in the right direction if more of the team was talking to him. Otherwise, he would simply assume that they weren't serious. Two members, at least, would show that they were already started on their team-building task.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Durim"Ah, a brilliant idea Raehn... I assume that means you are placing yourself among those to speak to the Turaga? I thought so." He didn't really give any time at all to reply, before turning back to Quada. "And I suspect you will be the other one to go up there, yes?" The eerie grin on his face was a mixture of fake friendly, and threatening to punch someone's face.

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Ic:Kol's eyes flickered open. His immediate view was of Hiemalis. It reminded him of his confusion. He narrowed his eyes on the lord of winter. "Why'd ya do it?" he asked feebly.Hiemalis looked more intensely at Kol's face, his eyes glowing brighter in the shadows of his cloak's hood. He said nothing for a while, as if thinking on Kol's words, but finally spoke in his fabricated voice. "Do what?"Kol rolled his eyes. As if the Toa didn't know what he was reffering to. Still, he would spell it out if that's what he needed to do. "Bring me here. Ta' an 'ospital. I'm no' complainin', but it seems ta' contradict the res' a' yur plan."Hiemalis, however, simply sat there, immobile, staring at Kol. A soft frost began to spread on the surface of everything as Hiemalis again embodied his element, and the all-too-familiar cold of Hiemalis began to permeate everything, despite the heat in the hospital. "I didn't come here to help you," he said finally.Kol raised an eyebrow, clearly confused. This would be the kind of thing Hiemalis would do, bringing him here to kill him. The irony of dying in a hospital. Or maybe he was speaking figuratively. Maybe he didn't want his trophy to be a useless corpse. "Do ya 'ave some malicious intent by bringin' me ta' a place of healing?""Yes," Hiemalis said.The soldier was obviously dissatisfied by the blunt answer. Then again, he wasn't satisfied by most of the things uttered from Hiemalis' mouth. "Will ya explain?" He knew he probably wouldn't. It would probably ruin the effect. But it would be nice to not be in the dark for once."What do you think I want from you?" Hiemalis asked in response. "Or would you like more time to think on that?" he added maliciously, knowing Kol understood all-too-well what that implied.Kol froze, remembering his "thinking time." He simply curled his mouth up into a smirk. "I think we've 'stablished that I don't know.""I own your life," Hiemalis explained. "I want your soul. I want to crush it, to shatter it, to build it to my own liking. But to do that, you can not have hope. I brought you here to lose hope."Kol tilted his head. Hiemalis' words confused him as always. "But here...they're goin' ta heal me. How would I lose hope?" he questioned."Because you won't be healed here," Hiemalis replied matter-of-factly, though it still left Kol in the dark as to just why that was."We'll jus' see about that." he retorted. With that, he crossed his arms and turned his head. He was through talking, and more than a little bit scared.But Hiemalis was not through talking, though Kol may have been. He finally said, this time in his actual voice, old and crusty, rumbling and ominous, "Because everyone in the hospital, save you and I, will die today.""Yer a monster," he said quietly, as if mumbling to himself in his sleep. He was tired, battered, wounded, and it was a miracle he was still even alive at all. He could barely speak further, though in a last fit of energy, he gave the best response he could. "An' someone is gonna kill you.""They will try," Hiemalis said, content at the despair that filled the room. Kol was shivering again, though the Lord of Winter knew not if it was from the cold or from the fright. But he knew this much: He did not have to lay a finger on Kol anymore. Kol would destroy himself now, knowing that it was his own existence that would cause the death of so many others around him. Doctors, the hope givers of the society, would perish, as did the innocent civilians who were in the rooms just like Kol's, mending from their adventures or mishaps. The knowledge of this would shatter Kol's soul.And then it would be a new chapter. Hiemalis grinned evilly under his hood as he got up and prepared to do what he came to do.

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OOC: Yeah. Kal is kinda gone. That kinda sucks.IC: JL/Cyrax/AurumJL and Cyrax followed, walking behind Hasil, Lashev, and Sisk, who was perched on Hasil's shoulder. The Toa of Lightning ran forwards a little bit, asking to any of the 3 people in front of them, and asked them a question.JL: Um.....Where exactly are we going?=====Aurum, Toa of Iron, walked through Ta-Koro. Nobody recognized him through his cloak, which also covered his mouth and nose. His weapon was on his back. He walked through the village, heading to nowhere in particular, but more to the south. He looked around the area, staying silent.OOC: Aurum open to Interaction. And if you have an evil plot involved here, please invite. If you're a 'good' char, please, feel free to intercept and ask why he's in such a cloak.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred Forest:Suminaxe watched the two Matoran walk right past him, and smiled in pleasure. Soon more Guards would come, and knowing most beings being unable to keep a secret, soon the entire village would know what had happened, and the Charred Forest would become even more charred...

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IC: Divinex What in the world....? Divinex noted the presence of two Ta-Koro guards some ways off, through the dark, confusing stumps of the forest. Since he had nothing better to do than just sit there, he watched them walk for a bit. He turned on his Mask of Stealth.The two Matoran passed someone that looked like a Toa: they failed to notice that they were passing anyone, and continued on their way. How attentive. The Toa looked like he was up to something dastardly, although Divinex couldn't divine just what that dastardly deed might be. Divinex moved a little closer, hiding behind trees so he wouldn't be seen, in the event that his buggy Kanohi malfunctioned (again.) What am I doing? I'm no hero, I haven't been one for eons... He didn't know why, but something compelled him to investigate... OOC: Permission to interfere, AuRon?

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OOC: Sorry guys, I was doing a ten-mile hike and campout yesterday, I'm back now though. And Skyra isn't going anywhere now, Snelly. Hehehe.IC-Hasil:Hasil sheathed his sword when he noticed that the Muaka was actually a Toa, and picked up Lashev again. He set the small matoran on his shoulder, jostling Sisk slightly, and began to run to catch up to Kamaehu and Arak'as.IC-Lashev:"Whoa," Lashev said, "You have a Mahiki, just like me! How long have you been a to-Aaah!" Lashev exclaimed as Hasil picked him up and his head whacked into Sisk's shoulder. He held on, hopefullly not going to fly off into a puddle of lava somewhere.IC-Jaron:Jaron looked at his Gladius, sharpened it along with his swords, and sheathed all three. When that was done, he said goodbye to Onuzek and Nikila and stepped out into the hallway. He turned, but he heard a noise. He quickly turned around, sword in hand."Skyra?" Jaron said, and sighed in relief. "What are you doing out of your bed? You know that Laserbeak and Riaril both will yell at you, and probably me too, if they see you," he said to the Toa.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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OOC: Auron, mandmboy, Tarotrix and his squad of rookies (Three matoran) are leaving the charred forest. About eight NPC guards and an ussal cart are in the forest, to pick up the bodies and bury them.IC: The medic, a Toa with a mask of healing, came over. Tarotrix was laid on the ground, and his foot was massaged. Within ten minutes, his ankle was healed, albeit a bit sore."Don't bother going into the forest, Deputy," Taro said. "They're all dead, I'm afraid."Nodding, the medic went back to the fortress. Slipping on his boot, Tarotrix and his squad marched towards the village, and back to the barracks. He hoped to get a bite to eat.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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OOC: Krayzikk, I SAW IT okay? I've been inactive while sleeping. :PIC: RiarilRiaril turned to look at the toa of springs and smiled flatteringly."I have a few moments for a private word in my office before the treasure's surgery. If you'll follow me."She turned and brushing away a stray piece of ash, and continued down the hall into her office. The door was open.OOC: Ya'know, Armadijo, this would be a great place to start RPing Riaril and the hospital chars again with me. :P

Edited by Band Wagon Jumper
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IC - Kol Uskey - HospitalKol Uskey was on edge. Of course, he couldn't sleep. This was the calm before the storm. There was a feeling in his stomache like his heart had dived in, possibly dragging his logic down with it. Just laying there was like a sick, warped version of lying in bed the night before Naming Day. The knowledge that everyone was soon to die- he had no doubt Hiemalis could and would do it -was like being told a friend's death date. He would never be able to live with himself if he didn't tell someone. He'd have to do it subtlely, of course."Doctor!" he called out.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: Permisson granted, but you can't get on my boat (bad pun there)IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred Forest:Suminaxe didn't notice the Toa using the Mask of Stealth, he only felt as if he was being watched, so he quickly moved about so he rested behind a small clump of fallen dead trees. He knew that the guards that showed up were only scouts, and a main force would arrive soon. Then he would kill them all.

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Ic: Hiemalis heard Kol's scream, but at this point it didn't matter; there was no point for deception now. As he stepped out into the hallway, he let his cloak slide off his frame. The cloth wisped off of him, slowly billowing to the floor in a silken cascade, the apparent purity of which was in stark contrast to the brutal and primitive-looking being it unmasked. The Lord of Winter, in all of his disgrace, stood in the hallway.The contradictions were as obvious as the Death Star. The Lord of Winter was in Ta-Koro, in a hospital with a matoran who would not be treated. The potential hope of the building would be despair, and the place of life would be a wasteland of death. He stood in a hallway with whitewashed walls and pretty nurses, though he was the epitome of hideousness and darkness. His unsightly mask glowered at the nearest staff member, who in turn balked at the sight of the primitive looking beast of a toa.There was an odd moment as neither person did anything; the maid, frozen in awkward terror, and Hiemalis, as if pondering which shoulder to cleave from. Neither moved, neither said anything, both simply stood analyzing the other. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" someone behind Hiemalis said, footsteps signaling his approach. And then, with superhuman litheness, Hiemalis wheeled on his heels, slamming a dagger of ice into the heartlight of the man who sought to control the situation.The maid screamed at the sight of the suddenly vanishing light, but no voice came out as Hiemalis instinctively sealed his entire head in a cube of ice. As she fell, suddenly top-heavy, to the floor, her descent was slowed as she toppled into icicles, the once-clear sticks of ice emerging from his topside stained.Hiemalis drew his sword out of its scabbard, its blade tainted brown from his sheathing of it without wiping the blood from it, and its smell one of death. The massacre had begun.Ooc: Note: The people I killed here are NPCs. I don't know exactly where the other people are or what to expect from them.

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OOC: Krayzikk, I SAW IT okay? I've been inactive while sleeping. :PIC: RiarilRiaril turned to look at the toa of springs and smiled flatteringly."I have a few moments for a private word in my office before the treasure's surgery. If you'll follow me."She turned and brushing away a stray piece of ash, and continued down the hall into her office. The door was open.OOC: Ya'know, Armadijo, this would be a great place to start RPing Riaril and the hospital chars again with me. :P

OOC: I'm just used to my posts getting buried, so I have become a wee bit paranoid in that regard. Also, the chaos has begun.IC: Laserbeak + KrayzikkLaserbeak started talking as she walked. "I wanted to apologize for my part in the attack. We had been told the hospital was cleared of all non-combatants. At the time, it seemed a logical conclusion."Krayzikk continued with his boredom. He finally decided to get up, and stood, stretching. He looked down and noted that he still had his weapons, despite the amount of time since he last used them. He walked out into the hall, unaware of the tragedy that was about to occur. Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Hasil:Hasil walked into the hospital, dropping down Lashev and Sisk. "There," he said, "We're finally here. And we beat the others-good."He looked around, hoping to find a doctor or a nurse to help Lashev.IC-Jaron:"Go on, Skyra," Jaron said, slightly annoyed, "Back to bed for you." He pushed Skyra back into his bed, barely noticing how much colder it had suddenly become, and walked back to Onuzek's room, shivering."So, Onuzek, and Nikila," Jaron said, grabbing his girlfriend's hand, "Have you become friends yet, or will I have to break up a fight to the death?" He didn't know that he'd soon be in a fight for his life.

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OOC: Nothing personal, but expect opposition. PleaseletthemsurvivepleaseletthemsurvivepleaseletthemsurviveIC: Hiemalis was not alone for long. A certain toa of magnetism was too paranoid to ever be too far from him. Having hear the sounds of the conflict, Jolek soon ran into view, seeing the bodies and muttering a short curse. The knowledge of this being a life or death situation had a profound effect on the martial artist. No more was he merely deigning to use his skills in hand-to-hand combat, after all, he could not afford it. If he was to have the most chance of making it out of here alive, he'd have to use everything at his disposal. Weapons, element, everything.With a small grunt of exertion, he charged forward, warhammer drawn and speed boosted to an extraordinary degree by a combination of his Pakari and the wonderful drug called adrenaline. Even as he closed the distance, juking and weaving in a crazy zigzag pattern, he sought to strike preemptively, and so raised one hand and sent a powerful magnetic pulse towards Hiemalis, with what should have been enough force to bowl him over.Even as one martial artist risked his life to draw the murderer's attention, another crept up invisbly from behind, holding a crystal dagger with an edge of obsidian, honed to a sharpness one would call unrealistic. Hopefully Jolek would preoccupy the warrior in front of him enough for him to never notice Tarex coming. Even though this should work, Tarex thought, taking one silent step at a time, I'd better be ready to fight like karz if it doesn't.

helo frens

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IC: Skyra - Hospital -Before Skyra could so much as protest, Jaron had shoved him back into his bed. "But I'm sooooo bored." He pouted to himself."Geez, why is it so cold all of a sudden?" He exclaimed, hugging himself and shivering a bit.

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Ooc: Since you mentioned that Tarex was behind Hiemalis, I will assume that Jolek is in front of Hiemalis.Ic: Hiemalis saw theburly toa from a mile away, it seemed. Jolek may have had enough energy of youth to think himself a tank, but little true experience outside of a training circle, as the lord of winter observed. His movements were charateristic of someone who trained hard for combat, but whos experience relied on ideal settings and ideal moves. If the situation would be turned ever so slightly in any direction, however, the outcome would be dramatically different.With all of Jolek's speed and strength, that translated to a lot of velocity, velocity that could easily be used against him. A layer of ice spread down the hallway like a clear protective layer, and Jolek could not help but slip on it. He sped down the length of the hallway, unable to stop, while Hiemalis acrobatically jumped away, up and to the side, barely missing Jolek's frame as he sped past.To everyone's surprise, Jolek's uncontrolled race was caught not by a wall, but by an invisible object -- or person -- who was behind Hiemalis all he while. Unable to see past the beastly killer, Tarex was caught by all of Jolek's force.Hiemalis seemingly disappeared, his lithe body vanishing in a blur as he went somewhere else in the building.

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IC: SkyraHiemalis most likely noticed a sword suddenly fly out of a room and into the wall in front of him. "Karz! I'm sooo dead!" Skyra yelled from his room. He quickly ran outside the room, and yanked the sword out of the wall. Skyra turned and looked at Hiemalis, then he eyed his bloody sword. Skyra's eyes quickly averted back to Hiemalis' menacing eyes."So....." Skyra said casually, silently activating his Hau. "You new around here?" Skyra was suddenly less worried about the wall.

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: Dail & co. from Ga.IC: Dail looked around the city, the blazing heat of the volcano an uncomfortable change from the kind weather of Ga-Wahi. Of course she'd been here before and was used to the heat, but it always took a short period of adjustment."Let's check the hospital." She half-joked. "Maybe we'll get lucky." She nodded to the large building along the main thoroughfare of the city, and headed toward it.But as soon as she entered, she froze. Something was wrong. This place didn't have the air of a hospital, however busy it might have been. There was a subtle distinction. Something was happening, and it wasn't good. Dail shook herself and kept walking casually, but her mind was on high alert. Her skill prevented even the most experienced warrior from detecting her alarm, but she warned her companions."Keep your eyes peeled." She said. "Something's wrong here. We need to go find it." Dail kept walking, heading up the stairs into the wards. It didn't take long for her to find the source of the disturbance. A barbaric-looking Ice Toa was wreaking havoc in a hallway. A few dead bodies already lay at his feet and he had just sidestepped another Toa who was attacking him."What are you doing?!" Dail demanded to know. She didn't often confront a target before killing them, but her new moral set--which she was still getting used to--said that she had to try and defuse a situation peacefully before using violence, and so she did.:w:

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IC-Jaron:Jaron heard Skyra scream, and ran out. He saw some rather odd things.First, there was a large hole in the wall. Probably Skyra being bored.Two, Skyra had his shield up. In a hospital. Odd.Third, there was another being with Skyra, a gruesome looking Toa of Ice.Fourth, it was way too cold for him.Fifth, this Toa of Ice had a blood-covered sword.And lastly, the sixth, Skyra and this other Toa were having a pre-battle staring contest/awkward conversation.Jaron unsheathed his gladius, stalking slowly up to the Toa. He pulled out his shield also, and hid behind it. "Skyra!" He called. "Back away slowly, now!"

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC: Jikal + KrayzikkJikal eyed Hiemalis. "Dail, I am picking up cruelty. And lots of it. Mostly emanating from him." Krayzikk walked into the hall, and noticed the situation. In an instant, his morning star was drawn and he was in a defensive position. "Looks like there be a fight."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: NikaronNikaron heard a commotion going on inside the hospital, what the karz is going on, sounds like a fight. He turned and looked at Ara'kas, "Look I want you to stay with Avya and Xibre. I also want Kamaehu to stay as well, I'm gonna go check what's going on inside. If I'm not back soon, assume the worst and get the Karz out of here. And before you argue, you guys know as well as I do that we do not want to get Avya involved in a massive battle, thus I'm entrusting you to get her to safety."Nikaron then turned and began walking into the building, readying his daggers for throwing.


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IC-Hasil:Hasil noticed a sudden shift in the hospital's climate. It got colder, and it started snowing. Inside a volcano. He unsheathed his Av'tlen and began to walk along one of the halls, Lashev and Sisk following him.IC-Lashev:Normally Lashev would have been happy, what with it snowing as opposed to the harsh, burning air in the rest of the Wahi...but, seeing as Grochi and somebody else were certainly on edge, he grabbed his sword and began to follow Hasil, dragging Sisk along with him. He looked back at the Le-Matoran."Do you have any idea what's happening?" He asked, concerned for his two friends (and himself).

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC: EmotiaEmotia looked at the scene around her, several dead bodies, and a Toa of Ice with a blooded sword. Her initial reaction was fear, she pulled out her metal pole quickly. Her eyes began to glow dark green, as well as her mark. Despite the fear, there was also... adrenaline...excitement. She felt her strength increasing.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Jolek found himself sliding out of control, propelled even faster than before by the new lack of friction. It was only thanks to years upon years of training in the martial arts that allowed him to keep his balance. Sliding towards Hiemalis, he quickly readjusted himself, gauging his speed...And swung his warhammer even as the Lord of Winter leapt out of his path.With a growl of frustration, he turned and raised an arm, preparing to fire off another pulse of magnetism--And found himself tumbling head over heels, having suddenly collided with Tarex, his momentum carrying them quite the distance and into a wall."Off." the Toa of Crystals grunted.Jolek didn't need to be told, as he regained his footing with a curse and turned back to the battle, noting a nick on his cheek. "Karz, did he seriously get me without me noticing?" he asked disbelievingly. "I had to have at least grazed him in return...""Nah, that was me." Tarex explained, decloaking himself and showing the knife. "Lucky you din't gut yourself on this thing.""Duly noted," Jolek replied with a curt nod. "So we're dealing with Ice here. You're the thinker of us, got a plan?""Can't say I do. Don't really have time to plan either. We need to get back in the fight, pronto."

helo frens

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Ic: Hiemalis turned around and faced the beings gathering near room 12. He disregarded the toa of air with her friends at the steps; the passive ones were always the last to react, but the ones with their weapons drawn were the most prepared. "Charll kilkarl," he muttered in his alien tongue as he stared back at them. He raised his sword up and prepared for the fight.He tiptoed quickly with the grace of a dancer, racing at the people gathered. His sword was kept pointed at the people; no huge swings in the confines of the hallway. This battle would be close and personal. The surroundings were narrow, and it would be hard for anyone to make use of the heavier weapons. Maces, warhammers, flails, longswords; all were rendered innefective in this area. The one with the gladius, the short sword, would be a far more agile enemy for Hiemalis to counter; and the one with daggers would be interesting, too, but so long as he was kept at bay behind someone else, his daggers would be nigh useless. The rest, however, would be easily dispatched as he used their weapons against them.The one with the broadsword was attacked first (LOL, go figure, Snels. XD ) as Hiemalis cut the distance between them quickly. The two blades intercepted each other, Hiemalis intending to keep the big weapon out of play. Knocking it to the far side, he forcefully tangled his legs with Skyra's and then shoved with his free hand, throwing Skyra tumbling to the floor and releasing the broadsword; it skittered down the hallway into Kol's room (8).

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IC: NikaronNikaron eyed the battle scene, quickly coming to similar conclusions as Hiemalis. Nikaron then took a few steps back, the others may think he was retreated, but in truth he had another plan in mind. As Hiemalis knocked Skyra to the ground, Nikaron seized the opportunity. For now the Ko-Toa was left exposed, exposed the two daggers that were now soaring through the air and at Hiemalis, soon followed by a disk Nikaron had launched.


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IC-Jaron:Jaron grunted as he saw Skyra go down, and began to slowly heat up the ground underneath the being's feet. Jaron didn't want to go near him at all, but he would if he had to. First, though, make it hard for him to walk. Jaron kept heating up the area, causing the stone tiles to start to soften somewhat.IC-Hasil:Hasil burst around the corner, looking on at what happened. He saw a Toa of Air flat on the floor, a strange looking Toa of ice having tackled him, now dancing on the too-hot floor. Hasil readied his Av'tlen as Lashev readied his short sword, and he brought up a shield between the two of them and the Toa of ice. Looking down to Lashev, he asked, "Do you know who he is?"IC-Lashev:"Not at all," Lashev whispered back to the Mri. "But I think he's dangerous, what about you? And look at his mask," Lashev snorted. "That thing certainly has the ability to put fear into people, doesn't it?"OOC: Just so you know, EW, an Av'tlen is a short sword like a Wakizashi. I guess I picked out a lot of good weapons before this fight started, didn't I? :P

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC: Dail rolled her eyes. it was quite clear what was going on. Blades of hot wind snared themselves around Hiemalis' arms and legs, tripping him and knocking him to the floor. The air in his throat congealed, preventing him from inhaling or exhaling, and it was hot as well.Hiemalis had forgotten one important thing: Ice Toa are traditionally weak to fire, and he was in the heart of a volcano. he would be fighting with almost nothing but his brains. :w:

Edited by Lloyd: the White Wolf
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IC: Skyra"I take that as a ye-oof!" Just like that, Skyra was sent to the floor, he rolled a bit before coming to a stop. Seeing others had come to his aid and were now attacking Hiemalis, Skyra took this opportunity to go toward Kol's room and get his sword back. Sure, he had two katanas on his back he could easily take out and use, but it was the principle of the thing! He'd never abandon such a nice sword so easily. Skyra created a draft to blow his broadsword toward him as he reached for it. Got it! He quickly spun around, and waited to see how effective his friends attacks were. IC: EmotiaEmotia stood her ground, not wanting to get in the way of the other combats, she'd jump in when she felt the time was right.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Ooc: Kal, do me a favor and don't use neon colors, at least when playing with me. It's horrifically difficult for me to read.Ic: Hiemalis's aura of cold penetrated the room, and with it, his tendrils of knowledge spread. He ruled the air there, and so he could tell that the blades were whirling at him. But more than one thing happened then:One, of course, the daggers were flying at him, as was the throwing disk lauched at him. Two, the arms of hot air siezed him, disappating his frost in an instant. But instead of fighting it, he fell down with the invisible force's tug, and fell down limp but in control of himself.But the hot air was another thing. It was borne of the environment, recycled by the toa of air from what was already around. But here, inside the rock walls, thick in the fortress of Ko-Koro, it was different. Drawing on his elemental energies, Hiemalis obliterated the heat. Before, it was just an aura he displayed, a show that had no real draw on his energies. But now he was actually trying, and as quickly as the hot air had caught him, it disappeared as the frigidity of his ice took over. The walls of the hospital were suddenly coated with a membrane of the element, pushing the heat back and away, towards Dail. Suddenly, Dail's power over Hiemalis was for not, and a beam of ice followed, channeling through the hallway's length at the toa of air and her companions.Without waiting to watch the result, Hiemalis jumped away, disappearing down another hallway. By the time the foghters looked down it, he was not there. Everybody had to be on their guard.

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OOC: I couldn't think of a good color for Lashev, get off me! :PIC-Jaron:"Karz," Jaron exclaimed, watching as the Toa of Ice moved away. "He's gone again." He put up his shield and began to walk down the dim hallways, the cold air sapping energy from the incandescent bulbs in the area. There was barely any light as he walked down the halls, gladius at the ready."Where are you?" He called out, trying to force the other Toa to show himself. "I know you're here somewhere, why don't you show yourself and fight?" He stopped at a slight sound. "Ooh, getting scared, eh? Come on, I won't bite....much." He began to heat the air around him, doing the opposite of the being he was fighting. He could feel a tenseness in the warm air, vibrations from the moving being carrying to him. "I can hear you," he whispered, knowing the other Toa would hear him. A cold gust brushed past him as his warmed air and the Toa's cold air collided. "Come out, come out, let's play," He growled then, preparing himself for a surprise. He gripped his gladius the way he had been trained, loosely enough to maintain good control, but tightly enough that it couldn't be knocked out of his grip.

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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