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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Angelus"Alright," he said. "We need to get back to Ta-Koro. Ugh, how much money did I bring...?"He opened up his bag and pulled out one of a dozen small sacks, opening it and revealing that it was full to the brim with widgets."Enough to get a hotel for a couple weeks while we keep the investigation going..." he said absentmindedly to himself, not thinking about what Kinvex would say about the small fortune inside.-Teezy



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OOC: Gah, why must my internet mess with me?IC: JikalJikal noticed the extent of Emotia's injury. "Miss, you will want to get some pressure on that. Otherwise, you will continue to bleed heavily."

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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IC: Dathros let his swords be pushed down. He chuckled out a reply to Utu. "Look, your friends are abandoning you. You have no chance against me." Then it happened. It was just one smooth motion. He slightly threw his left sword to the right, caught and reversed it with his right hand, then used his left to grab a handful of sand and throw it in Utu's eyes.The distraction was followed by a lunging sweep of his swords. IC: "Indeed." Responded Kamaehu. "We will take the main road. Less complications that way. Shall we go?" With that, he started to stride towards Ta-Wahi.

Edited by Progenitus Worldsoul

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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IC: Angelus"This stuff? It was all in one of the treasure rooms in the temple," he said with a shrug. "I filled as many bags as I could, dropped off most of them in my house in Le-Wahi, and brought this around for walking-around money."He shrugged and then reached into his bag, pulling out a red stone as large as his fist. Even from a distance, it emanated a raw energy about it."And I found this," he said with a shrug. "I meant to ask one of the Turaga if they knew what it was..."OOC: I know it's not a Toa Stone; I'm aware it's against the rules. I'm still trying to figure out, though, what exactly it could be...-Teezy



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IC: JikalJikal looked at Reaver, with an odd curiosity in his eyes. "Only the hospital will know if she needs it." He paused. "The two of you are Mark-Bearers,

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Reaver'I don't think we've been introduced. I'm Reaver, Mark of Agony, that's Emotia, Mark of Excitement, it would seem-ok, seriously, Emotia, harden up, all his strength you're giving me is making feel really guilty-anyway, and that's Knidia, the not-quite-Toa.' She held out her hand to the newcomer.

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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IC: Jikal/????Jikal's hand flew to the handle of his broadsword when she did that and his eyes turned poison green. "And what was that for, hmm? And what did you mean by shattered?"When he spoke it was a distinctly different voice. Then, slowly, his hand dropped from the handle of his blade and his eyes returned to normal. "Sorry about that.<p>IC:



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: JikalJikal grimaced. "Unfortunately so. If my Mark forcefully activates, he takes control. Other times too. He doesn't so much seem to be part of my mind, more like another mind stuffed in."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: "Indeed." Responded Kamaehu. "We will take the main road. Less complications that way. Shall we go?" With that, he started to stride towards Ta-Wahi.

IC (Avya) (Shores of Naho Bay)Finally, I felt like I was actually doing something. Instead of wandering around hopelessly, I was going to strike out across this island and forge a new life, though I secretly hoped that somewhere along the way I would find clues to my forgotten past.At least this island was civilized enough to have roads. I'm not a pushover, but bushwhacking through the wilderness isn't exactly my idea of fun. From what I could see from the beach, the forests deeper inland were tall and dense, no doubt having been there for hundreds of years.So it was with a bit of relief that I followed Kamaehu down the beach, leaving footprints in the sand that followed me as we made our way towards the road that would lead to Ta-Wahi.OOC: Avya to Ta-Wahi
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OOC:Each Mark has a different design. For example, Utu's bears some resemblance to the UDD symbol, and Tank's is a circle with a slash going through it. Think of each Mark as a rune.IC: Utu - Ga-Wahi - Destroyed VillageUtu looked at the being before him oddly before countering. Utu didn't change his footing, but he parried flawlessly, each blow being reflected off his own blade. That is, until the beast threw sand in his face. Utu turned his head in surprise and stepped back, narrowly avoiding one blade, but instead being struck by the other. Utu's side was cut.Utu looked back at the being that stood before him. Enraged. Steadfast. And pathetic.Utu opened his mouth and roared at his enemy before he released with full power, a kick to the chest, and if it connected, the beast would be sent flying.IC: Tuara - Ga-Wahi - Destroyed VillageTuara peered at the object in Angelus' hand before looking back at Utu who just cried out, "Aren't we forgetting something?"IC: Tank - Ga-Wahi Destroyed VillageTank looked at Kinvex and Angelus, "We aren't going back to Ta-Koro."OOC:Let's wait for Progenitus to respond first.

Edited by MicroSnipe

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OOC: Dail from Kumu Islets.IC: The library appeared massive. Hallways vanished into the distance, lined with engraved bookshelves. Dust lay on the floor, not even the slightest breeze disturbing it. It took her a moment to realize that she was in the middle of a brilliant beam of light, which shone from an oculus far overhead. As she stirred, the dust around her feet shifted and she noticed the lines of some strange magic circle. She took one hesitating step forward, her footstep echoing cavernously from the bookshelves."Welcome." The voice came from the stacks of books in front of Dail, and a Toa stepped out from behind a bookshelf. He was a little latter than average, dressed in a tan tunic and flowing brown robes. His armor color was a dark green, almost so dark as to be indistinguishable from black. His mask was the greatest anomaly however, moulded in a shape alien to Dail's mind. She simply couldn't identify what mask it was."This is the Kanohi Kaniru." The Toa said, a knowing smile dancing around his mouth. "The mask of Change, and far too powerful for such a time as yours. But that is not why you are here.""Then why?" Dail asked. "And how did I get here, anyway?""This is one of the most hidden parts of the Spirit Realm." The Toa answered. "It holds every ended tale and every forgotten legend. I have brought you here because I wish you to take a tome back out." He turned away from her and began walking away, into the labyrinthine depths of the library. Dail got the sense that she should follow, and quickly did."What? Why me? And who are you, anyway?""I am the Master of this place, and I have selected you because I know what you can be, if you heed me.""You're a book-keeper? And a fortune-teller?""This place is its own keeper. I am its Master." The Toa turned to move up a flight of steps, his hands concealed in the sleeves of his robes. They walked in silence for some time, the Toa quiet as he made his way confidently through the maze that was the library. Dail followed behind, puzzling over his words. At last they arrived. Graven on the shelf was an image of some sort of building complex, with Toa fiercely battling each other. The robed Toa picked up a large book from the shelf, leather-bound and sealed shut with a large metal latch. It exuded a feeling of age and sanctity, as if it had not been touched been touched for ages, and should not be touched.Dail eyed it curiously, but warily."This is the Tome of the Student." The Toa informed her. "The teachings within it are old beyond measure, but to your world, they are brand new. I make you an offer:I will entrust this Tome to you on two conditions."Dail was interested. What was in the book? Knowledge never before seen by her world? What did that mean? She was quite eager to open it up and find out."One, you must give up your occupation as an assassin."That took Dail by surprise. How had he found out? Her mind began calculating a contingency. He wouldn't be able to tell anyone, he was out in the middle of nowhere, and he didn't seem interested in hiring her. She got the feeling that he simply disapproved of her lifestyle."Two, you must devote yourself to following the tachings in this Tome. If you believe you cannot do so, you may simply return the Tome to me and I will find another bearer.""I can back out?" Dail asked warily."It would sadden me, but if you so choose, you may." The Toa said."And how, exactly, will I support myself if I don't have an income from my job?""You will be provided for." The Toa said.Dail evaluated him critically, but his face was unreadable behind the strange mask. Perhaps a slight look of satisfaction. After a long, tense moment, she spoke."Fine. I'll give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen?"The Toa only smiled cryptically as he handed the Tome to Dail."Blessings upon you." He murmured. "Now it is time for you to go."


Dail awoke on the shore of Ga-Wahi, sitting comfortably under the shade of a tree. The waves rushed against the shore with a soothing sound, and seagulls called to each other over the blue of the Endless Ocean. Dail went to stand, and found--somewhat to her surprise--that the Tome of the Student lay in her lap. Its latch was opened, however, as if granting her permission to look inside. First, however, she decided that she needed a place to stay while she read the Tome."Alright, 'Master.'" She said to the air. "You said I'd be provided for. Show me."The cool sea breeze drifted past her, almost signalling "follow me." Skeptical, Dail raised an eyebrow, looking toward the cliffside as she felt the breeze dance up its ledges. However, she had asked for proof, so she summoned a cushion of air and followed the breeze upward. It led her deeper inland, away from the coast that Ga-Wahi was so well known for an into the interior of the island. Not far enough south to reach Ta-Wahi, yet not far enough north to reach the blistering desert that was Po-Wahi. There was light shrubbery and several trees, but plenty of flatland or small hills.Behind a set of long, low hills, she found something that surprised her: a ravine, deeply carven into the earth (but not so deep that the noon sun could not expose its depths) and somewhat wide. What appeared to be well-worn and aged steps were concealed nearby, and she followed them down into the ravine where she discovered, much to her surprise, a small dwelling, half carved into the rock face and half build on a sturdy wooden platform. It appeared unlocked, and inside was a cot, book-stand, and basic necessities. It seemed tailor-made to her current needs."I admit," she said, not doubting now that the 'Master' was listening, "I'm impressed."She sat down on the cot, opened the dusty Tome, and began reading.OOC: My gosh, I'm writing like FT or Mout now. That's...a little surreal. :w:

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OOC: That was very nice to ready, Lloyd, good post, gonna keep an eye on Dail.IC:Sisk looked over his shoulder, taken by slight surprise. He hadn't heard the Toa approach. Or maybe he and Lashev had just zoned out so much that they simply hadn't noticed."JL? Where'd you quick-fly from?" he asked.




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IC - Eonian - Entering the KoroEonian, drunk with the beauty of the beach and drenched in ocean spray, entered the magnificent Koro of water. Cheerful Ga-Matoran and others from various respective Koros walked about, performing tasks and running their village atop lily pads. He had never in his life lade eyes on a village this grand, indeed. Wondrous in simplicity, but silently complex. Ingenious. The bronze Toa took his seat at a small cafe, as his throat was parched dry. He realized that out of the six he had left to visit, this would likely be his favorite for its serenity.He opened the menu, looking over the choices carefully. Hmm, this Moko Loka juice looked tasty... He would try that. As soon as one of said cheerful Ga-Matoran attended his table, he ordered the juice and a cheese scone. She chuckled, informing him that Moko Loka was in actuality a condiment. He chuckled along nervously before nodding and ordering water.

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

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OOC: That was very nice to ready, Lloyd, good post, gonna keep an eye on Dail.IC:Sisk looked over his shoulder, taken by slight surprise. He hadn't heard the Toa approach. Or maybe he and Lashev had just zoned out so much that they simply hadn't noticed."JL? Where'd you quick-fly from?" he asked.

IC-Lashev:Lashev turned from watching the waves to the Toa who had come to them, apparently without their notice. He looked over at Sisk, and shrugged, showing he didn't know this Toa here. Looking back, he noticed Hasil striding up to them, and got ready to leave.IC-Hasil:"Finally," Hasil said exasperatedly, "I finally found the two of you. Come on, the others are heading to Ta-Koro, we have to go," He said quickly as he picked up both Lashev and Sisk and sat them on his shoulders. He looked at the other Toa with them. "I don't know who you are," he muttered to the being, "But if you're planning to talk you better come with us to Ta-Koro."OOC: Well, we're heading to Ta-Koro soon enough...maybe Lashev can get his arm fixed. :P

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IC: JL/CyraxJL: Actually, I was always here. In fact, I think I was - no, wait. Yeah, I had been here for quite a long time now. I was beside you guys since Ta-Koro, remember? And then we got here, and then everything stopped. It was weird, so I fell asleep.Cyrax:....Sisk, did you get amnesia? I can whack you in the head or something.OOC: Lol what? Lashev, JL and Cyrax was there before and when Lashev + That 1 other char you had got to Kalama's Raiders. How do you not know?Well, let me just tell you, there were like, 7 people tagging around while in Ko-Wahi. 1 left though. Then I think more when Kalama got banned.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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OOC: Yeah, except Lashev and Sisk are off relatively far away from everybody else were. We kinda left everybody behind, unless you guys followed Lashev and Sisk to their little hidey-spot.IC-Hasil:"That doesn't really matter now, does it?" Hasil said impatiently, waiting for everything to get along. "Can we just please catch up to Arak'as and Kamaehu now?"OOC: Here's the link to Sisk's post where he walked off from everybody, if it helps.

Edited by Kal Grochi

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: "What are you *hic* doing? Trying to break my- Aaaahahhoowwww!" Blackout's knuckles and fingers clicked horribly out of place as he began to wail, "Ow, stop, gedoff gedoff gedoff!"Meanwhile, Crankcase, Crowbar and Hatchet were marching through the Koro with some loot from a Matoran hut when they saw Blackout, drunk, fighting someone who was clearly out of his league. Crankcase's hand had only just collided with his face as Hatchet and Crowbar rushed towards the combatants.

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IC: JikalWhether or not Knidia wished to see the sight she would, Jikal was indeed following her to the hospital. He had nodded to Reaver saying "I hope to talk to you again later." Then followed Knidia to the hospital. He had just met two other Mark Bearers and had spoken with only one, he would not rest until he had spoken with the other.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: "It is not your fault someone decided to mark you and throw you in with a pack of psychotics," Knidia grumbled. When they reached the hospital she hoisted Emotia up onto a bed. It didn't take long for nurses to flock around the bleeding Toa.Knidia hoped she had made the right decision coming here. From what she had gathered the other two fed on agony and cruelty just as Emotia fed on excitement. The hospital was full of people in pain which would strengthen Reaver, who was mental to put it lightly. But all the kindness and compassion shown by the medical staff might weaken Jikal, as it was the opposite to his mark. If that was even how it worked, Knidia still had no idea. And Jikal seemed reasonable if a bit cold and remote. She didn't want to weaken an ally and strengthen an enemy. Then again she was no pushover herself. Just let Reaver try anything. Knidia needed a reason to vent...


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IC: EmotiaThe medical staff was quick to start treating the wound. They mercifully used chloroform and sent Emotia into a peaceful sleep while they patched up her leg.OOC: I'm no expert on how they'd treat this wound, so...I'm not going into much detail on it.

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IC: ReaverThe Scarred Toa had followed them. She leaned outside of Emotia's room, listening to the doctors skillfully mending her wound. Why did I attack her? She didn't deserve it, she was just making a point. Reaver slid slowly down the wall, hanging her head in her hands, silently weeping.

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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IC: JikalJikal stood near Knidia. "Let me guess, at the events that transpired in the tavern that is. If I have it right Reaver feeds on agony and Emotia on excitement, correct? So Reaver decides she wants her Mark-high, and attacks Emotia?"

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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