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Bzprpg - Po-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC: Ah, I see.Jan'antel smiled at the small child. "Well, I ran into your father as he was running from a Kane-ra, and so I decided to carry you back out here, seeing as that's what your father appeared to be doing at the time. Now, will you please sit down? After the work I spent carrying you over here, I would really rather not have to carry you back again." He then thought for a moment, and asked the small Kath-en a question. "By the way, would you happen to have a bit of a walking staff I could use on you? It would be rather helpful, at the moment."OOC: And his quest for a walking staff continues....

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC:Miha"...Fine. If Dad's over there, then I guess they don't need me." Miha said, sitting down on a nearby rock. "And no, I do not have a walking staff, but I'm sure I can find one if you really need one."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC-Jan'antel:Jan'antel smiled, happy he was able to convince the child to stay out of the fighting. And now he was finally going to have a walking aide. "Yes," he said to the small matoran, "I would rather like a walking staff. I figure it will help me to walk around until I meet the doctor named Virthee, no?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC:MihaThe small Matoran paused at the name of Virthee. "You're looking for Virthee?" She asked, getting up slowly. "Any paticular reason why? He usually stays in Ta-Koro. Why would you look for him in the desert?"

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC-Jan'antel."Why," he said, "For the same reason I need that staff. I hurt my leg, and I don't trust other doctors very much, I've been told he doesn't go quite to the extremes they do, yet he comes to the same effect. That, and I heard that after some other hospital opened in Ta-Koro he didn't get too much work, and that he was helping Turaga Onewa here in Po-Koro. Am I mistaken? If I am, I should really try to get back to my tribe." He stood up, straightening his creaking back, and looked down at the Matoran. "Would you mind helping me back into the village for now? My leg has been getting worse, and I really don't feel walking on it would be a good idea."OOC: Are you going to make an old man die in the desert, Biobeast? :P

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC:...I'm thinking about it. :PIC:Miha"You aren't wrong. But he's a bit busy. If you don't mind, can I take a look at your leg? I've trained under Virthee for a quite a while, and might be able to help you without having to disturb him." Miha said, standing up and helping the old man.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Virthee​"I see, I'll have to disinfect the wound before I start working on it, having heal up infected would be-"He jumped backwards at the sight of Aki-Nui, hand clutching his chest in surprise.

IC: ZealokanHe laughed at Virthee's reaction to Aki-Nui. 'Oh, don't worry about him, he's with us. Now then, infected wounds, eh? Well, heat kills bacteria and the like, so... I guess you'll have to cauterize it. I mean, it'll seal the wounds, as well.'

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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IC-Jan'antel:Jan'antel smiled happily at the matoran, who was so forthcoming with help. "Alright," he said, "Though I'd rather go inside than have you look at it out here-the air is starting to hurt my lungs somewhat, and I would rather not have any more sand fall into it," he said then with great humour, limping while leaning onto the Matoran.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Virthee​"I see, I'll have to disinfect the wound before I start working on it, having heal up infected would be-"He jumped backwards at the sight of Aki-Nui, hand clutching his chest in surprise.

IC: ZealokanHe laughed at Virthee's reaction to Aki-Nui. 'Oh, don't worry about him, he's with us. Now then, infected wounds, eh? Well, heat kills bacteria and the like, so... I guess you'll have to cauterize it. I mean, it'll seal the wounds, as well.'
IC: AmakavA voice, as if from nowhere said "Looks like you are looking for a Toa of Fire."Amakav stepped from thin air, using his mask of concealment, and then produced a small flame on the end of his staff. He kept it burning remotely, and then handed to Virthee. " I wonder where you could find one of those?"
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IC: Virthee He relaxed a little at the news the creature wasn't going to attack."And Cauterization is a rather painful way of fixing a wound... one I tend not to use to avoid permanent injury."He looked up at Amakav with a slight smile, a small fire appearing in his own hand."I thank you for you offer of assistance, but I believe cauterizing is within my ability as well."And it was about as far as his ability went, he couldn't work with much fire at a time, but enough for cauterizing. He reached into his bag, rummaging around in search of something.

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It has words in it

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IC: Zealokan'Anyway who has a weak stomach may want to look away from now until the time the screaming stops. I know I won't be looking.' He closed his eyes, and then turned his head for good measure. 'Get it over with.' Fiva's sudden appearance startled him. 'How many Toa of Fire do we need around here?'

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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OOC: oops.... Guess I should read characher profiles of people bfore I go up and talk to them. Next thing you know I will accidentally give a dark hunter a nuclear bomb.Also, I just googled cautierization, and previously I thought it meant burning a wound closed, not removing the tissue.IC: Amakav"1258, give or take a few, according to statictical averages and casualty rates, but of course that is asssuming there is around the same number of the other major elements, and at least 500 of the minor elements," Amakav said. "Speaking of which, what element are you?" he directed at Zealokan.

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OOC: Cauterization has something to do with burning, let's put it at that.IC: Zealokan'Ahh, excellent question. You see, I am the last of the Ve-Koronians, the Kinetics People. I control Motion itself.' He looked down at his wounds. 'Come on, I ain't got all bloody day!'

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
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IC: Virthee"Well, really? I don't think you are going to be going anywhere until the wound is patched up, and I suspect that you would rather have it done well than have it be sloppy and charred flesh."He remarked, pulling from his bag a small jar of clear liquid. He clearly didn't like Zealokan's attitude."This is to disinfect the wound."

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IC: Amakav"How good of a doctor are you?" Amakav asked. Without giving Virthee time to reply he continued quickly "I once new a doctor who was very good indeed, yes sir very good." His words were bginning to slur, and it appeared he was growing faint. "He once amputated an arm while fighting off a pair of Nui-Jaga. Yesseir, two arms all while amputiating a Nui-Jaga. I hope you are like him" he said as he collapsed on the ground in front of the two toa. In his back was the stinger of a Kofu-Jaga, and the rahi itself had tried so hard to get it out that it ripped its own tail out.

IC: ZealokanWhy didn't I take the Kiril?'

OOC: I don't think it is allowed, and I am not sure it works on biological beings, does it? Edited by NStephenH
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IC: Tangrua(Tangrua sees The Kofo-Jaga coming up at Amakav, gets Tegam's attention, and begins running towards his friend, Leaving Havon and Wraith alone.)"Is (huff) he (huff) all (huff) right?" the small matoran said catching his breath. Slowly regaining it, he continued, " I saw the 'Jaga approaching him from behind and tried to get over here to warn him, but I see I didn't make it in time."A toa showed up then, breating equally as hard. Shocked to see his friend lying with the stinger in his back, he immediately uses his power of magnetism to lift it out of Amakav's body. IC: Tegam"You, person with medical tools, we need to stop the bleeding fast. Tangrua, go get some of the saliva from the 'Jaga that did this. It can't hurt you much now."He bent down to inspect the wound. "Can you speak? Can you hear me?" Amakav weakly replied, "Behold, the doctor" before passing out once again.Tangrua returned witht the saliva in a small bottle he used for drinking water. Tagem spread it over the wound. "That should neutralize the venom for now." He turned to a shocked looking Virthee. "Do you have anything to patch this up with?OOC: Will be not very active this weekend, going to Virginia tomorrow.

Edited by NStephenH
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IC(Matu):Matu hid behind a rock,hoping that the sandstorm wouldn't get to him.All of a sudden,he was lifted into the air.It was a tornado!"Help!"All of a sudden,something grabbed him.He saw a giant purple scorpion Rahi looking at him.Then,he saw tat on it's claws it had infected Kanohi masks-meaning it was under the control of Makuta!Matu quickly punched off one of it's infected Kanohi,and it screamed,and it let Matu go.But before that,he threw a rock at it's other claw,and the other mask was knocked off.Then,he quickly ran towards a mountain,not knowing it led to Po-Koro...-CDP :tohu:

Coming June 22nd: Your chance to become an ECC critic! Power of the pen in your hands!

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I.c. Kranuka had seen that move and threw up his kolhii staff to block it but missed. The ball landed in the goal.

I.c. Kranuka had seen that move and threw up his kolhii staff to block it but missed. The ball landed in the goal.

IC Fehron dived for the ball as it emerged once more.OOC: 4-1. Are we playing to 5 or 6 goals? I forget.
OOC 5 goalsIC. Kranuka ran at Fehron, trying to keep him from getting the ball.
IC Fehron's longer legs and longer reach allowed him to beat Kranuka to the ball. He then flung it really high in the air, then leapt up and smacked it towards the goal.


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IC: VirtheeHe turned to see the Toa with a stinger in his back. Those stingers were strong enough to break stone... the fact that someone had survived taking one to the back was a miracle. And chances were, they might have some spinal damage. Virthee was a Doctor, but even he could use some help now and again... How he wished Miha were here.

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IC: TagamBeginning to calm down, he inspected the wound more closely. "It just missed the spine, by a half an inch." He said. "But he is still loosing blood. What have you got in that bag of yours anyway, waiting room magazines? We need to stop the blood NOW! Ho many paitents have you lost becaus of just sitting there?"

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IC: (Valria)"Ah, okay I guess that would make sense. We should probably get going then...if it's alright with the rest of you." Valria said. She could sense that something was up with Agni, but it seemed like he did not want to talk about it, the way he was behaving. She would respect it, cause at times she felt the same thing, if she divulged everything that she had remembered at times, well she wasn't sure what effect it would have on her friends. The sooner they got moving though, the sooner they could get to Kini-Nui and find out what really happened.


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I.c. Kranuka had seen that move and threw up his kolhii staff to block it but missed. The ball landed in the goal.

I.c. Kranuka had seen that move and threw up his kolhii staff to block it but missed. The ball landed in the goal.

IC Fehron dived for the ball as it emerged once more.OOC: 4-1. Are we playing to 5 or 6 goals? I forget.
OOC 5 goalsIC. Kranuka ran at Fehron, trying to keep him from getting the ball.
IC Fehron's longer legs and longer reach allowed him to beat Kranuka to the ball. He then flung it really high in the air, then leapt up and smacked it towards the goal.
IC. Fehron scored. "Looks like you win. Good game!"


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I.c. Kranuka had seen that move and threw up his kolhii staff to block it but missed. The ball landed in the goal.

I.c. Kranuka had seen that move and threw up his kolhii staff to block it but missed. The ball landed in the goal.

IC Fehron dived for the ball as it emerged once more.OOC: 4-1. Are we playing to 5 or 6 goals? I forget.
OOC 5 goalsIC. Kranuka ran at Fehron, trying to keep him from getting the ball.
IC Fehron's longer legs and longer reach allowed him to beat Kranuka to the ball. He then flung it really high in the air, then leapt up and smacked it towards the goal.
IC. Fehron scored. "Looks like you win. Good game!"
IC: "Good game." Fehron walked over to Kranuka. "So, now what?"OOC:Now what?


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IC(Matu):Matu was running away from the Nui-Jaga,and he looked back,and there were 5 of them,one of them blue,the ress purple,and they were all after him.These were not Ja-Warashi,the friendly and not poisonous Rahi(althogu they look poisonous,they're not,it's just for defensive purposes,and scaring away enemies),sometimes used as Mounts.No,these were 20-foot long Nui-Jaga,one sting from them resulted in death minutes after being bitten.He ran at top speed,until he got to the edge of a cliff.He knew he was doomed,but then,he saw something standing across the cliff,but he didn't know what it was...-CDP

Coming June 22nd: Your chance to become an ECC critic! Power of the pen in your hands!

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IC: Agni raised his eybrow at the Toa of earth, giving him a slightly undiscernible look. "Stranger things have been known to float." the Ta-Toa said. "Besides, I'm not a fan of the water-route either. But if has to be then it has to be. A bunch of wet feet will not stop us."




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OOC. I am planning out a story for Kranuka. Do you want to have Fehron be involved or is he going his own way?IC. Kranuka"Now we get a change of scenery. I don't like to stay in one place for too long. Any special places u wanna go?

OOC: Yeah, Fehron's gonna get involved.IC: Fehron"Got anywhere particular in mind?"


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IC: HakilveHe had gone into a tavern in Po-Koro, looking for a drink. Thankning the tender for it, he nursed his glass, not really drinking it.His thoughts were on the black armored Ga-Toa he saw in his vision. Who was she? What did she mean to him?IC: VelanShe followed the two toa to the rocky region of Po Wahi."So this is Po Wahi. Kind of bleak." she commented.Pointing to a village she asked, "Is that Po-Koro?"



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