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IC-KuAnLo:KuAnLo felt the heat burn against his cheek as he rolled out of the way, and he then ran over to the Toa of Ice. He crouched over the body, growling angrily at the others coming near him as he grabbed the Toa with his teeth and began to drag him away, keeping all the others in his sight. He put one clawed hand-paw down on the Toa's chest as he came back up, howling at the others.He then smiled at them, and spoke in his rasping voice: "I've had fun playing with all of you, but I think I'm going to claim what is mine. Have fun with each other, my friends." KuAnLo then grabbed the Toa of Ice again, dragging him towards the nearby forest.OOC: Feel free to have him wake up now...otherwise his body will be eaten, Tyler. :P

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IC: Dorian (Forest, Ga-Wahi)Dorian's eyes snapped open, and it took all his willpower not to cry out in pain: he was being dragged by the creature's mouth. It was...disgusting."Digest this," he said with a smirk, whipping out his daggers and stabbing at KuAnLo's heart.-Teezy



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IC-KuAnLo:KuAnLo pulled up the body of the Toa of Ice in the way of the Toa of Electricity's dagger, using the newly-awoken Toa as a meatshield to protect himself, laughing at the surprised and scared look of the Toa of Electricity as the dagger closed in. He also laughed as the Toa of Ice's daggers were thrown off aim, bouncing against his protosteel armour, leaving a couple of dents.OOC: Meatshields are so much fun...hahaha.

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OOC: Just going to tell you that Dorian's an extremely skilled and competent bounty hunter, and it's highly unlikely he would carry daggers that couldn't pierce Protosteel to some extent. It's armor: extremely powerful armor, perhaps, but still infallible.IC: Dorian (Destroyed Village, Ga-Wahi)Dorian tore himself away from the grasp of KuAnLo with a snarl of pain; front flipping forward, he landed on his feet and turned around, creating a giant chunk of ice from the liquid under KuAnLo's armor. It began to stretch and rip through the Protosteel.OOC: Awww yeah.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC-KuAnLo:KuAnLo growled in pain as the ice tore into his legs. He kicked one leg, then the next freeing them. The ice shards fell away, exposing bleeding gashes and rents in his armour. "Very good, very good," he said to the being. He then stood upright, extending his clawed hand."It seems that you are a predator, much as myself. I'll stop," he said, smirking greatly. "After all, I can just find some other Matoran later." He then looked around at the others. "My name is KuAnLo," he said, saying the first thing to come to his mind. He didn't know where he drew that name up, it just felt right."So, who are all of you?" he rasped, still looking over them warily.

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IC: Dorian (Destroyed Village, Ga-Wahi)"Quazon the Obliterator," said Dorian with a straight face; the comment drew snorts of laughter from everyone present but Utu.-Teezy



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IC-KuAnLo:KuAnLo tilted his head slightly to the side, staring at the Toa of Ice like a confused wolf or bird. "I'm sorry, did you say "Quazon the Obliterator?" You're a great hunter," he rasped, "But you're terrible at naming yourself, even in jokes." KuAnLo frowned, and looked around. "What is his real name?" He asked all the beings present.

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IC: Dorian (Destroyed Village, Ga-Wahi)Dorian jerked his thumb at Kinvex and nodded knowingly. Now that he wasn't focused on being as murderous and sadistic as possible, his old personality was starting to flood back into him.If he hadn't just tried to kill all of them about an hour ago, he probably would have been a likable guy.-Teezy



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IC: Angelus (Destroyed Village, Ga-Wahi)"I'm Angelus," said the Toa of Fire, standing beside Kinvex with his arms crossed and his eyes on the ground in front of KuAnLo. "And I'm not."-Teezy



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IC: Utu - Ga-Wahi - Destroyed VillageUtu chuckled inwardly as the others so easily gave their names to somebody that just tried to kill them all.He nodded at Tuara as Tank pulled out the ice dagger from his shoulder painfully. To Utu's surprise, Tank did not exploit the pain for his Mark.IC: Tuara - Ga-Wahi - Destroyed VillageTuara stepped forwards reluctantly, "And I'm Tuara. Deputy of the Ta-Koro Guard, and currently you're under arrest."

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OOC: @MS: In fairness, Dorian tried to pass off Quazon.IC: Dorian (Destroyed Village, Ga-Wahi)"Don't expect me to restrain him," muttered Dorian. "I don't like being in other creatures mouths for a second longer than I have to be."-Teezy



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IC-KuAnLo:KuAnLo laughed at what Tuara said, and smiled at her. "You can try," he rasped, his long unused vocal chords becoming hoarser than ever, "But I doubt you'll be able to hold me." He then held out his hands to all of them, smiling insolently. "Go on," he said to them, looking around. "Cuff me. I dare you."He then looked over at the Toa Angelus. "So you're Angelus...and yet you're not?" He shook his head, his arms still outstretched. "I get the feeling that your sense of humour is worse than Dorian's here," he said, pointing at the toa of ice. Then he shrugged. "It'd still be better than mine," he rasped. "After all, I don't have the ability to crack a joke at all." He shrugged again, and stretched his arms, his strong, yet deformed muscles flexing powerfully."So," he said to them, "Who wants to try and cuff me?" He looked around at all the others, and smiled. "Don't worry," he said to them, "I won't bite." He laughed slightly. "...Much."

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IC: Tuara - Ga-Wahi - Destroyed VillageTuara stepped closer, close enough to smell the being's breath. Granted, it wasn't that difficult, "Cuffs?"IC: Tank - Ga-Wahi - Destroyed VillageTank swung hard with his iron staff, striking KuAnLo across the back of the head, he hoped the twisted Toa was out. They needed to leave.

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IC-KuAnLo:"Why, what is it you're planning to do with me?" KuAnLo asked, before he felt a sharp smack across the back of his head.He reeled, his senses protesting every movement he made. He stumbled around, the pain across his head's aft-side not leaving. More like it was getting worse. He growled once, before he stumbled again, falling to the ground. He was out cold.OOC: Autohit! I cry Autohit! ...But I did put Tank in a headlock and threaten his life. I feel it was justified. xD

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IC(Operator): The tall toa made landfall under cover of night. He looked around, spotting a fishermatoran sleeping not too far away. It looked as if he had been out there a while.The toa approached him, awakening him with a gust of wind."Huh?...Oh, good, it's just a toa. Hello!"The Operator made no noise."Erm...that's a bit rude of you not to--GURK!"The toa had picked up the matoran by the neck, and was now strangling him.And then, he left before the job was finished, teleporting away into the lands away from the sea.The matoran awoke an hour later, believing it to be a dream. A terrifying, realistic, painful dream.IC(Mirr): Mirr waved his arms at the stall he was now manning. "Come one, come all! We've got the best possible things here! Pineapples, Tea, Coconuts, anything else that we can get imported! It can be yours, just come over to Rialr's Amazing Stuff Mart!" The matoran was feeling quite dull now, as he had been saying that for his new boss, Rialr. He sighed, wishing that he was still travelling with Jeni, or at the very least, doing something other than yelling and handing Coconuts to various matoran.

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OOC:Yeah... I'm sorry. :PIC: Tuara - Ga-Wahi - Destroyed VillageShe looked at the others of the group, "Well then. Now that we've been attacked by two beings for no reason tonight, why don't we set out now?"Tuara shot Utu another one of her looks, "We wouldn't want to waste time when we could be preparing our own personal army."IC: Tank - Ga-Wahi - Destroyed VillageTank nodded in agreement, still clutching his shoulder. He started to wrap it with the same cloth he used to use to cover his Mark of Pain, "The bodies strewn about here?"IC: Utu - Ga-Wahi - Destroyed Village"We don't have time to bury them.""Of course not. Not that you cared anyways," Tank kneeled next to KuAnLo and checked his head out. He knew Utu just wanted to reinforce the fact they should leave, "His body is... Strange.""Mutations don't occur frequently Tank. You know that." Tuara placed both staffs in their sheaths and started walking slowly.Utu stepped past Dorian, "We move to Ga-Koro. We should get there by midnight if we move quickly."Tank stood back up after putting KuAnLo into a more comfortable position for his awakening. He rolled his shoulder before moving in step alongside Tuara, taking note of Dorian's position; next to Utu. That was going to be a problem. The two were too much alike for Tank to feel comfortable about having Dorian around, and Utu was going to make good use of "recruiting" him to his side. Already the group had started to divide... Sort of. At least Tank expected that to happen now that Utu had taken control of the posse of sorts. He turned to Kinvex as they walked, "How'd you get all caught up in this?"Utu looked at Dorian, "Tank feels we should collect as much information as possible about the Marks so I should probably ask although I already have a guess of what your answer will be. What do you know about yours?"Tuara stepped next to Angelus and asked in a slightly joking tone, yet maintaining a straight face, "You and Dorian are good friends huh?OOC:Awww yeah, conversations.

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IC: The strangely shaped sword's blades missed, but stabbed either side of Crankcase's body, trapping him. He began to madly thrash about with his broken wrist blades in an attempt to make Gravity let go.Blackout was winded by the knee of Hound, stunning him briefly.Crowbar scrambled to his feet and delivered a flying kick at Kirian.

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IC: Angelus (Destroyed Village, Ga-Wahi)"Oh, yes," said Angelus, falling in step behind Tuara and cracking a small smirk. "I love him to death."IC: Dorian (Destroyed Village, Ga-Wahi)"Not a lot," Dorian admitted with a shrug. "The last thing I remember is leaving Ga-Koro a couple weeks ago. I woke up in the jungle bordering Le-Wahi with the Mark on my shoulder, and I've been trying to feed it ever since. The rush is...incredible."-Teezy



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IC: GravityI smiled, stepped back from the flailing Skakdi and said, "Well, sorry. Its been fun fighting with you, but..."I snapped my fingers, and gravity's pull on Crankcase increased dramaticly, along with the sword he was trapped under."... I have other things to do."

Edited by Gravity



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IC: GravityWith Crankcase trapped for the time being, I took the time to study my injuries. I looked down at myself and winced.My three tentacles had been deeply cut along one section, my chest armor was melted out of shape, I was burned from Blackout's laser vision, my arm had to identical cuts along each side, and the cut I had gotten as a Muaka had translated to a huge gash across my stomach. All of these were bleeding, besides the burn."Yikes, I might need someone took take a look at these," I said as if I were descibing the weather.



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OOC: Gutlun from Ta-Wahi.IC: "Hello..?" murmured a Ga-Matoran nervously at a sound to her left, "Look Kahlynn, if that's you, this isn't funny. Come out or I'll tell Nokama."Suddenly a Vortixx emerged from the fishing nets and baskets. She had seen him before, with another, "Oh, it's you. How are things? Settling in all ri-" her words were interrupted by Gutlun's hand clamping over her mouth and nose, stopping her from breathing.After a few seconds, the Matoran fell unconscious, and Gutlun quietly attached her foot to a ball of iron and slipped it into the water. A few bubbles broke the surface, then silence.

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IC: Gravity"You know what? Nevermind, I'll take care of that later," I said.I turned to Blackout, and while still focusing on Crankcase, negitated the rather large Skakdi's gravity; making him float up into the air. I then increased his gravity greatly, sending him to the ground.How I was controling the gravity on two separate targets, I don't know. But it was taking a great amount of elemental power in order to do it. I also had to focus completely on the task.



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IC: Gravity"Score two for Gravity!" I exlaimed, a grin on my face.But I actually felt just as bad as Blackout, and I wanted to lay down in sand, too. But I stayed up, and continued to keep the gravity increased on the two Skakdi.I wondered what would happen to me if I ran out of elemental energy, would I just pass out?"You guys mind binding them? I can't really stand for much longer."



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IC: Hound & Co, Ga-Koro BeachHound was about to attack Blackout when the skakdi was slammed up and then down, resulting in him having a face full of sand. When Gravity spoke, Hound replied with sadness. "Have you seen the condition of Tirus?" He asked as he ran to the Toa, who was breath slower and slower.Kirian scuttled back as Crowbar came flying foward, and managed to lift him arms in a X shape in front of him, letting them absorb the shock and send him skidding back in the sand. Before the Skakdi could attack again, Kirian pushed out with his hands, creating a massive amount of Elemental energy where the skakdi stood, and controled it into pure cold, hopefully freezing him in a block of ice where he stood.Hajia ran to Tirus as well, and began to help Hound stop the bleeding.OOC: OH NOES! XD


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OOC: :o EDIT: Awesome fight indeed, loads of fun. Thanks Wotsiznaim!IC: GravityI managed to stumble over to the Toa of Iron, holding my rather large stomach wound to stop it from bleeding."Ooo..... Might want to get him to the hospital, quick," I said, "And I'll stop stating the obvious now..."I swayed like a tree, the loss of blood and continued use of my elemental power was taking a toll."As soon as those two get tied up, I'll decrease his weight to make the trip quicker..." I offered, wanting to help.

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IC: Gravity"One second, please," I said to them, walking over to Blackout."I didn't understand a word you just said," I replied cheerfully, before punching him hard in the jaw, hopefully knocking him out.I then walked over to Crankcase, and wraped my tentacles around his neck, cutting off the flow of blood. Also to knock him out.OOC: Now they are. :P



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OOC: :DIC: GravityI turned off the gravitic power holding the two Skakdi, and it made feel a little better... A little. Stumbling back over to Hound, Tirus, and Hajia; I decreased Tirus' gravity, making him lighter and easier to carry.I soon regreted it though, as the world started spinning and I felt just about ready to fall asleep. I didn't turn off the alteration of gravity, though."Whoa....." I said, "Would someone mind catching me if I fall?"



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IC-KuAnLo:After awakening, KuAnLo had ranged out far from the village, trying to find the group he had been fighting with earlier. He wanted to rip those bloody, backstabbing brakas limb from limb...he was the only one allowed to do what they had done! He was the hunter, karz it!He had eventually given up, though, the search proving fruitless. He had wandered around the surrounding area, hungry, but finding no isolated Matoran he could easily attack. He had nearly given up trying to find food, too, when he came a cross a small pool of blood. He lapped it up, the rush of energy he was given going to his head.Adrenaline running through his veins, he had followed the blood trail, drinking every puddle he found, going into a complete feeding frenzy, when he came across the scene of a battle. He pounced on a block of ice, knocking it over, and ran for a tentacled mutant-Toa of gravity, dripping large amounts of blood.OOC: We meet again, Gravity....hehehe.

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IC: Hound & Co, Ga-KoroHound's heart was still pumping, and his mind was still in battle-mode. When KuAnLo appeared, and charged at Gravity, Hound rushed foward, aiming to tackle him at Max speed and force.Hajia caught Gravity as he fell.Kirian ran over to Tirus, and began to clean the wound.


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IC: GravityHajia had caught me as I fell, "Thanks..."I then noticed KuAnLo, "You have got to be friggin' kidding me. How many baddies in one day?"I saw the twisted Toa dodge Hound, and I decided to help the large being. I waved my hand, and KuAnLo suddenly felt his gravity increase, but it was a weak attack. I was low on elemental energy.



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