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Dapper, pretty sure you can't do that... and even if you do do that, he can still be revived later anyway.


Chro, 14/20

"Alright," Chro said to JL. "This is a bit complicated, but I have another idea. It would basically ensure my death, but probably damage the Necromancer a lot in the process. In theory it relies on you, Daedalus, Luroka (or JiMing), and Blade, plus Ehks and/or Vox if he feels like not trying to kill us all." He paused. "Actually, wait... we can work out the details of that after the current plan is completed or negated."

OOC: Now when Zakaro's revived, he'll be on fire, and be able to burn us as well as smash us. Great going, Dapper.


Banner by jed1ndy


"Master of Shadows and Game-running Compliants, Ǝɹsɐʇz Ԁᴉɹɐʞɐ ᴉu qlɐɔʞ' No˙ 999, Vezon of the Twighlight"

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Don't get me wrong, it'd be great if we could negate Shadowhawk's powers by somehow destroying corpses, but we can't do that. XD


Also, you can't pull a container of kerosene or whatever out of your ######. If we could do that I'd be wreaking havoc in every battle. <:|

save not only their lives


but their spirits

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IC: Pulse [Health: 15/20]


An uneasy feeling settled over Pulse as he overheard he would be the next target of Shadowhawk. Removing the plasma cloud from the dynamite he had earlier for later use, he then got yet another stick of dynamite seeing as he could use the earlier dynamite, lit it, and threw it at Shadowhawk, then did what his instincts told him to: RUN AWAY IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. If Shadowhawk was only going to focus on him, why not take up his time by making him chase you, giving others time to put their plans in action?

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 223/280 HP ] - Being BOSS / targeting Pulse

The Shadowhawk partially (-1 HP) deflected Blade's lightning swirl attack with a quick-but-powerful defensive shield of Shadow energy, then gathered the darkness around his taloned left fist and threw it in black fire form at Daedalus and Luroka, dealing one damage to each of them as they carried out their respective attacks.

Luroka's magnetism pin worked quite well; the Shadowhawk wasn't really intending to go anywhere anyway, though. Daedalus's melee strike sank home and drew blood
(-1 HP), but then Pulse's stick of dynamite landed right between the two of them and violently detonated, dealing five more damage to Daedalus and knocking him flat on his back.

The black-armored Bioniboss himself also took damage from the explosion (
-5 HP), but it didn't seem slow him down a bit. Emerald eyes gleaming maniacally, he pulled out the Rocket Launcher of Exploding Heads of Undeath, took aim briefly, and fired at Pulse, dealing the standard ten damage.


There, that'll learn you to be more careful with explosives. I warned you all about area attacks, didn't I? ;)

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IC: Pulse [Health: 5/20]


If literally everything Pulse could do was going to be twisted to hurt his allies, then Pulse decided it was no use fighting. It was only recently Shadowhawk had started targeting Pulse, and already Shadowhawk had removed two thirds of his health. Seems that Shadowhawk could kill everyone in just two attacks if he so wished.


What else was there to do but surrender and die if nothing else worked?


"I surrender... no I don't."


Pulse then grabbed a health kit [+5 health, 10/20] and Kolhii Ball, and fired three plasma beams at Shadowhawk, while kicking the Kolhii Ball to Chro.

Edited by Pulse

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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-==IC: Blade -HP: 15/20==-


"Right then, let's do this." Blade said, as his eyes glowed briefly to indicate the powered up state, as he charged up electricity around his hands, and then fired off a rather large blast of extra charged lightning toward Shadowhawk, since he was still pinned down. He noticed the Kolhii Ball headed to Chro, and nodded, intending to send the last hit to Shadowhawk personally.


OOC: Oops, said energy, too used to other stuff. >>" Also, this is powered up by JL, so.... Should be a doozy, especially in water. =P

Edited by Tiz Arrior
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IC: Daedalus, 15/20


A black glob of shadow-something-or-other hit Daedalus after his attack landed (-1 HP, 14/20), but that was bearable. What wasn't so bearable was the dynamite that launched him backward several yards (-5 HP, 9/20). He hit the ground with a grunt. His right ear, which had been turned toward the explosion, no longer seemed to be working, and his head throbbed from the concussion of the explosion. Fighting down the sudden urge to throw up, Daedalus crawled to his feet and moved away from Shadowhawk. He still wanted to help in this fight, but he needed time to refocus. Plus, he was interested to hear what type of plan could possibly involve him.

My epic: For Them (Review Topic)


BZPRPG: Trauer and Faora


Bionifight Ultimate: Daedalus Drachoren and Von Worten Undtränen


The Elder Scrolls: Ashfall: K'Larn

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IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 210/280 HP ] - Evil unchained, shadow unleashed

The Shadowhawk shrugged off the various energy attacks hurled against him (
-3 HP), never shifting his smoldering gaze from Pulse. Inky shadows swirling about him like thunderclouds, he threw up his hands and drew the Kanohi Ignika of Undeath from the ash-hazy desolate skies, talons flashing cold silver as he spun it ominously on his fingertips.

"This ends here, Pulse. This battle wearies me; the sooner you die, the sooner your friends shall join you."

The mask spun once more; then his grip shifted and golden light exploded from the Ignika's metallic surface as he began to call upon its--

*kzzzzttt--- kraKKKK*

The necromancer reeled as if struck by an axe, falling to his knees on the charred ground, the Ultimate Weapon spinning from his grasp. Sparks lashed at his ornate black armor, and the harsh scent of ozone and steam was hot and ugly on the eddying wind. As quickly as it had come, the lightning crackled out and was gone, leaving the staggered boss panting in its wake. (
-10 HP)

For an instant, he just huddled there, motionless. And then his green eyes lifted, flaming, and slowly, carefully, feral menace radiating from his every movement, he got to his feet and began walking straight towards Blade. There was murder in his gaze, raw and cold and unstoppable as the Reaper himself.

Dust rose in tiny puffs from his boots... midnight shadow swirling at every step. Chill wind hissed across the barren wasteland, and the ground shuddered slightly beneath the assembled warriors. Zakaro's charred and battered corpse, still afire, rose up without a word and clambered smoothly to its feet, eyes glowing dark and empty as it stood grimly and waited for its master's word.

And into the silence, the necromancer spoke.

"You should not have done that, Blade. You will die for that, Blade."

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IC: JiMing
Health: 14/20

"I'd have to disagree!" JiMing shouted, utulizing the power of the Green Orb of Plantlife once more. Tendrils of roots sprang from the earth, coiling around both Shadowhawk and the zombified Zakaro. "You will fall, corpse mage, and your puppet too!" JiMing declared, hurling his energy shield at the zombie Zakaro's neck in an attempt to decapitate it, and charged his energy for a moment before unleashing a concentrated beam of energy to Shadowhawk's face. JiMing's green eyes glowed the same color as his chaos energy, filled with anger at Shadowhawk's continuous copying of his Ultimate Weapon. "Death falls unto the death puppeteer."

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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-==IC: Blade - HP: 15/20==-


Blade simply glared at Shadowhawk, as he twirled the icy scissor sword in his left hand, and then gripped it tightly afterward.

"I have to disagree, there." Blade said, matching Shadowhawk's gaze, as he fired off two more blasts of lightning at Shadowhawk quickly; not nearly as powerful without the power increase of JL or the water; however, it would have to do for now. However, it was also partly a distraction, as an icicle formed to Shadowhawk's side, hopefully in his blind spot, and aimed to shoot toward him and skewer him quickly.

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IC: [ Zakaro ZMB ] - [ 5/5 HP ]

Responding with unprecedented speed and coordination, the zombie lurched nimbly to one side, half-tripping as sturdy roots sprang from the dust and grappled its lower body. The energy shield carved a neat gouge straight into the undead shoulder flesh, hampering the strength of the right arm, but dealt no technical damage.

IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 207/280 HP ] - Evil unchained, shadow unleashed

"Terrified silence would be more suited for the both of you," intoned the Shadowhawk coldly, "than this foolishly valiant rot you insist on venting."

Left-hand talons flashing, he slashed Blade's icicle straight out of the air, but didn't try particularly hard to evade the lightning bolts and ranged Chaos Spears (-3 HP)... no, he had other things on his mind. And what a ruthless mind it was, indeed. Intelligent, and educated, and keen; but utterly evil.

Ten feet behind him, lying abandoned on the earth, the Kanohi Ignika of Undeath suddenly flared to brilliant life, siphoning off every last trace of Pulse's life force and killing the hapless Bionifighter instantly.

Edited by Shadowhawk
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IC: JiMing

Health: 14/20


"At least my words are understandable! Not like how you butcher perfectly good words!" JiMing said, retrieving his shield. "For example, fool has absolutely no meaning as an insult, in case you didn't know." JiMing mocked, as he looked into Shadowhawk's eyes, completely unfazed and with no fear. "I am destruction incarnate." he said, charging his energy again, while summoning more roots and mutated venus flytrap-like plants that lashed out at Shadowhawk and the zombie. "Even with your powers from Void, you are nothing but a filthy corpse puppeteer! Now join the corpses you raise once and for all!" JiMing said, his eyes glowing brilliantly as an even larger beam shot from his hands, as more tendrils sprung up to hold Shadowhawk in place.


OOC: For the record, these are stronger attacks. And by beam, I mean Kamehameha-esque beam, not ordinary Chaos Spears as you keep insisting. I swear, everyone keeps interpreting my attacks in different ways so that they're pathetically weak!

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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OOC: If you keep focusing on that, you won't have a chance to prove that they aren't stronger. Strength isn't everything, either.


-==IC: Blade - HP: 15/20==-


Blade simply smirked, as he pointed at Shadowhawk, and attempted to freeze both the legs and back of him to keep him in place, before not even looking at Zakaro and pointing at him to send a bolt of lightning his way, intending to fry him.

"You focus too much on the now; not even considering other things." Blade said, as he waited for Shadowhawk to get closer.

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IC: [ Zakaro ZMB ] - [ 4/5 HP ]

The zombie staggered momentarily (-1 HP), then gave a rattling roar of fury through Zakaro's splintered windpipe and, wrenching free of the vines that clutched at it, stomped heavily towards Blade with the sudden mindless purpose of smashing the latter's brains to pulp and then drinking them. Out of a purple cup, with a purple drink umbrella and a purple straw.

IC: [ Shadowhawk ] - [ 203/280 HP ] - Grim reaper

The Shadowhawk didn't bother responding vocally; quite plainly, the defiant duo were too far below his own intellectual capacity to understand his threats. What a great pity; he did so enjoy an intelligent conversation.

Slogging grimly forwards, slashing and hacking and kicking his way through ice constructs, lingering magnetism effects, and various clumps of irate vegetation (
-1 HP), the necromancer drew nearer and nearer to Blade. Even a particularly potent blast of Chaos energy (-3 HP) didn't slow him down, though it certainly hurt.

Edited by Shadowhawk
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OOC: When it becomes another player who makes me out to be so weak and pathetic to show how bad### and cool theirs is, it's a problem.


IC: JiMing

Health: 14/20


"I see you've shut up. Good, silence is golden if it means not having to listen to that grating voice of yours!" JiMing shouted, using the Green Orb of Plantlife to create Morbuzakh vines which lashed out at the Zakaro zombie, to completely bind it from the neck down. JiMing threw his shield at it's neck once more, and he did the same to Shadowhawk, charging up another beam once more to fire it at his face. "What are you going to do now? Call me a 'foolish foolhardy fool'?" he taunted.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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OOC: Can two others intercept the ball maybe?? ^^'


-==IC: Blade - HP: 15/20==-


Blade simply smiled, as he just waltzed backwards, icing the ground in front of Shadowhawk, and continuing to attempt to freeze his legs to try and halt his progress, firing off lightning bolts at him as he did so.

"You know, I think you could deal a bunch of damage to a lot of us too? Like, that Rainblower I was given and never have had a chance to use? Or are you thinking I'm too small a risk to use it on?" Blade taunted, trying to get Shadowhawk to waste it this early on.

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OOC: When it becomes another player who makes me out to be so weak and pathetic to show how bad### and cool theirs is, it's a problem.



Please note that, for the duration of this round, the Shadowhawk is not technically a 'Bionifighter'. He is a 'boss'. Which is something entirely different. Ergo, please also note that, for the duration of this round, I am not exactly a player, per say; I am merely the person who is running the boss. If the boss was, for instance, the titan lord Khronos, instead of the Shadowhawk, would you be just as disgruntled as you seem to be now? What's in a name, I ask you? Are you inclined against me because of past memories you have of the Shadowhawk as a character, or truly because you think I'm not playing 'fair'?


Additionally, I'd just like to point out that your Bionifighter isn't the only one who looks rather 'weak and pathetic' when stacked up against a Bioniboss. Everyone does; in all actuality, your character is probably the second most formidable, after Blade's, in terms of damage dealt and IC annoyance caused. So please, don't take offense when none is intended. Just because the Shadowhawk doesn't cry and grovel and take five damage every time your character throws a Chaos Spear at him, doesn't mean your character's attacks are being ignored.


That said, if you want to be disgruntled, I'm not going to try and stop you. But neither am I going to react, respond, or alter my actions in any way. My job is not to make your character look cool, or to pander to everyone's feelings; my job is to accurately roleplay the part of a sickeningly overpowered boss villain, which, judging by your comments and the comments of others, I seem to be doing a rather decent job of. Such a boss is designed to make you hate it, is it not?


If there's anything else you'd like to say about the way I'm running the Shadowhawk, take it up with one of the two hosts. They're the ultimate authority in all such matters, and well capable of making wise and just decisions.


IC post later.

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Is this a good time to start fighting or am I too late?

9HYoRY7.pngKayn's Thought: My hiatus of Bionicle has ended






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OOC: Oh, it's not so much a problem with you, the Chaos Spear thing was the only example. I don't think I'm allowed to name names, but there's another player who would act completely awesome and all-knowing/powerful, yet has never ever been a boss. Bad memories.


And I thought it was obvious....

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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I personally think you are doing a fine job of portraying the boss.

Thank you. :)


Is this a good time to start fighting or am I too late?

It's never too late to shed some blood, my friend. If you're on the list of current Bionifighters, you may certainly join us. I'll probably kill your inactive character if you don't, anyways, so... :P


OOC: Oh, it's not so much a problem with you, the Chaos Spear thing was the only example. I don't think I'm allowed to name names, but there's another player who would act completely awesome and all-knowing/powerful, yet has never ever been a boss. Bad memories.

Well, alright then. I'm relieved we can work this out peaceably. In future, I'll make sure to try and keep an ever closer eye on things with regard to all-around 'cool' factor, and do my very best to make sure everyone's having just as fine a time as I am. :)


Incidentally, what color do you generally portray Chaos energy as being? I forgot; I think it's a sort of lime green?

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